Can Twilio make webrtc video calls? - twilio

Can Twilio do peer to peer video calls using WebRTC? I can see it does voice calls with WebRTC, but since WebRTC also includes video it seems like this should be possible. If not is this on the road map?

Now you can.
Twilio just added video calling support to their service today. Here's an analysis on what you can expect and what it means:

Twilio had introduced peer-to-peer video call at cheap rates.
You can refer these links for more information:
Twilio video and Twilio video call example

Unfortunately this is not something you can currently do with Twilio.
Twilio announced their video product in May 2015. At time of writing it is not yet available. Further information can be found on Twilio Video. Thanks to nbermudezs in the comments below.


Steps to implement - One to One Video call App using Twilio

Can Anyone please let me know how we can do a one to one video calling app using twilio.
I could get some sample codes to do a group video chat, but my requirement is particular to have it one to one, please guide if there is any way to do it using twilio.
To build a one to one video calling app, you can follow the same steps to build a multiparty group chat, but limit the access to the room to only 2 participants.
You can easily build a video calling app with the help of Twilio WebRTC Go, and WebRTC Go rooms have default max participants set at 2.
To know more about how to set "max participants" with Twilio WebRTC you can visit the link here.
To understand more about different type of Video rooms using Twilio, you can also visit this doc.
You can set the room limit to 2, when making the multi-party video app using Video Room. Second option is to use WebRTC as mention above, here is the guide of making such app using NodeJS by twilio.

Sending voicemail to group of numbers?

I am just exploring voicemail at Twilio, and I thought that I can ask a related question here.
How would I send a voicemail to a group of numbers (as an effort of voice based marketing campaign)? what APIs will I need? and is there any related docs about it?
Shall we send an audio file? Or can we create the voice on Android or iPhone and send it using Android SDK or iPhone SDK?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
You can call those numbers and play an audio file using the Play verb. To call a number, you can use our REST API. Here's documentation on how to do that in multiple programming languages.
Hope this helps you out, but come back here if you have any more questions.

How to Toggle video recording in Twilio

I am trying to add a Toggle recording feature into my web application,
Using Twilio Client version 2.0 and Generating token via Java Server side code.
Toggle(just to be clear)-> Being able to pause/start recording when a call is already underway.
Question : How to implement toggle recording feature in Twilio, If that's possible?
As of now, Pause/Start video recording on a video call is not possible.
Response from Twilio support:
Thanks for reaching out to us! At this time, pausing and resuming a recording isn't possible. This is a feature we're looking to add in the future, but I don't have a specific date to share on when that will be available. I'll add your ticket to the feature request so that we can accurately set a priority for implementing it. Please let me know if you have any questions!

How to Make twilio voice call from IOS using in C#

I have developed a small application using twilio api to make call to any phone number from my twilio number. After dialing call is establishing and a specific audio clip is playing in mobile end. But I am not getting any real voice in any side of the call. Please help me or give me some information regarding how can i get voice in voice call using twilio api. Can anyone tell me the full sceneriyo that how can i make a call from IOS app to any phone numebr. Thanks, Amit
Twilio developer evangelist here.
To make calls from an iOS application you need the Twilio Programmable Voice SDK. There is a quickstart application you can run and look at to see how it all fits together. Check out the rest of the documentation for more information.

What's more appropriate to use Twilio Client vs Twilio Video API?

I've been reading Twilio docs lately and been confused between "Twilio Client" and "Twilio Video".
I noticed that tutorials for "Twilio Client" involves registering phone numbers while the beta "Twilio Video" would not need one (after doing the tutorial) for browser-to-browser audio only call.
I would like to wrap via Phone Gap a nodejs app that has audio call only (no numbers being dialled but rather identity). (android phonegap app for now since iOS does not support webrtc yet)
Am I correct that I should be experimenting on "Twilio Video" instead of "Twilio Client". From the docs they both support WebRTC but somehow "Twilio Client" needs numbers or maybe I'm missing something.
Thank you for your input.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The difference between Twilio Client and Twilio Video when making audio calls is very much around phone numbers. Twilio Client has the ability to make app to phone network calls and to receive calls from real phones. Twilio Video does not have those abilities, it is purely for app to app calling.
Twilio Video will likely have better quality audio though, as Twilio Client gets downsampled so that it will work over phone networks.
It's likely that Twilio Video would be cheaper for your app to app use case as well. Twilio Client is priced by the minute and Twilio Video pricing is more to do with currently connected endpoints as the connection, if it is peer to peer, costs nothing.
Let me know if that helps at all.
Twilio Product Marketer here just to add on to what Phil provided.
We provide two separate real time communications SDKs: our Programmable Video SDKs as well as our Client SDKs. Video, which we launched last year, provides both voice and video capabilities (or either combination there of) and media flows in a peer-to-peer or TURN relayed call topology. As Phil mentioned, this SDK uses a newer codec (VP8& H.264) that can provide HD audio & video and is also more resilient to packet loss and challenging network conditions. Our Video SDKs do not have media server capabilities yet like recording, connecting to the phone network, or scaling beyond about 4 participants. But stay tuned... :)
Our Client SDK which we've had since 2011 supports voice only and all media flows through Twilio's cloud infrastructure, not peer-to-peer. Our Client SDKs (iOS, Android, and JavaScript) support recording, connecting to the phone network, and large conferences. However, this SDK doesn't support video and uses the G.711 codec.
