QMake / jom force extra MIDL compiler to run before RC - qmake

I'm converting an old OCX project to QMake (as it's getting the "new" standard in my company).
In my Button.pro file, I add the MIDL compiler by the means of
idl_c.output = $${DESTDIR}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.tlb
idl_c.input = IDL
idl_c.commands = $${QMAKE_IDL} ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} $${IDLFLAGS} \
idl_c.variable_out = GENERATED_FILES
idl_c.CONFIG += target_predeps
idl_c.name = MIDL
IDL += $$PWD/Button.odl
The .pro file also mentions that I have a RC file
RC_FILE += $$PWD/Button.rc
This RC file contains a TYPELIB for this tlb file, meaning that it has to be available before rc.exe runs
1 TYPELIB "Button.tlb"
I then generate a makefile through QMake and build my project using nmake. Everything runs fine: the console shows no error and the output OCX is generated (and works). I can clearly see that MIDL is executed first, the RC, then the rest.
If I try to build using jom, the order is not satisfied anymore. jom seems to try to execute MIDL and RC in parallel: Button.tlb is then not yet existing at the time RC.exe needs it and the build fails.
Is there a way to force jom to wait for midl to be done before starting rc?
I'm using QT 5.3.1 under MSVC2013.

QMake is nothing more than a makefile generator. And your issue is due to make (or jom) parallel job execution. To fix this you only have to induce a single dependency (w/o any recipe) in a Makefile between res/obj and tlb files. This could be done with:
dep_restlb.target = $(RES_FILE)
dep_restlb.depends = $${DESTDIR}/Button.tlb # QMAKE_FILE_BASE is not available here


How to get the library paths of a meson dependency?

Use case: I have a dependency that falls back to a subproject:
src/meson.build contains:
mylib_dep = dependency('mylib') # Searches for mylib with pkg-config then fall backs to mylib.wrap.
myexec_exe = executable ('myexec', 'myexec.c', dependencies : mylib_dep)
Dependency mylib_dep provides libraries, which, if not installed on the system, make the main executable of my project unusable:
$ meson build && cd build && meson compile src/my_exec
$ src/my_exec
src/my_exec: error while loading shared libraries: libmylib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
My testing script build/tests/mytests.sh is configure_filed from tests/mytests.sh.in to indicate the location of myexec, and I'd like to pass to it the library paths, so that it can adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run the executable. For instance, in tests/meson.build:
conf_data = configuration_data ()
conf_data.set_quoted ('MYEXEC_PATH', myexec_exe.full_path ())
conf_data.set_quoted ('MYLIB_PATH', mylib_dep.??????)
mytest_exe = configure_file (input : 'mytests.sh.in', output : 'mytests.sh', configuration : conf_data)
and in tests/mytests.sh.in:
Question: What should go at the ?????? above? In other words, given a dependency object, how can I extract the libraries within it, and get their full paths?
Usually in meson you wouldn't configure_file this, you'd pass the library/executable(s) to the script as arguments in the test command:
args : [executable_target, library_target, ...],
It can be frustrating trying to get this sort of info out of Meson. Fortunately, if Meson used CMake to find the dependency, you may be able to get the library path from the underlying CMake variables, which are available in the Meson dependency object. Eg, something along the following lines worked for me:
mylib_dep = dependency('mylib')
if mylib_dep.found()
mylib_path = mylib_dep.get_variable(default_value : '', cmake : 'PACKAGE_LIBRARIES')
message('Library path is:', mylib_path)

error while reading extension file 'intellij_info_bundled.bzl'

