Highcharts cloud issue with data source when duplicating chart - highcharts

I'm fairly new to highcharts cloud and am trying to replicate a bunch of charts that are styled the same but have different data connections with Google Sheets. I've created a base chart and then replicated it a bunch of times for the other charts I need using the DUPLICATE button, then simply change the Google Sheets ID to a different one.
The trouble is that whenever I update the ID in the newly created chart, it also updates the ID in the chart I duplicated from - and for all other charts that I've duplicated from. So I end up with a bunch of charts that reference to the single sheet rather than individual sheets. Is this something that's known?

Let me explain what happens when you duplicate a chart. If the master chart contains some data then duplicating a chart does not create new information about that data. This means both charts, master and duplicated, are linked to the same dataset. If you change anything in data in master chart, then duplicated charts will inherit those changes too. The same will happen if you make changes in data in the duplicated chart - it will affect master chart.
To use the same colors and formatting across your different charts, please use Themes: https://cloud.highcharts.com/docs/#/themes


Google Sheets Chart Axis Title does not update when source cell is formula

I want the Google Sheets chart x-axis title to change when the data in a chart changes. I've made a simple example to demonstrate the problem. In the following animated gif (click to see greater detail) the x-axis title does not update when the data in the scatter chart changes.
Apparently this happens because the source cell for that title (A1) is itself a formula (to give the average of the x-values -- in my real-world example, it's more complicated than that).
The only way I know to fix this is to delete the chart and make a new one, as shown in the last part of the animation. But with my real-world example, this is a lot more troublesome.
Thanks for any help.
I have been running a couple of tests and have some experience on how the charts are created under Sheets in comparison to the ones in Excel.
There have been multiple forums discussing this particular issue, the main issue with it is the fact that this portion of the Chart is only a title text and does not linked to any portion to the table or that you cannot select a custom formula to be used for updates. It is also mentioned over the official documentation that you can only manual edit this titles.
As an alternative, you could implement a script so it changes the chart title for the average.
function onOpen(){
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('Charts').addItem('Update title of the first chart from active cell', 'myFunction').addToUi();
function myFunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var chart = sheet.getCharts()[0];
chart = chart.modify()
.setOption('title', sheet.getActiveCell().getValue() || 'Empty')
The portion of this code has been found and discussed over this thread.
I also believe that it should be a feature directly on Sheets and it should be implemented in the future, you can send feedback from the help option or go to the Feature ideas portal:

How do you create charts using different sets of data of the same table?

I've never used google sheets in my life and I'm trying to make different charts from different sets of data from the same table. For example I have the following table:
and i would like to make a chart using this set of data:
and then make another chart from this set of data:
but as you can see, doing it in this way it also gives me the data of the previous days.
Selecting only the numbers without the first row it doesn't give me the correct legend. How can I make charts using the same header but different sets of data?
In the Chart editor, set the data range to A1:D1,A4:D and choose Combine ranges vertically.
Alternatively, Insert > Sheet and use a filter() or query() formula in the new sheet to pick the rows you want to plot. Then insert a chart based on the data in the new sheet.

Highcharts multiple stock series tooltip show

I have a question about several stock charts.
Put the series data into an array by name.
Hovering over the chart shows only one data.
I am curious how to make several together.
My code is here:

Multiple Charts with Google Chart API

I am interested in displaying 2 charts in the same URL call with the Google Chart API.
As an example, lets say we have the following call to the API for a single chart:
I would like to display that chart, and a separate chart (with it's own axis and stuff) underneath it in the same call.
For now, it can just be a copy of the same chart, and I can modify the chart properties later.
I have working code for displaying multiple lines on the same chart, but I am interesting in 2 completely separate charts.
Thanks in advance!

Adding multiple dynamic series and axes via JSON into Highcharts

Like many Highstock users, our data is retrieved from a database by way of Ajax queries. The series data sets are all time-based, but have different purposes and data ranges.
I can add multiple series to the chart no problem. Works great. However, how can I dynamically (emphasis on dynamically) add companion axes to these series (axis title and range)? I've scoured the documentation and forums but can't figure out exactly how to associate the new axis with the new series.
The only way to do this (as far as I know) is to add multiple empty axes to your chart, and then set them programmatically. It's a hack - but it works:
