In Xcode 11, what is the button below the Live Preview button? - ios

In Xcode 11, there are two buttons next to the device preview. The one on the top we all know is the Live Preview. However the one on the bottom does not seem to be doing anything. Why would Apple leave a completely useless button there? Am I missing out some awesome functionality?
The button icon looks like it could be related to constraints... but I don't know.

This button lets you to instantly run the app on an attached device so you can see the live changes directly on your device instead of Xcode's canvas preview.
Note that you need iOS 13 installed on your device to be able to use this capability.


where is the xcode preview simulator inheriting from?

I used to have all my preview simulator device as iphone12 and I was fine with it. Not sure when, it all changed to I don't know iPhoneSE or iTouch with the thick bar. I did not want to change it back to iPhone12 by using the code .previewdevice() cuz I literally have like dozens of previews waiting for me to change, so I checked what decide the choice of the device. It shows as the screenshot below "inherited". There must be a source where I can the change the setting right? At least somewhere in the setting or I understand this "inherited" the wrong way? Can someone help give some more information about this? Can't believe xCode made this so inflexible...screenshot from my Xcode project,the mysterious inherited
Click on the run destination, which is something like iPhone SE. Just change it to the desired device type and the inherited device for previews will change accordingly.
If you want a special device type, as you said, just click on the top bar of the preview device and open the Inspect Selected Object menu (at the bottom of the Canvas), select the desired Preview Device. It will add the code .previewDevice("iPad (9th generation)") in the code preview section.

iOS app missing splash screen, new black borders and ui glitching after visualstudio 8.10.10 and xcode 13 update

Just updated to Xcode 13 and Visualstudio Mac to 8.10.10. Since then my app:
Wont display the splash screen.
The app is cropped at top and bottom.
Ui is acting generally weird.
Now I have read old threads on similar problems and adding the Launch screen interface file base name. in the info.plist file does make the app cover the whole screen.
I have tried switching splash screens and change location. But it's just black. I don't use a storyboard for the splash and instead provide several different resolutions, which have worked fine for several years.
The UI is glitching like the loader picture, and several different ui elements where colors are provided are "cut" in the middle showing two colors when it should switch.
I have read the release notes for xcode13 but haven't found anything related that would break the whole UI.
The interface glitching and no splash screen I can't seem to find a solution for. Everything worked fine before the update.
What could be the problem? Some setting in the info.plist, a checkbox in the storyboard?
I'm still new to Xamarin and iOS development and greatly accept suggestions.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
iOS load glitch picture
According to your statement, you are not using a storyboard, so you need to replace the Launch Screen with a LaunchImage, then check the LaunchImage file (if it does not exist, you need to create it yourself) and add all strictly standardized pictures inside.

Xcode 12 SwiftUI cannot find Automatic Preview

I am working on an app in SwiftUI in Xcode 12.2.
I have accidentally deleted the Automatic Preview Tab. I cannot seem to find the option to bring it back. Here is a screenshot of my Xcode:
Where do I enable the Automatic preview and bring it back so I can see real-time updates of my UI?
An easy way to find it is from the menu "Editor > Canvas"
In your Xcode snapshot, there is a button the top right corner with a bunch of horizontal lines. Click it and then click Canvas and the preview should come back. FYI, the preview canvas is different than a Storyboard, which is what you included in the "What I want" image.

How to resolve Autolayout issues after updating to Xcode 8.1

I have designed user interface in storyboard in Xcode 7 its working fine when i updated Xcode 8.1 and opened the storyboard the result is below.
I don't know what apple actually doing with this, When ever new update came i struggling on this kind of issue. Can some one guide me how to resolve this?
Click on the red button that shows the problems, and see what's wrong, and fix them. Very often you just fix the frames of your views. And then you tap on the various device sizes and check if your layout works with every size.
They did make changes with new xcode 8.0, but I believe its easier then ever.
The concept is same behind only few changes.
Like before you need to do update frames, but now they make it easy so you can view a live preview of your layout without going into preview in show assistant editor.
Just click on device button and it automatically updates frames and shows you your layout.
For more information see: A Beginner’s Guide to Auto Layout with Xcode 8

How to stop iOS simulator hiding xcode

I am trying to follow some tutorials online. Every time i run the iOS simulator my xcode seems to minimise and focus goes to the simulator on the desktop
Is it possible to stop this and have the simulator load on top of the Xcode window?
Focus will switch over but Xcode itself doesn't minimise. However, if you're running Xcocde full screen (you have clicked on the <-> arrow in the top right of the screen) then you will switch to a different screen - this is standard behaviour for all maximised apps. Clicking on the green full screen icon in Xcode will make the window take up all available space but without taking a separate screen, which will give the behaviour that you want -- though note this is for 10.9; I seem to recall that clicking the green button on later versions of OSX may automatically trigger the full/separate screen mode.
