Sharepoint Online Development -

I am a developer with .net.mvc, angular background. We have some application developed in mvc, angular.
My question is
1. Recently my company want to do the development on share point online(not on premise). I want to develop an app either in angular\MVC which can be deployed and accessed from share point. The app basically calls one of our on premise database displays in a grid. It also involves some crud operation.
Can anyone suggest any ideas for this.
Tried reading through some sites but doesn't helped.

Create SharePoint provider hosted add-in so you could use MVC project web template(a .net MVC project), so you could develop based on your existing .net knowledge.
get started
You could host provider-hosted add-in(MVC web) in azure.

Hey Sorry Your question is getting attacked but I believe I have an approach for you.
Normally youd be able to just create a server side webpart but since you are online you wont be able to use MVC and will need to leverage front end solutions or the SPFx Framework.
If you want to go a more pure javascript route you can create an Angular Application like SPJEFF has done. He has built an Angular App that leverages the SharePoint API and runs inside a content and media webpart that you can embed into the page. Please see his blog post for more info.
Your next option is the SPFx route. Its pretty mature for the online community and constantly updated. Heres a quick read on why you should use it.
Please message if you have any questions.


iOS ready made template?

I am a web developer / programmer that is in my infancy on mobile development on iOS. I would like to start a new project on an mobile app, but usually if i were to develop a web site, I would download some html template on the web with ready made of html and css or CMS like wordpress if my application is complicated or huge, so that i do not need to design the pages from scratch. I would just need to add some php or J2EE programming towards the pages to develop my application.
So now my question is, what about iOS? Is there any ready made iOS templates with good design? I tried searching for templates on the web but doesn't seems to find any. Am I starting at the wrong foot?
Thanks in advance.
I've seen companies that offer such things, but they cost money and I don't think they are worth it. Using storyboards to build an interface and then putting in your logic code is pretty straightforward. If you need some tutorial type help getting started, is a great site.

Can we add php contact form in volusion eCommerce site?

Can we add php contact form in volusion eCommerce site?
I tried to implement but couldn't get it right.
Problem seems to me is, when calling the php file for form action to "XXX.php" file, it displays error (i.e. couldn't find the page).
Can I call "xxx.php" file from volusion "default.html" page??
Please help me out.
I know this question's a bit old but I thought I'd give you my thoughts on it anyways, You asked if you could use PHP on volusion and my answer to that is Unfortunately Not. Volusion only supports classic ASP and JavaScript on the front end of your store. (And as the previous poster said, it is written in however I've never been able to get .net code to work in it, it seems .net is only used for the admin panel and for the webservices API...)
Regardless, there are a few other ways to accomplish what you want to do; at least in my mind.
You could possibly add it with an Iframe.
If not, (if volusion blocks out your iframe, or if you just don't want an iframe) I would suggest just making your contact form in ASP or JS... You could view the following link for information on how to use their VSMPT ASP class..
If neither of the previous options work, you might also consider making the contact form be part of a new ticket. It would however require your customers to create an account first, and if it's purpose is to reach new customers you might want to look into how you add custom fields to the account registration form in volusion. This way you can have the information that you wish to collect from customers inside of your volusion admin panel.
This link may be helpful for the latter.
I wish you the best of luck working with volusion, I'm stuck on their disgusting software and sure wish I would have known the massive limitations and roadblocks, prior to starting using their product. Hopefully I'll be moving away soon! I suggest the same to anyone else on it. (sorry for the added two cents)
You can if your server will support it. What I mean by that is that Volusion is written in ASP.NET and runs on a Microsoft server. PHP on the other hand runs on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server.
Generally I don't find servers running both the LAMP stack and the Microsoft stack but its possible.

