Can't sign in via Google on iOS Simulator - ios

I'm running a cordova app that uses the Google sign in integration. When I follow the links to login (put in email, put in password, pass 2FA), I get redirected to an error.
400. That's an error
Error: admin_policy_enforced
Open the Device policy App to continue
Learn more (link)
> Request Details
That's all we know
I have been able to fix similar issues by using the Google Device Policy app on a physical device, however I do not know how to get this working in the iOS Simulator environment where I cannot install the Google Device Policy application.
I'm currently using
Cordova 4.5.4
Xcode 10.1
iOS 12.1
iPad-Pro 11 inch (simulated)

I was trying to sign in with a Google account that is managed by my company, hence the error mentioning the Device Policy App. And that app is required when signing in on a physical device.


React Native app rejected due to "No content"

I have an app which uses a login screen to login the users. I have just submited the app for review at Apple and recieved the following rejection message.
"During our review, we found that your app displays no content when reviewed on iPhone and iPad running iOS 14.6 on WiFI. While we cannot provide technical assistance with the reported issues, we have put together the following resources which discuss common issues seen in apps during review.
Review device details:
Device type: iPhone and iPad
OS version: iOS 14.6
Next Steps
Please run your app on a device to reproduce the issues, then revise and submit your app for review. If at first you're unable to reproduce the issue, try the following:
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce.
For app updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work."
I have followed everything they said. I tested on both a physical device and simulator. I use wifi, i have the same iOS version and tested it on both iPad and iPhone. I do not get a blank screen. I cannot seem to reproduce this. Has anyone ever faced this problem and how can I resolve this? I am using an Express app as the backend that is hosted on AWS.
I can also mention that the connection is over HTTP and not HTTPS which is said to be ok if you only add a string to the info.plist file. But maybe its related to that?
My Info.plist on iOS:

Google iOS device policy is not playing nicely with iOS apps using google SSO

We have built a react-native app that uses Google sign on.
We use react-native-google-signin and publish an ios and android app.
Login works 100% of the time in the android app. It works on ios app aswell, except for some organisations using G Suites. For these organisations I get the famous admin_policy_enforced error.
Where I run the app (simulator or device) doesn't seem to impact the testing, but for the sake of being exhaustive: My ios app is installed on my iphone using flightcenter and we use the autosigining option for Xcode when publishing it.
I managed to reproduce that by playing around with my google organisation's settings:
I used my organisation which has an Apple Push Certificate.
‘Mobile Management’ is enabled with ‘Advanced’ settings for iOS
The fact that I have done the following extra things doesn’t seem to solve it :
Download the certificate on my device.
Install the Google Device Policy App
Whitelisting the app in google admin 1.
The signin starts working when the iOS mobile management setting is set to basic.
Last point, regarding the scopes, I am using the default ones: email and profile.
I'm happy to add more config or code snippets if needed.

Ionic - build iOS package file for testing on device

Currently I am trying to build a new app with Ionic 3. I am looking for steps to build a file for installation, which has the same functionality with APK file for android devices. I don't know whether it should be an IPA file or other file types, as I have never used an iPhone or iPad myself before. Right now, I have a free developer account registered with Apple ID.
What I can find on the web seems only allow developers to build apps for testing on real devices which the developers have access to. To be more specific, I always see people say that users should plug in the device via USB and pick the target device in XCode under the "Scheme" drop down selector. I tried to follow the steps provided by others, but it always ended up with an error in XCode, either it is related to code signing error, or device not registered in my developer account.
What if I do not own any iOS devices? What I have is only a single MacBook for coding. I would like to prepare a file and send it to my friends, and let them install my app with that file on their iOS devices.
I am using XCode 9 and Ionic 3.
In iOS you can no do what that, If you want to send your app to your friends for testing you have to build the app with ionic cordova build ios and then open the project in Xcode and build/upload your project to your Apple developer account.
After that, you have to use Test Flight to share your app for testing.

Google Plus SDK - Getting "Your browser is not supported anymore." iOS

I want to use Google Plus sharing for my iOS application.
I previously used native sharing, but this website from Google+ says that it's deprecated and suggests using basic sharing.
Problem is, after I've done that, when I open the link, it (obviously) opens in Safari and I'm getting the error on the error:
"This browser is no longer supported" and something asks to update a browser.
I'm using iPhone 7 Plus on iOS 10. I've also tried simulator for iOS 9.
Any advice?

FacebookSDK iOS v3.24.0-beta1

I'm testing FacebookSDK ios v3.24.0-beta1 from Facebook Developer site.
My test environment is iOS9 beta5 on iphone6+ and test app is built on Xcode7 beta-6.
I have set the info.plist for iOS9 App transport security.
And I have installed Facebook App in my device.
I try to login facebook using
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:defaultAudience:allowLoginUI:completionHandler:]
When I invoke the method. The facebook app is not launched. But I can see the login dialog in webview (I guess).
Question: I want to know whether after the v3.24.0-beta is not support app to app login.
This is by design. In order to provide the best experience for users on iOS 9, the new SDK determines the best login flow automatically. If you're running on iOS 8 or earlier, the app switch will still be preferred.