we are trying to create a Scala project which uses Spark also but we are facing issue Encountered error while reading extension file 'intellij_info_bundled.bzl': no such package '#intellij_aspect//': No WORKSPACE file found in C:/users//_bazel_user/i45wuf6d/external/intellij_aspect. Is it has something missing in Intellij?
Scala file
package src.main.scala
object HelloWorld extends App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello, world!")
Build file
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library", "scala_test")
name = "hello-world",
srcs = glob(["src/main/scala/*.scala"]),
name = "Hello_test",
srcs = glob(["src/main/scala/*.scala"]),
size = "small", # Expect this test to run quickly
Work Space
workspace(name = "scala_example")
rules_scala_version="7522c866450cf7810eda443e91ff44d2a2286ba1" # update this as needed
name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/archive/%s.zip"%rules_scala_version,
type = "zip",
strip_prefix= "rules_scala-%s" % rules_scala_version
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories")
scala_repositories()`enter code here`
# register default scala toolchain
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains")
Command and Error from console
Command: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\bazel.exe build --tool_tag=ijwb:IDEA:community --keep_going --curses=no --color=yes --experimental_ui=no --progress_in_terminal_title=no --aspects=#intellij_aspect//:intellij_info_bundled.bzl%intellij_info_aspect --override_repository=intellij_aspect=C:\Users\ADMIN.IdeaIC2017.3\config\plugins\ijwb\aspect --output_groups=intellij-compile-java,intellij-compile-py -- //...:all
INFO: Loading complete. Analyzing...
ERROR: Encountered error while reading extension file 'intellij_info_bundled.bzl': no such package '#intellij_aspect//': No WORKSPACE file found in C:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_sandhya/criyrv6d/external/intellij_aspect.
INFO: Found 3 targets...
WARNING: failed to create one or more convenience symlinks for prefix 'bazel-':
cannot create symbolic link bazel-out -> C:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_sandhya/criyrv6d/execroot/scala_example/bazel-out: Cannot create junction (name=C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, target=C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file-jni.cc(86): nativeCreateJunction(C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file.cc(128): CreateJunction(\?\C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out): Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
cannot create symbolic link bazel-out -> C:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_sandhya/criyrv6d/execroot/scala_example/bazel-out: Cannot create junction (name=C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, target=C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file-jni.cc(86): nativeCreateJunction(C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file.cc(128): CreateJunction(\?\C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out): Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
INFO: Building...
ERROR: command succeeded, but not all targets were analyzed.
INFO: Elapsed time: 18.108s, Critical Path: 0.05s
Make failed
This is a sample Helloworld program only
In general, like #Ittai, I would suggest you open an issue in the intellij plugin github repo.
Unfortunately, your version of the plugin is no longer supported. I, too, previously ran into an issue with an older version of the plugin and was recommended to upgrade to the latest version. Which resolved the specific issue I was facing.
When reporting the issue make sure to include the following bits of information:
intellij build number
plugin version number
rules_scala version
operating system (it seems your using Windows, while most users use unix based systems)
bazel release number
how you have opened the intellij project (BUILD file, WORKSPACE, .blazeproject)
Additionally, to verify this is in fact an issue with the plugin, I would also suggest you try to reproduce this issue on a Unix based system. It seems you are using Intellij
compile on Windows. This may be Windows specific issue with aspects not being recognized.
When attempting to reproduce, make sure to clone your repository in a separate directory, close the intellij project, and reopen the project

How to integrate LuaJIT with LuaRocks on Windows?

