Apple app rejection while google authentication (Metadata) - ios

I am using login with google in my app and getting user profile information from google.
I have tested and it is working fine at my end,but apple has rejected it.
I don't find any error at my end .
Reason of rejection by apple: "Verify its you! device is not recognized", asking for verification
I can access (login) and get all information using the same gmail id, As the demo account is created from india location
But app reviewer from another country (USA) not able to login "Verify its you! device is not recognized issue".
If anyone facing the same issue kindly guide how to fix this issue.

Simply create one Test Account separately with all security features off & without any 2 step authentication on to the account.
Try & test with the same account from 2-3 different devices just to make sure everything works correctly.
After that you can pass on that Test Account details to the Apple review team for the review purpose.
Hope it will works for you.

I think the problem is that Apple can't test the app because they can't access the account you gave them because of the 2-Step Verification, so try to disable it from the account and give it to them again, you could follow these steps to achieve that. Google support


apple app submission rejected due to protocol 2.1.0 of apple sign in failing (invitation based authentication application)

I am using Firebase Authentication with invitation links for sign up using either email/password, google or apple signup. Using PWA I managed to create a webview application on android play store with no issues.
The current issue I am facing is apple rejecting my application on basis protocol #2.1.0 (App Completeness) where it describes an error of apple sign in flow that redirects them to login screen. Apple review to Uploaded App
Such error does not occur on all my test flight applications on both iphones and ipads when using the "given test account apple id and password".
The question is whether apple requires all applications to be sign in with no restrictions to user (without invitation links), or such situation is a misunderstanding from the Apple app reviewer.
Any Help would be appreciated, and Hope you have a wonderful day.
The question is whether apple requires all applications to be sign in with no restrictions to user (without invitation links)
Yes, this is usually the case
you can make a Sign in screen that when the user sign in using Apple this message appears you should have an invitation to Sign in
And also provide Apple with another way to access the app as testers.

Facebook: iOS app sharing failed

The iOS app has got the Publish_Action of Facebook. The problem is :
when I use the Test Users to make a share, it can success.
But when I use the real account to make a share, it always failed. I also check the app is authorized in the real account.
I guess there may be any missing setting in facebook's developer site but I failed to find it.
Any idea?
BTW: I do Not use the sdk provided by Facebook. I use a 3-rd party service which integrating lots of sharing service and it doesn't show error log in above situation.
For the normal account, the facebook shows
"this does not let the app post to Facebook". But I have get the Publish_action ability.
What's wrong?

Issues in PayPal live transaction via PayPal iOS SDK

I am developing an iOS application for iPad, version 7.x. We Need to perform PayPal transaction via the application. We included PayPal iOS SDK and referring their sample code to perform the transaction.
The sample code is placed here
There are enough funds in the customer account
Also, we have proper Client ID and secret key where funds needs to be transferred.
Both payee and payer have live accounts.
Transaction via their Sandbox account was sucess
Upon debugging the code, we found that we are able to create the payment. However, we get error while the payment is about to be approved.
Here are the error details
PayPal SDK: Request has failed with error: UNKNOWN_ERROR - System error (UNKNOWN_ERROR). Please try again later. (400) | PayPal Debug-ID: 3e8087cbf6bd1 [live, PayPal iOS SDK 2.1.2]
Is there any specific configuration which we need to include in our code for making live transaction?
Or is there specific configuration that needs to be done, in one of the accounts?
Or is there something missing the sample code provided by PayPal iOS SDK? Please advice.
The issue is that you are not using the correct ClientID. The client ID you are using is not associated with an active App from yoiur developer portal. To correct this, please go into the developer portal and either use a different client ID from a different 'active' app or create a new app.
We discussed this issue with PayPal Technical Support team, and here was the FIX:
We’ve found the issue is actually not with buyer account, some flag was not updated for merchant account "” due to a bug which had in our system at the time it was created.
The fastest workaround to resolve this would be if you could please add another email to same account "”.
Steps to add another email address to "” :
Please login to the PayPal account.
Click on Profile—> Email address. Add another email address.
This solved our issue.

Provide AppStore reviewers with Facebook test accounts

Our iOS app requires users to login using their Facebook account and we need to provide the AppStore reviewers with a test account(s).
Can we take for granted that Apple have their own Facebook accounts that they use to test out apps that solely rely on Facebook for login?
Do we need to set up a Facebook "test user" via their Test User API?
Grateful for any pointers from someone who did this.
Short answer: assume they have an account.
I think you're in a bit of a catch-22 here. It's probably against Facebooks terms of service to create a test account and hand those details to a third party... but, you're right, Apple may ask you for details.
However, in practice, they seem not to. One of my apps requires a login to a third-party website and I just put "you need an account" in the iTC notes section. I've been rejected once (since 2008) because I didn't specify a specific username/password. I explained why (see first paragraph) and it sailed through on the next attempt.
Having said that, apparently Facebook allows a way of creating test accounts. This is probably what you want to do if they insist.
For any app that requires a login you need to provide Apple with a guest/demo login account to test the app. So yes, give Apple a login/password to use.

How to submit an App that requires a login

I am submitting an app that integrates with another system. In order to use the app you need to have a system login which Apple would not have.
What are the guidelines for sumbmitting an app of this nature? I assume there could be some issues if the only screen that the Apple test team can see is the login screen.
I created a couple of apps similar to this. We provided Apple with more or less dummy accounts that could get past the login screen, and view the basic functionality of the app, but didn't release any secret information we didn't want out
You should provide a test account for Apple reviewers and specify the login credentials when submitting the app.