Converting a regular MVC site for use in phonegap

I have a site that's done using ASP.NET MVC and jQuery. Is it possible to modify my existing project without too much of rework so that it can be used in phonegap to create iphone/android apps?
Here's an approach: move your logic to an MVC WebAPI (or other REST/webservice) project, then convert the MVC site into a simple html/javascript/css/image site (Mobile site). Then refactor your Mobile site to use Ajax/JS to query the WebAPI/Rest services you created. Once you've separated your code this way, you can then package the Mobile site with Phonegap. I'm not sure how much work that will be for you or your project. If you're using a lot of Html Helpers or Razor markup in your views it may be too involved.
The core point of my suggestion here is to separate your mobile UI layer and the backend processing layer so you can only package the Html5/UI/Javascript layer with Phonegap and leave the backend processing on your web server. I don't think I need to explain this, but obviously the app packaged with Phonegap is not going to have the MVC/.Net framework available on the mobile device to render views or execute controllers, etc. By migrating your UI to be simple Html5 and Javascript you can use Ajax/Jquery/Javascript calls against your backend, which you will probably want to host in ASP.Net MVC WebAPI.
Edit: Guess there was some confusion about my suggestion. I'm not saying this is the only way to do go, but this is what I'm familiar with as it's how our team builds our desktop/web + mobile + phonegap + mvc4 + webapi + kendoui application. This pattern works well for us so maybe it'll work for you too, or at least give you some ideas on how to structure your solution. Good luck!
I'm not sure but you need a server to compile the ASP.NET right? so I don't think that will work for you. I think you need to work with AJAX to do your ASP.NET work and separate your ASP.NET code and your HTML-jQuery because Phonegap wants a index.html file. You can store your ASP.NET files at a server tough
The answer to your question really depends on the type of site you are trying to convert. Are you just trying to put a native framework around HTML and get your app into an app store?
If it is is mostly or entirely informational in nature and you have simply used MVC to build brochure-ware type pages then it should be fairly easy to move. This assumes that there is little to no logic other than page to page navigation.
If your site instead pushes a lot of data around that relies on a back-end server you will need to re-architect it to store data locally or pre-fetch it via a manifest. Next you will need to implement a strategy that allows you to push your local data back to the server.
Does you app need to run in a disconnected state?
Phonegap is one of the options if you want to target multiple mobile platforms & may be most widely used. Since you are using jQuery, jQueryMobile will be a least learning-curve path to use. Effort is mostly on the front-end UI and will depend on how many screens you want to design to provide a sub-set or the full set of functionality you already have on the web UI. Most likely you will have to redesign your screens using the jquery-mobile UI widgets documented here. It is also a good way to show it to your customer the initial screen design with navigation.
jquery mobile is great for learning and designing , but it's slow in the web browser control that phone gap runs in .
you'll need a more lightweight framework for this .
you can use an inappbrowser control to show your site in case it's responsive , but you wont have the device camera and contacts and so ...
take a look at :

Development of Sharepoint Data Entry Site

I am in the process of developing several data entry forms that the client has asked to be accessible through the SharePoint interface (2007 WSS version).
The forms will, among other requirements, consist of multiple drop downs that have to be loaded from tables in SQL Server. These lists of data are updated frequently through a process that sucks data in from Great Plains.
My inclination is to create a Web Part Page with a Page Viewer Web Part and go full screen like this:
...and then to do the pages in ASP.NET MVC3. Is there a better story than this? The integrated SP development paradigm seems like waaaay more overhead.
This sounds like a common issue with developers new the SharePoint paradigm, especially for 2007. The short answer is that your solution will be the quickest way to get to where you want to go but isn't the "cleanest".
The other option is to create a SharePoint Solution and publish an application page to the _layouts directory. A quintessential "hello world" example can be found at
New SP developers will find the hardest transition with deployment. The WSPBuilder codeplex project has become the industries default solution for doing this. An example of using this can be found at
For you I would say the key words are Application Pages and WSPBuilder.

Windows Workflow Foundation 4 and ASP.NET MVC

We are evaluating Windows Workflow Foundation 4 to use in MVC 3 based Web Applications. We would like to create flexible order workflows for different projects.
Does anybody know good information about the general architecture or hands-on-labs for this kind of application?
Some concrete questions would be:
how can you activate a specific controller/action from the workflow?
what is the best way to communicate between the workflow and the web application (events, wcf services, ...)?
This is a nice article on how to start working with WF4 in your ASP.NET MVC app.
Integrating a persisted WF4.0 workflow with mvc
Another example with video is at below link. (Note: The code attached in the link might not be executable, but it will give some concepts when you study the code and watch the video)
This link is showing how we can preserve the data between requests using tempdata. Since it is a large explanation, I am not repeating the same again here.
Sadly, the videos for this seem to be down but the docs seem to try to show you a way!
Sourced from an old post/response from 2009. An alternative is found on, which is also quoted on this one with a longer list of resources.
