How to Connect a Find/Search Step to an Update Step - zapier

On a zapier-cli application, how do I do to create the Add a search step button next to a dynamic field that will be used to fill the ID of the object about to be updated, like in the image shown below, described on Zapier's documentation here ?
This is my InputField definition:
key: "contact_id",
type: "string",
label: 'Contact',
required: true,
helpText: "Pick the contact to update.",
dynamic: "",
altersDynamicFields: false

David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Per the docs you need to add a search property that points to a search key and id property (like That plus dynamic will get you your search button.


Adding a Field Group to a Fiori Elements Object page

I am working on a Fiori Elements application which should have a list report page with sales orders and corresponding object pages for each sales order with their items.
This works, but I'm trying to add a field group to the object page, as shown here.
I cannot make it happen to create the field groups or display any of them. I copied the exact code, so it seems as if the error is not in the code itself..?
I'm using Eclipse with ADT to create the cds views and metadata extensions, SAP Web IDE to create a template app, and Fiori 1809. The service is activated in the maint_services transaction.
The annotation file is then successfully transferred from the backend to the front end and loaded within the app, as things like #UI.lineItem: [{ position: 20 }] work perfectly.
I used
#UI.facet: [{
label : 'General Information',
id : 'GeneralInfo',
purpose: #STANDARD,
position: 10
label: 'Basic Data',
id : 'BasicData',
purpose: #STANDARD,
parentId : 'GeneralInfo',
targetQualifier : 'BasicData',
position: 20
#UI.fieldGroup: [{ position: 20, qualifier: 'BasicData' }]
both inside of my metadata extension.
Is this the correct approach? (Adding both to the cds view changed nothing..)
I feel like there is something basic I am missing, but I could not figure it out yet. Apart from basic annotations like lineitem and selectionfield, no other annotation worked, so the problem might not be exclusive to field groups.
Thanks for your help :)
Try to add isSummary:true inside the UI.facet as below:
#UI.facet: [{
label : 'General Information',
id : 'GeneralInfo',
purpose: #STANDARD,
position: 10
label: 'Basic Data',
id : 'BasicData',
purpose: #STANDARD,
parentId : 'GeneralInfo',
targetQualifier : 'BasicData',
position: 20

Create Remote Select2 v4 Option with custom parameters

here is the problem, I can create the custom option as specify on documentation like this:
var option = new Option("my custom option", "myid", true, true);
// manually trigger the `select2:select` event
type: 'select2:select',
params: {
data: {
id: "myid",
text: "my custom option",
customparam: {
hello: "I'm here"
So, this creates the option normally and shows on select2 as selected as expected, this also trigger the select2:select event and I can read the extra parameter when this event is trigger, but here comes the problem, I can NOT access the extra parameter by doing this:
it's like the custom parameter is not attached to the element and it was only pass to the events.
for all who try to find an solution to add the custom parameters back on remote select2, here is what I did and worked perfectly:
.append(new Option(`${doc.n}`, doc._id, true, true))
.select2('data')[0].customparam = doc.i;
then just when you need call:
The method described by #rafaelrglima's works for me, but I prefer the method below, which was gleaned from dejan9393's answer in Github issue 2830:
var dataAdapter = $('select[name="myselect"]').data('select2').dataAdapter;
id: "myid",
text: "mycustomoption",
customparam: "hello"
I prefer this way because I don't have to have one step for adding "id" and "text" and separate step for adding custom parameters. Also convertToOptions takes an array, so you have a convenient way to add multiple options in one step.

Angular reactive forms - How to set default value of select/dropdown control?