I downloaded the source of LuaJIT and compiled it with msvc120.dll (VS 2013 x64). When I run it from the command line I have no problems executing some basic lua. Now the LuaJIT installation guide mentions moving luajit.exe and lua51.dll into their own folder. From there it says to create a lua folder and under that a jit folder with the contents of src/jit moved underneath the newly created jit folder.
From my understanding my folder should look like and contain:
[rest of jit files]
Is this correct or am I missing files?
Now after I built my luajit I tried to wire it up into my luarocks to act as my interpreter using
install.bat /LUA C:\LuaJIT\2.0.3\[folder with above content]
However this cannot find the header files. I then copied over what are the header files into the folder above and that wires it up, but I can never actually get anything to compile when pointed over to LuaJIT. Edit: The error I get is the following,
C:\LuaJIT\2.0.3\bin\lua51.dll : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2D0
Error: Failed installing dependency: https://rocks.moonscript.org/luafilesystem-1.6.2-2.src.rock - Build error: Failed compiling module lfs.dll
Is the correct way to handle this to simply point to my lua binaries and from there leverage LuaJIT to run my files or am I doing something wrong with wiring up LuaJIT and luarocks? The former seems to work for the most part, since I only ran into one library compilation issue, lua-cjson.
I've run on exactly the same problem, but they've found a solution right here:
I knew that for "linking DLLs statically" there is a so-called "export" .lib file, which is passed to the linker (and not the DLL itself).
So, for example, when compiling, LuaRocks was doing this:
cl /nologo /MD /O2 -c -Fosrc/mime.obj -ID:/LuaJIT-2.0.4/include/ src/mime.c -DLUA_COMPAT_APIINTCASTS -DLUASOCKET_DEBUG -DNDEBUG -DLUASOCKET_API=__declspec(dllexport) -DMIME_API=__declspec(dllexport) mime.c
link -dll -def:core.def -out:mime/core.dll D:/LuaJIT-2.0.4/bin/lua51.dll src/mime.obj
My LuaJIT was compiled from source in D:\LuaJIT-2.0.4\src, but I made two folders myself: D:\LuaJIT-2.0.4\include with all *.h files copied from src and D:\LuaJIT-2.0.4\bin with luajit.exe, lua51.dll, and then later lua51.exp and lua51.lib. Still same error, but this was the right track.
Now, check where your LuaRocks configs are:
luarocks.bat help
Scroll down to a section like:
Lua version: 5.1
Configuration files:
System: D:/luarocks/config-5.1.lua (ok)
User : (... snip ...)
Edit the System configuration file, specifically see the part:
variables = {
LUALIB = 'lua51.dll'
Here! LUALIB should be the .lib file. If your export lib is alongside the DLL, you just need to change to:
variables = {
LUALIB = 'lua51.lib' -- here!
And now:
luarocks.bat install luasocket
link -dll -def:core.def -out:socket/core.dll D:/LuaJIT-2.0.4/bin/lua51.lib src/luasocket.obj (...)
luasocket 3.0rc1-2 is now built and installed in D:\luarocks\systree (license: MIT)
Note the first argument passed to the linker.


could you help me in this simple case?
My pro file:
wordparser.target = generated_source
wordparser.commands = build.bat
wordparser.depends = FORCE
wordparser.CONFIG = recursive
PRE_TARGETDEPS += wordparser
TEMPLATE = vcapp
TARGET = demo
SOURCES = stub_test.cpp
build.bat generates lots of files that are not used in demo target building. This pro file generates vcxproj which doesn't contain any pre-build events. How do I force build.bat be executed on pre-build step in VS2010?
It can't be done with qmake pro files. Pre-build actions are not supported by qmake
Use cmake instead.

CMake Generated Eclipse CDT Project Does Not Have System Includes

My problem is similar with this: http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/649323/
I created a cmake project, and used
cmake .. -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
to create a Eclipse CDT4 project.
But in the CDT IDE, the standard include paths are not listed, and all STL or system build-in header files include directives are marked as "cannot be resolved", so the "Open Declaration" or other a lot of operation cannot be done.
However, I could compile it without any problems.
My co-worker also has a cmake project, but it's very complicated. The CDT project generated from his cmake project DOES have the system includes. But his cmake is way too complicated, and he told me that he didn't do anything special to include the system paths.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
My Main CMakeLists.txt:
CMake_Minimum_Required(VERSION 2.8)
# Some settings
CMake_Policy(SET CMP0015 NEW)
# Set the compiler and its version if needed
# Create the project
Project(MyProjectName CXX)
# Set the compiler
Set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/g++)
# Detect whether we are in-source
Message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source building is not allowed! Please create a 'build' folder and then do 'cd build; cmake ..'")
# Set the output dirs
# Add source subdirs to the build
# Add_Subdirectory(test EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
One workaround is to manually add these to the CDT IDE:
But it's not the solution.
I finally figured out that this line is causing the problem:
Project(MyProjectName CXX)
If we remove the optional paramter CXX, life is good.
Can anyone tell me why?
