How to Toggle video recording in Twilio - twilio

I am trying to add a Toggle recording feature into my web application,
Using Twilio Client version 2.0 and Generating token via Java Server side code.
Toggle(just to be clear)-> Being able to pause/start recording when a call is already underway.
Question : How to implement toggle recording feature in Twilio, If that's possible?

As of now, Pause/Start video recording on a video call is not possible.
Response from Twilio support:
Thanks for reaching out to us! At this time, pausing and resuming a recording isn't possible. This is a feature we're looking to add in the future, but I don't have a specific date to share on when that will be available. I'll add your ticket to the feature request so that we can accurately set a priority for implementing it. Please let me know if you have any questions!


Integrate Audio Voice Change into Twilio Voice Call

I want to Integrate Audio Voice Change into Twilio Voice Call Steps and Questions
Call Rest API for an introductory call from one device to another
Now how to implement a Voice changer in-between a Call?
For Changing Voice I would re-commend Aroga Voice changer Functionality
Now How to provide Agora voice changer output to Twilio Input?
Most Importantly How can we Connect two Functionalities with Each Other? #TwilioHelp #TwilioSupport
I want to Modify outgoing Voice Call input and Pass towards the End Call
How am I Gonna do that?
Firstly, I'll Make call Streams using Web-sockets, SO that I can get a input Stream from User
Then-after I can Modify the Voice according to Users Perspective
First question -> Is this possible? to get Voice from Stream?
I'll use Some Voice Algorithm and the Out-put of that Algorithm will be Redirect to Twilio Voice, So that the End User can Listen the Modified Voice!
Please Help me to Implement this Functionality!
Thanks in Advance and regards

How to add a screen sharing feature on a video call of Twilio?

I implemented a video call using Twilio by react as frontend and Ruby on Rails as backend.
now I wanna add screen-sharing on that.
Have I to change my backend code?
How to add a screen-sharing feature on a video call?
When I enable screen sharing in video calling, does my call change to an audio call automatically?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I don't believe you need to change your back end code for this. For the front end, I would recommend checking out this blog post: Screen Sharing with JavaScript and Twilio Programmable Video (the back end for this is Python, but it shouldn't matter).

Draw annotation on Twilio Video Chat

I want to use twilio for Remote assistance.
Where user can share camera feed and Technician can assist by drawing annotations on the screen.
similar to the demo video on
I was able to get the Video Chat running on my iOS devices.
Can you please guide me how to make annotations on one device which will be shown on the other device.
Twilio Video does not provide support for annotating videos as part of the SDK. There is also no current support for using the WebRTC data channel to send that across. You need to provide your own websocket solution for this I'm afraid.
Twilio Video does support the data channel now, under the Data Tracks API. You can see the documentation here:
You might also consider using Twilio Sync for something like this too.

How to programatically detect whether a particular youtube users Live streaming is enabled or not

I have an application to create and manage YouTube live events.
It all works good. I've one last requirement in my app to detect whether the user has really enabled livestreaming for his account.
Based on the result, my app will either proceed with event creation/management or simply exit.
Note: Currently this is detected as Google API exception
[The user is not enabled for live streaming. [403]].
But this exception not hit till we actually start preparing the broadcast.
I need some way to detect it somewhat early in my logic.
There is no other API exposed to detect if a user has not enabled live streaming.
How we handled this in my application was to begin preparing the broadcast. If at any point the liveBroadcasts endpoint returned the liveStreamingNotEnabled error, we would stop preparing the broadcast, and guide the user to enable live events on their YouTube account.
We gave the user the option to navigate to their Channel -> Status and Features page (, and showed them where exactly to enable live streaming. Unfortunately, this page doesn't have a mobile version, making a bad UX, but there really isn't any other way.
Without an exposed API to enable live streaming, this is the best solution we could think of at the time.
If the user enabled live events and went back to the app, we would begin the broadcast setup process again, continuing successfully if the user had enabled Live Streaming on their account, and guiding them to the Features page once more if they still had not enabled the setting.
I know it is a bit late, but I hope this solution helps someone who faces the same problem now:
As per JAL's answer, I created a dummy event before I start streaming, if it returns a 403 status code or liveStreamingNotEnabled error, I'd stop the broadcast and guide the user as to how he can enable live streaming on his channel. This feature can be enabled from (, but as JAL also mentioned, this page has no mobile version with terrible UX so the user can't enable live streaming from his phone through this page.
So in order to overcome this problem, I created a webview and loaded the link ( This is the action of the button to enable live stream from the features page. Youtube handles the flow automatically from there on. After that, if the user wants to create an event again, I check the status code again to make sure streaming is enabled. If not, I load the webview again and so on.

Can Twilio make webrtc video calls?

Can Twilio do peer to peer video calls using WebRTC? I can see it does voice calls with WebRTC, but since WebRTC also includes video it seems like this should be possible. If not is this on the road map?
Now you can.
Twilio just added video calling support to their service today. Here's an analysis on what you can expect and what it means:
Twilio had introduced peer-to-peer video call at cheap rates.
You can refer these links for more information:
Twilio video and Twilio video call example
Unfortunately this is not something you can currently do with Twilio.
Twilio announced their video product in May 2015. At time of writing it is not yet available. Further information can be found on Twilio Video. Thanks to nbermudezs in the comments below.