This week, i ran into a problem where dropdown control of angular material was not populating the default value coming from the API. My datasource looked like this:
public selectDataSource = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Option 1'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'Option 2'
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'Option 3'
Value was coming from the API as:
'selectedOption': {
id: 2,
name: 'Option 2'
But somehow, when i assigned the value to reactive form control field, it didn't get auto populated, which ideally should be the expected behavior.
Reason, answer below.... Go on
After all the research, I came to conclusion that Angular will only make a value as default selected if it points to the same memory location as in the original dataSource array.
In the example above, selectDataSource is stored in different memory location whereas the value coming from the API is pointing to different memory location.
Solution: Loop through the original datasource and filter the matched entry with result from API, to get the selected object from the original dataSource and that's it you are done. Something like below:
selectedOption = selectedDataSource.filter((option) => ===[0];
Now, we have selectedOption pointing to the same memory location from the original dataSource array.
Below is the link to solution. Try toggeling the variable solveProblem to see the default behaviour(when pointing to different memory loctaion).
In a Hope, it'll help someone someday.
Manish Kumar
I had the same problem with dropdowns not showing already saved / selected choices and this answer to another question finally helped.
The solution is using the [compareWith]="compareFunction" property on the select tag to override the default comparison happening. By referencing a custom compare function you can tailor how the matching of initial value to dropdown values should work.
My current solution:
<mat-select formControlName="gender" [compareWith]="compareSelectValues">
<mat-option *ngFor="let gender of genderValues" value="{{}}">{{gender.label}}</mat-option>
And Typescript function:
private compareSelectValues(selectedValue, compareValue): boolean {
return Number(selectedValue) === compareValue;
Number() is needed as the value is converted to a string after setting it in HTML. Using material design components here but looking at the other post, this shouldn't change the general functionality. Hope this helps someone, who finds this question before the other one, like I did.

Bonita 7 : Custom Widget property type to support JSON data

I am trying to create a new custom widget in Bonita 7 and I need a Property that can accept JSON data (not simple array collection) i.e., I want to assign below data
'header1': 'data1-1',
'header2': 'data1-2',
'header3': 'data1-3'
'header1': 'data2-1',
'header2': 'data2-2',
'header3': 'data2-3'
I tried all the available property types (text,choice ,html ,integer,boolean ,collection property) & I guess nothing works.
Could someone help me to achieve this.
I am trying to create a Smart-Table custom widget ( & I want the table data(rows) to be populated using a variable that is of JSON type.
Is there any other way of achieving this.
Thank you very much for your time
I am very sorry, collection property type actually works
This is what I did:
1A) created a new property :
name : tableDataCollection
Type: collection (text type also works)
Default value: (trying to assign JSON data here didn't work for me)
1B) In the Controller box, use the property tableDataCollection defined in step 1A:
$ = $; (inside function ($scope) {})
1C) In the Template box, use the variable data defined in step 1B:
example : <tr ng-repeat="row in data">
2) In the PAGE EDITOR (FORM EDITOR), if you are using the custom widget created in step 1, you will see a new fields on the right related to your custom widget. In my case it is TABLE_DATA
2A) Now, create a new form variable of type JSON.
example : data2Var =
"header1": "data1-1",
"header2": "data1-2",
"header3": "data1-3"
"header1": "data2-1",
"header2": "data2-2",
"header3": "data2-3"
2B) Now, Assign the variable created in step 2A to your custom widget field.
in my case, I assigned data2Var to TABLE_DATA

How to create an OData service for SAPUI5 TreeTable?

Does someone know if there is a way to create a OData Service that is bindable to an SAPUI5 TreeTable element?
According to the example from here:
The recursive structure of the data is a list. For example:
//Define some sample data
var oData = {
name: "root",
description: "root description",
checked: false,
0: {
name: "item1",
description: "item1 description",
checked: true,
I expected to solve that problem with an navigation at the service side. Like
Element with attributes and one attribute points to a list of Elements.
But this would not be the same.
I also detected this thread, but the answer is one year old:
All in all, is the answer still true? Or is there a solution, so that the data binding works?
You can use treebinding from ODataModel. First of all, prepare backend. You need to cycle navigation in your entity set. For example, you have entity set ItemCollection and you add navigation property ItemNavigation which refers to ItemCollection. After just bind tree to your TreeTable:
var oTreeTable = this.getView().byId("myTreeTable");
path : '/ItemCollection',
properties : {
navigation : {
'ItemCollection' : 'ItemNagigation'
Should work fine but be aware to use it with Tree control. TreeTable loads navigation item by click on its parent and Tree loads the whole tree at once.
