google-assistant-sdk update hotword to pushtotalk - google-assistant-sdk

On day 28 they put an update that google-assistant-sdk now goes with the command googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk. Previously I went with googlesamples-assistant-hotword. The previous command allowed you to say ok google and I was beginning to hear you. Now you have to give it to enter. Does anyone know how I can do to make it like before I say google google start listening to the assistant?

Install the google service like indicated here:
Then install then in the venv google library:
source env/bin/activate
pip install google-assistant-library
Then you can run google assistant with the hotword:
googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project-id project --device-model-id model


kvaser_interface need library: Should I install linuxcan lib or now?

It seems that I'm facing a delemma. I need to run kvaser_interface ROS1 (noetic, 1.15.14) node. I'm using this repo:
I follow this link to install kvaser CAN/USB driver on my ubuntu 20.04.4. If I don't install CANlib or linuxcan, I can have my CAN network working (can0 is listed, candump and cansend works). But kvaser_interface needs a library from linuxcan, hence gives me error:
... kvaser_can_bridge: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Apparently kvaser_interface node requires CANlib. So I installed linuxcan and CANlib using:
sudo make install
kvaser_interface runs without a problem. But can0 isn't working anymore.
ip link
doesn't show can0. Also
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000
Cannot find device "can0"
This is because linuxcan blacklists socketCAN. It seems that I'm facing a delimma. Also I'm not clear what role CANlib is playing here. Any suggests will help. Thank you.
I have not tested this yet, but you can go into the
and sudo edit the file to delete the blacklisted modules:

hotwords demo segfaults on VM running bionic

Im trying to get the Assistant Python library demos running. I download my client credentials file, run the auth/consent tool as follows:
(env) $ google-oauthlib-tool --scope --scope --save --headless --client-secrets client_secret_XXXXX.json
The tool shows a URL that I visit and click through - the subsequent web shows me an auth string that I copy and paste back into the waiting terminal session.
(the tool tells me that it updated a .config/ file)
OK I then run...
(env) $ googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project-id ${project} --device-model-id ${model-id}
which results in a segfault:
device_model_id: dawnstar-226520-dawnstar-test-rig-jcsgzj
device_id: 4BAE41228DA8890AB0DDE6FD6992F5BF
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
(env) $
I have confirmed the project ID, model ID and that the Assistant API is enabled
Any help appreciated
The problem is related to a change from Google Assistant Library to Google Assistant Service. The Google Assistant Library is deprecated.
As shown in this project page issue, the issue affect to the components still based on Google Assistant Library, like googlesamples-assistant-hotword.
Other resources, like googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk now are working over gRPC and this is the new way to use this service.
There is also a working task to improve the system over gRPC.

Cannot install dvdcli on my CentOS 7 host

I tried to install dvdcli on my mesos master.
I typed the following line in the console. But I get forbidden error.
I even tried to do a direct download. Still I get forbidden error.
curl -sSL | sh -s stable
Can someone help?
Its not just you That was posted back in June and its still unresolved.
Also Dell is no longer funding the open source Code Team initiative so I'm not sure about the future of the project. I have not been following it closely. I would suggest reaching out to on Hopefully someone will have an answer for you there

Google Assistant service for Raspberry Pi zero - Illegal Instruction

Installation on Pi zero.
The installation was successful, but when I tried sample code
googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project_id my-dev-project --device_model_id my-model
It returns Illegal Instruction.
The pushtotalk sample didn't work neither.
Appreciate the help.
I finally got the assistant to work on Pi 0 with pushtotalk sample by installing python -m pip install --upgrade --no-binary :all: grpcio before the SDK installation.
However, the assistant will either take forever to give me NO response or not able to finish the response, in either situation, I'll have to close the terminal to end the session. I've opened an issue in github, and it seems like an incompatibility error in the gRPC package.
The hotword sample uses the Google Assistant Library, which is not available on the Raspberry Pi Zero.
try run again
python -m pip install --upgrade google-assistant-library
python -m pip install --upgrade google-assistant-sdk[samples]
Been having the same problem with raspberry pi 1. Only solution I could find so far is to use the pushtotalk and have echo automatically input newline using this.
googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk --project-id gassist-d4d83 --device-model-id gassist-d4d83-rpi-meicej|echo -n
That does the job for me. Don't know if it helps anyone.
Edit: Only part that's bad is, it's always listening. Maybe I can modify the code.

Problems with Cloud SDK

So I am a complete noob and have no idea how to even navigate these forum as it all sound like a foreign language. My issue is I recent was accepted to use Google page speed service and cannot even get the first step out of the way which is installing Cloud SDK.
Here is step by step what I did:
Extracted all from zip file
Clicked to launch the Batched file (upon clicking the command prompt black screen flashed in the corner, no instructions or anything else)
When attempting to authenticate google cloud platform by clicking windows key + r. THen typing in 'gcloud auth login', I get a message that says, "cannot find 'gcloud'.....".
When you run install.bat, this is an interactive process that should not exit immediately. I'm guessing you don't have Python installed? Install Python 2.7 and try again.
After the installer runs, it will print directions on how to add gcloud to your PATH. In general, though, gcloud is a command line tool that you shouldn't really run using windows+r. It's best to open a cmd prompt so you can more easily run multiple commands.
