how to use Whenever gem properly - ruby-on-rails

I am just trying to create a record every 5 minutes using whenever gem but it doesn't create anything on the production.
every 5.minutes do
runner "Post.new_post"
class Post
def new_post
Post.create(title: "cron testing")
and I ran whenever command then pushed to the live server but It doesn't create any records on the production.
Which steps did I miss?

I'm assuming that you're using rails, so — files placed in lib/tasks are loaded as custom rake tasks by default, you can check it here.
Brief instruction:
Run rails generate task posts create_post
Modify lib/tasks/posts.rake
Update config/schedule.rb from
runner "Post.new_post" to rake 'posts:create_post'
Run whenever --update-crontab somehow on the server ;)


Trouble with crontab and using whenever gem

Hi I am using the whenever gem and trying to send a daily email. For testing I set it to 2 minutes, and I have it in my schedule.rb file. It calls a task I have in a rake file. When I run bundle exec rake task_to_be_called, it runs and works. But the actual scheduling does not work. When I try to run things to find out crontab it says no such file or directory. Is there some way to get a crontab file, or do I make it? How do I test or get my scheduler to run that task?
EDIT: Thanks for the advice on sharing code and error.
In my lib/tasks/daily_email.rake I have
desc 'Daily email rake task test'
task daily_email_call: :environment do
ReportMailer.with(email: "").daily_summary_report.deliver_now
Then in my config/schedule.rb I have
every 2.minute do
rake 'daily_email_call'
When I run bundle exec rake daily_email_call it functions correctly and does the send email task. My question is how to get it to do it on the schedule. I have no crontab file. Am I even able to do this locally or would it need to be on a running server. I am using windows not Linux when I run mine locally.
There is a typo in the file name,
lib/tasks/darily_email.rake => lib/tasks/daily_email.rake
I guess this is causing the error, no such file or directory

'Whenever' gem Scheduler doesn't run tasks

I'm seeking help concerning the whenever gem. Here my case:
I have the task I generated and that works when I run it through command line as such rake dashboard_data_t:collect.
namespace :dashboard_data_t do
desc "TODO"
task collect: :environment do
I then followed the documentation provided here in such a way that my config/schedule.rb looks like so:
# config/schedule.rb
every :day, at: '10:43 am' do
rake "dashboard_data_t:collect"
Happily done with that, I thought it would go on and run itself alone, without me needing to do anything more. But I noticed it didn't. I thought it might come from my task so I created an other one, this time way more simple than the 1st. Its purpose was solely to experiment and find what was going wrong:
namespace :test_name do
desc "TODO"
task test_task: :environment do
sh('echo', 'test task runned successfully')
I then added the following to my config/schedule.rb:
# config/schedule.rb
every 1.minutes do
rake "test_name:test_task"
Once again, the task didn't execute (periodically), but was still working manually.
I noticed by running the crontab -e command that RAILS_ENV was set to production, I understood why my dashboard_data_t:collect task wasn't working, because it relied on the development db. So I did the following:
# config/schedule.rb
set :environment, 'development'
Unfortunately, this didn't change anything as both tasks still don't execute. Now I'm stuck here with no ideas whatsoever. Can anyone help me.

Cron Job not working using whenever gem

I am trying to learn Cron Job and whenever gem.
In my app i have created a rake task.
require 'rubygems'
namespace :cron_job do
desc "To Check Users Inactivity"
task user_inactivity: :environment do
p "Inactive Users..."
and in schedule.rb i have wrote like this
every 1.minute do
rake "cron_job:user_inactivity", environment: "development"
and in my terminal i wrote two commands
whenever --update-crontab
and then
sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart
but nothing is happening after 1 minute.
I checked my console for p messages and nothing happens. Do i miss something?
The output won't show in your console.
You have to set the output log path by:
set :output, "/path/to/my/cron_log.log"
Then check the log.

rake task scheduling with whenever

Hello I was trying to run a rake task every 5 minutes with this schedule code using the whenever gem
set :output, "#{path}/log/cron.log"
every 10.minutes do
rake "delete:old_offers"
But the code never execute. If I try to run my task with:
rake delete:old_offers
everything works great, so the problem is in the schedule file. Please I need your help to solve this issues.
I'm planning to execute this task every 60 days in my heroku app, so I could the schedule has to work also on heroku.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry guys, I have to set the environment to development like this
set :environment, 'development'
After you write your schedule, you need to actually update your crontab:
whenever --update-crontab
Simply running the whenever command by itself will only show you the schedule in cron format.

Heroku rake task not loading ActionMailer class

I have a rake task that delivers daily emails via ActionMailer. My plan is to use Heroku's cron job to run this task nightly.
The problem is that my ActionMailer class (Notifier) is not recognized with Heroku. The specific error is "Unitialized constant Notifier." However, the Notifier class properly sends out emails in Heroku everywhere else in the application (controllers and models) but not from the rake task. Running the rake task also does work locally.
If I do heroku rake cron to run the task manually, it throws that error.
heroku rake cron
This doesn't work. However,
rake RAILS_ENV=production cron
works fine (Heroku vs. local).
I've even tried adding my mailer path to the autoload directory.
I think in this case seeing your code would be helpful. I implemented the same exact thing this past weekend on heroku and had no problems. For me my rake task calls a method on my model like so...
#note this has to be in lib/tasks and be named cron.rake
desc "Send mailing"
task :cron => :environment do
My model has the following method...
def self.updates
//setting up params
UserMailer.deliver_report_due(user, #leases)
This will call deliver on your method in your UserMailer class.
def report_due(user, leases)
from ""
subject "Confirmation"
body :leases=>leases,
Also note that this is rails 2.3 in which you call UserMailer.deliver_method, In rails 3 I think it is UserMailer.method_deliver.
If all else fails you could try restarting your heroku app on the command line with 'heroku restart'
Heroku finally figured out what was going on. I originally created my Notifier class file named as "Notifier" (capitalized first letter) instead of "notifier". I realized the mistake and manually changed the filename, however I had already did a git commit. Well since Max OS X is case insensitive for filenames, changing the capitalization to lowercase didn't commit to git. So everything worked locally on my Macbook, and showed that the filename was correct, but deploying to Heroku pushed a improperly named file. Even worse is that it only was affected under the rake tasks.
I don't think I would have ever figured this out without Heroku.
Try to write
require 'notifier'
in your rake task file
