Can we add php contact form in volusion eCommerce site? - volusion

Can we add php contact form in volusion eCommerce site?
I tried to implement but couldn't get it right.
Problem seems to me is, when calling the php file for form action to "XXX.php" file, it displays error (i.e. couldn't find the page).
Can I call "xxx.php" file from volusion "default.html" page??
Please help me out.

I know this question's a bit old but I thought I'd give you my thoughts on it anyways, You asked if you could use PHP on volusion and my answer to that is Unfortunately Not. Volusion only supports classic ASP and JavaScript on the front end of your store. (And as the previous poster said, it is written in however I've never been able to get .net code to work in it, it seems .net is only used for the admin panel and for the webservices API...)
Regardless, there are a few other ways to accomplish what you want to do; at least in my mind.
You could possibly add it with an Iframe.
If not, (if volusion blocks out your iframe, or if you just don't want an iframe) I would suggest just making your contact form in ASP or JS... You could view the following link for information on how to use their VSMPT ASP class..
If neither of the previous options work, you might also consider making the contact form be part of a new ticket. It would however require your customers to create an account first, and if it's purpose is to reach new customers you might want to look into how you add custom fields to the account registration form in volusion. This way you can have the information that you wish to collect from customers inside of your volusion admin panel.
This link may be helpful for the latter.
I wish you the best of luck working with volusion, I'm stuck on their disgusting software and sure wish I would have known the massive limitations and roadblocks, prior to starting using their product. Hopefully I'll be moving away soon! I suggest the same to anyone else on it. (sorry for the added two cents)

You can if your server will support it. What I mean by that is that Volusion is written in ASP.NET and runs on a Microsoft server. PHP on the other hand runs on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server.
Generally I don't find servers running both the LAMP stack and the Microsoft stack but its possible.


Sharepoint Online Development

I am a developer with .net.mvc, angular background. We have some application developed in mvc, angular.
My question is
1. Recently my company want to do the development on share point online(not on premise). I want to develop an app either in angular\MVC which can be deployed and accessed from share point. The app basically calls one of our on premise database displays in a grid. It also involves some crud operation.
Can anyone suggest any ideas for this.
Tried reading through some sites but doesn't helped.
Create SharePoint provider hosted add-in so you could use MVC project web template(a .net MVC project), so you could develop based on your existing .net knowledge.
get started
You could host provider-hosted add-in(MVC web) in azure.
Hey Sorry Your question is getting attacked but I believe I have an approach for you.
Normally youd be able to just create a server side webpart but since you are online you wont be able to use MVC and will need to leverage front end solutions or the SPFx Framework.
If you want to go a more pure javascript route you can create an Angular Application like SPJEFF has done. He has built an Angular App that leverages the SharePoint API and runs inside a content and media webpart that you can embed into the page. Please see his blog post for more info.
Your next option is the SPFx route. Its pretty mature for the online community and constantly updated. Heres a quick read on why you should use it.
Please message if you have any questions.

Where are models added?

(My apologies for all those that voted the question down. I'm not trying to avoid researching. I've been actually trying to find a way for doing this for the past several hours. The only thing I'm trying to avoid is paying the Umbraco TV membership fee)
This is probably a dumb question:
I'm somewhat familiar with MVC, but really new to UMBRACO 7. I'm going through documentation on how to add restricted pages (pages accesible to some membership types) and I have to create a model. I've been searching through the whole UMBRACO settings and developer back office pages but couldn't find where to add the models. Neither was I able to find in VS where to add them (which would be even more convenient).
Can someone point me in the right direction or any documentation where I would be able to understand how Umbraco and MVC+VS work together and add models and custom code to an UMBRACO 7 website?
(I have the site running locally in VS2013 and DB in MSSQL Server 2014)
I would recommend you read up on Umbraco surface controllers. You can learn a bit about what it is and how it works here:
To answer your question, you put your models where you always put model classes in MVC: Pretty much where ever you like in the solution. However, it would be pretty good idea to put it in a folder & namespace called Models.
When I want to restrict access to pages in my umbraco site, I usually find that I can use the default "Public Access" that umbraco has set up. Just right click on a node in the content tree, and you should be able to restrict access to either specific members or a specific member groups.

Editable pages approach

I'm working on application with some sort of CMS features. I need some pages to be editable. For instance:
you can edit a text block right in your browser
you can add and remove different modules to your page
For instance, if I have a main page I may want to edit welcome text.
If I have a sidebar I may want to add/remove new modules to the sidebar such as:
email subscription module
social network (facebook, twitter, etc) links block
text block
My application may have several pages, not only one.
I want to keep it simple and I'm looking for the right approach/examples/existing tools.
What's the best pattern / third-party solution for ASP .NET in order to implement this and keep it simple?
If you want to use ASP.NET MVC I think the best solution is to look into Orchard. It's really easy to get up and running, has a rich set of existing modules and building a module from scratch is really easy. This was actually started by a couple of Microsoft guys and then spun out into it's own open source project.

Orchard for custom websites

I've just installed Orchard and created a sample site. I want to evaluate this CMS to see what it's capabilities are if I could choose it for my CMS of choice for ASP.NET MVC based sites. Has anyone used it to run a custom, highly modified website? Unfortunately no sample sites are provided at Orchard site to see it in action.
I know what my requirements will be and those are quite demanding. I have my own little CMS in ASP.NET MVC 2 which I tailor to my needs anytime I want but it lacks a lot of functionality that you get when you have a bigger team of developers at your disposal like the Orchard has.
The best way to reply to this question is if you can provide some insights into customization and if you can provide a link to a working site.
There are a couple sites out there.. Here are three I have worked on...
These two were for a University, they have a contact us page, Payment system, and also hooks in to multiple databases with a large set of business logic for students and payments. The Registration system also has an updated menu template to deal with drop downs. (v0.5) (v0.5)
My blog jsut has a modified theme which was enough to get me up an running. (v0.5)
There are a few open source modules I work on as well..
These also allow for customization of the Orchard system
There are two community sites using Orchard, Orchard Gallery and NuGet gallery.
For now me with my team is being writing an appication for nearly two months using Orchard and the only thing I can say is that it is awesome!
Yes, Orchard is very simple for now, but it is so powerfull in the same time. I just love their dynamic shapes and content types. Use it and you'll love it!
And as a bonus:
Just get code from repo and look through it, it shines like a diamond (the only problem is lack of comments). I am sure every MVC developer will find a lot of stuff to learn from it.
There is another web site developed using orchard.

Has anyone got any experience developing a site based on WebQuarters?

I'm in the process of planning out a site for a friend, they need to be able to modify site content, have a products section and shopping/ check-out area. All the products need to be able to be updatable too (descriptions, photos, cost - including delivery, etc).
As I'm a bit of an ASP.NET MVC fanboy currently, I was going to build a quick CMS in my spare time, however, a friend just pointed me at WebQuarters - an open source MVC based CMS.
So, my question is this - given the requirements, does it make more sense to build on top of WebQuarters or go my own route?
Additionally, does anyone have any experience of using it any good or should I steer clear?
I've been looking at this as well and trying to see how suitable it will be for a similar project I will be starting soon. So far it looks good, but some of the admin parts when your editing your pages don't feel quite as solid (like editing the menu order).
I'm keeping an eye on it though, I think it will be a great library to add to your tool chest.
