UICollectionView Multiple Cells Selection Swift iOS - ios

I have UICollectionView in my iOS app and I am using Swift. I want to make UI like below:
I this UI when "Select" button is not selected (in first image) Tab bar is visible, but when "Select" button is selected (in second image), a new bar is visible. This is used for multiple cells selection. I just want to know, Is this functionality available by Apple (built in) or I have to make it manually (by myself)? (I have searched, but could not find)

Collection View gives functionality to select multiple cells. Just write this code and you will be able to select multiple cells.
yourCollectionViewName.allowsMultipleSelection = true


Modify WatchKit Table View to prevent pushing interface out of view

I am developing a stopwatch app for Apple Watch similar to the one that is preinstalled on the Apple Watch by default. I want to have a lap table similar to the preinstalled one that can scroll but doesn't push the control buttons outside of the user's view. Right now after I lap enough times, the stopwatch controls no longer be become accessible to the user without scrolling down. Is there any way to make the WatchKit Table view scroll in place by turning the digital crown and display say 3 entries at once without pushing the rest of the UI below the screen?
Currently in watchKit the tableViews scroll all the way out of the screen if they don't fit in. What you can do is
1) have the fourth tableView cell as a disclosure indicatory like this "V" while hiding the cell prior to the recent 3 and when this is clicked load the rest of the cells and have an extra cell to display "^" when all the cells are display . Clicking this will hide them back to the recent 3.
2) Navigate from the fourth cell to a new Interfacce controller displaying all lap data.

First button of UITableView as Search as well as Add textfield

If you see the screenshot below, its a view from iOS Files app which lets you select tags for a file.
I want to make a similar Tableview which lets user either select existing items or add new items. But I also want the add textfield to be a search field. That is, when the user starts typing there, he also gets search results from the existing items.
The way I am planning to implement this is...
Two table views.
One has a static cell to 'Add' and is not vertically scrollable.
Right underneath is the second table view with existing itmes, which is vertically scrollable.
when the user taps and starts typing in the textfield, there is a search side by side, in the second table view and the user can select an item from it as well.
When there are no matching results, an add button is highlighted and the user can add a new entry.
I want to know what is the best way one can implement such behaviour?
(In terms of UI Design)
Should one make use of the UISearchBar instead of a textfield?
Or, is it better to simply use the UISearchController?

Is there any way to make a custom table view cell look like a button in Xcode 6+?

I'm trying to create a Table View Cell array and have the name displayed in each table. The tables will look like what you see on the home screen of the Evernote app (shortcut, tags, places, notebooks etc.) and each one will access the next screen when tapped. How do I go about doing this? Novice app developer.
This is an image of the result I'm trying to get.
That is a basic cell with transparent background and other views (and images, layers, etc.) added as subviews.
For the other things I suggest to study how UITableView works and how to push a UIViewController using a UINavigationController.
In general you should study iOS and Objective-C from zero.

News Feed drop-down filter menu in Facebook iOS App

The Problem
I am trying to replicate the drop-down style menu in the latest Facebook app.
At the top of the News Feed there is a "Most Recent" row:
Tapping this row expands the view, pushing the News Feed (UITableView) down:
Tapping the down indicator will expand the menu fully.
The Question
How is this menu implemented?
Given the behavior, I assume it is a custom view placed inside the tableHeaderView. But what custom view? A button, another tableview? What about the animation?
You wouldn't be able to do this as a table header. It'd need to be a section of the table that is initially 1 row and becomes multiple rows when you tap on it. Then all you would need to do to get an animation is to reload that section where animated=YES.

How to replicate ABNewPersonViewController layout

I'm trying to create a layout very similar to ABNewPersonViewController that will allow a user to create a new contact in my app. My app doesn't use AddressBook nor would it need several of the fields in the ABNewPersonViewController, so I'm trying to replicate the layout of ABNewPersonViewController in a storyboard.
I'm settling right now on the following solution...
View Controller
UIButton ('add photo' button, left-aligned)
Table View (~85% width to allow for 'add photo' button)
Cell w/ text field (first name)
Cell w/ text field (last name)
Table View (100% width)
Cells w/ remaining details
First, I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions on a better layout.
Secondly, I don't know how the vertical border can be implemented for certain cells (e.g., phone number has a left detail w/ the type [mobile, home, iPhone] and then text field at right w/ the actual number). Any ideas?
The contact picker looks to me like a UITableView that uses grouped cells. Each of the groups has that rounded look around it.
There are different types of UITableViewCells that are provided by the iOS SDK. The one that you are describing is called "Left Detail" in Interface Builder and programmatically is called UITableViewCellStyleValue2. You can set each cell individually based on what you want in the UITableViewController cellForRowAtIndexPath method.
A possible way to create this in IB is to create a UIView and then add an image container and two table views to it.
UIView (Primary View)
--> UIImageView (In top left corner.)
--> Grouped UITableView (In top right. Contains first, last, and company.)
--> Grouped UITableView (Below the above two items, goes across the screen. Contains the rest.)
