Is there any way of using EmguCV with Unity for UWP (HoloLens) app development without buying EmguCV package from Unity asset store? - opencv

I am developing a face detection app for my HoloLens for testing purpose. For this, I am using Unity and OpenCv wrapper library EmguCv. I have developed similar desktop applications using EmguCv and Unity. But, now I want to develop some for HoloLens. I have tried almost every way of using EmguCv for Hololens with Unity but I failed to deploy those on the HoloLens. Cuz whenever I select "Release" solution configuration for deploying Visual studio show error of not identifying the EmguCv DLLs.
Now, the EmguCv package in the Unity store is around $400 and I don't want to spend that amount of money. So, kindly suggest me some (easy) way, if there is one, for using EmguCv for HoloLens development through Unity.
Thanks in advance..


RakNet for iOS on Xamarin

I have developed a Windows game that uses RakNet.
Now I'm interested in porting it over to iOS using Xamarin but I can not find any pre-compiled RakNet library for use.
Does anyone know or have any info on how to get RakNet to work with Xamarin for iOS?
Please do not suggest any alternative development environments such as Unity. I am very well aware of other development environments, but I need to take this approach instead of switching to a different environment altogether.

Using openCV on a UWP Windows 10 Application

Is there a way to use OpenCV libraries on a UWP application for Windows 10 without needing to create my own wrappers around openCV or purchasing Emgu CV wrappers? I am aware that there is Android and iOS support (as stated in their page) but no reference for UWP or Windows 8 store apps whatsoever. It just states that Windows is supported.
Yes there is, but I think it is not offical yet, or maybe not finished/tested. It is developed at Microsoft and most of it should be merged into master branch of OpenCV now.
Initial pull-request with WinRT support:

How to use Xamarin in Visual Studio and Mac in the same time

I have just developed and android app using eclipse and now I want to develope its IOS version. I want to use Visual Studio and C# (I feel pretty much comfortable in these environments).
I read that, to achieve this I can use Xamarine. Everything is OK with configuring Xamarine on Visual Studio and using it in Visual Studio (I understood this part). I couldnt understant the "mac" part. They are saying that in order to build this app I need a mac running in my local network. Unfortunately I have no idea about Mac. Instead of using it in a local network, could I just install it in a Virtual Machine in windows and configure it on that way that I can see this mac from Visual Studio (How can I do this ?! :S).
I am sorry if my question is unclear but I would be greateful if any of you helps me understand these issues and help me develop my first IOS app in Visual Studio.
If you are going to do iOS development using Xamarin you need a Mac. A Mac will always be required to submit the app to the app store, and the way Xamarin works, you need to use a Mac to create the UI for iOS apps as well.
To get the most of the Xamarin, you ideally would develop your base code using Xamarin and C#, then build separate UI's for both Android and iOS. While your UIs are separate, your base core code is all the same for both apps.
It really does not make sense to have a native Android app all in Java, and then write the entire iOS app in C#. Either stick to completely native apps for both platforms, or use a wrapper like Xamarin for both.
Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio makes it possible to develop iOS
applications on Windows, but you will still need a Mac in order to
compile and run the code.
Today, Xamarin.iOS integration in Visual Studio is focused on enabling
developers to develop in C#. Xamarin developers who write Xamarin.iOS
applications on Windows typically hand-code their user interfaces—or
they will need to switch to the Mac to use Xcode (or a beta version of
Xamarin’s new iOS Designer) to interactively design an iOS user
interface layout.
"or use a wrapper like Xamarin for both"
I have discovered the term wrapping is not correct for this product.
Unlike other products (Corona, Phonegap, Titanium, ...) that wrap up in a common, genericized library, Xamarin compiles at core level with no penalty. It is 100% native. All functionality in all it's supported platforms is 100% available and not watered down.
Wrappers can be faster to program in, in theory, but when you factor in the time you will spend looking for workarounds for the one piece of functionality that is available natively but not in your wrapper library. When you factor in the constant bugs because wrapping for 3 or more platforms is a constantly moving target and you can't count on it working from day to day.
When you factor all those things in, writing native in c# for all platforms is the better option.
I tried them all, and xamarin was my last choice as I was distracted chasing that perfect golden goose wrapper product.

Development frameworks in C#

When I look for development in C#, I get the following terms/frameworks/libraries:
Monogame(for games)
Are there more?
My first doubt is that are Xamarin, Mono and Monotouch same? If no, what is the difference?
Secondly Monogame is open-source implementation of Microsoft XNA. What is the meaning of open-source implementation? And if it is XNA-like, then why cant we just use XNA and why is XNA being made obsolete?
For questions like this why not visit who are generally happy to help with these kind of questions.
So Xamarin are the company that develop monogame which mentioned above is a clone of the now obsolete XNA framework which for some unknown reason MS have ditched. There isn't much work needed to port your XNA game to monogame. Developing for PC is free and always will be. You can pay for the tools required to develop on ios and android.
It really is a great cross platform choice especially if you have experience with XNA. For another C# alternative check out Unity.

OpenCV lib and WM

I just made an application using the OpenCV lib, and will be great if I can use this computer vision application on my PDA, which has Windows Mobile 6.0 on it.
Do you have any idea about how can I do this?
If you have Visual Studio, just create an embedded project. Check out the Windows Mobile Development Center for more information. Unless it's a very simple application or you're working with very low resolution images I would be surprised if you were able to get acceptable performance though.
