RakNet for iOS on Xamarin - ios

I have developed a Windows game that uses RakNet.
Now I'm interested in porting it over to iOS using Xamarin but I can not find any pre-compiled RakNet library for use.
Does anyone know or have any info on how to get RakNet to work with Xamarin for iOS?
Please do not suggest any alternative development environments such as Unity. I am very well aware of other development environments, but I need to take this approach instead of switching to a different environment altogether.


Advantage of using visual studio on windows for iphone app development over native environment

I am reading a way to setup iphone application development environment on my windows. It states that “A network-accessible Mac set up with Apple's build tool” is required. My confusion is that, if i need to buy a mac machine and need to setup an envionment then why i will use windows and visual studio?
I am exploring why it is advantageous for me to build ios app in xamarin when i need to buy mac machine and install xcode. Why i will use xamarin when i am new to both C# and swift?
Please ignore my limited knowledge and flaw in question.
Using Xamarin to build apps
enables C# developers (there are millions of them) to leverage the language and framework they already know instead of learning a completely new one
allows them to share code between existing C# apps written for the web or desktop (very important in an Enterprise environment)
using Xamarin Forms, allows you to create a single codebase that targets multiple platforms (iOS, Android, UWP, etc)
if all you care about is iOS and you don't already know C#, then Xamarin may be of limited benefit to you

WinObjC: How to know what cocoa frameworks are supported / handled?

Trying to bridge my iOS application to W10 app using WinObjC which looks nice (but still a preview)
My iOS app is using CommonCryptor for encryption purpose. When I try to build my freshly imported app in Visual Studio I got an error related to kCCKeySizeAES128 which is missing (coming from CommonCrypto).
How can I assume that this native framework is supported by WinObjC, and if it is supported how can I tell that everything is working (link is done right in visual studio) / where do I look?
I work on the iOS bridge project at Microsoft. While we've implemented many of the iOS frameworks commonly used by apps, we haven't done them all; many frameworks have only been stubbed out so that projects will compile and run. We're adding support for missing pieces with every release, however, so you should update frequently.
Generally, you can see what's supported and not supported by the bridge in the Visual Studio debug console. When missing or stubbed APIs are called, you'll get a message with details. We're also working on tools that will make browsing the API surface area easier.
If you find missing APIs, you should definitely file an issue on Github, as it's the best way to get in touch with our team and directly affects our development roadmap.
Thanks for checking out the project!

How to use Xamarin in Visual Studio and Mac in the same time

I have just developed and android app using eclipse and now I want to develope its IOS version. I want to use Visual Studio and C# (I feel pretty much comfortable in these environments).
I read that, to achieve this I can use Xamarine. Everything is OK with configuring Xamarine on Visual Studio and using it in Visual Studio (I understood this part). I couldnt understant the "mac" part. They are saying that in order to build this app I need a mac running in my local network. Unfortunately I have no idea about Mac. Instead of using it in a local network, could I just install it in a Virtual Machine in windows and configure it on that way that I can see this mac from Visual Studio (How can I do this ?! :S).
I am sorry if my question is unclear but I would be greateful if any of you helps me understand these issues and help me develop my first IOS app in Visual Studio.
If you are going to do iOS development using Xamarin you need a Mac. A Mac will always be required to submit the app to the app store, and the way Xamarin works, you need to use a Mac to create the UI for iOS apps as well.
To get the most of the Xamarin, you ideally would develop your base code using Xamarin and C#, then build separate UI's for both Android and iOS. While your UIs are separate, your base core code is all the same for both apps.
It really does not make sense to have a native Android app all in Java, and then write the entire iOS app in C#. Either stick to completely native apps for both platforms, or use a wrapper like Xamarin for both.
Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio makes it possible to develop iOS
applications on Windows, but you will still need a Mac in order to
compile and run the code.
Today, Xamarin.iOS integration in Visual Studio is focused on enabling
developers to develop in C#. Xamarin developers who write Xamarin.iOS
applications on Windows typically hand-code their user interfaces—or
they will need to switch to the Mac to use Xcode (or a beta version of
Xamarin’s new iOS Designer) to interactively design an iOS user
interface layout.
"or use a wrapper like Xamarin for both"
I have discovered the term wrapping is not correct for this product.
Unlike other products (Corona, Phonegap, Titanium, ...) that wrap up in a common, genericized library, Xamarin compiles at core level with no penalty. It is 100% native. All functionality in all it's supported platforms is 100% available and not watered down.
Wrappers can be faster to program in, in theory, but when you factor in the time you will spend looking for workarounds for the one piece of functionality that is available natively but not in your wrapper library. When you factor in the constant bugs because wrapping for 3 or more platforms is a constantly moving target and you can't count on it working from day to day.
When you factor all those things in, writing native in c# for all platforms is the better option.
I tried them all, and xamarin was my last choice as I was distracted chasing that perfect golden goose wrapper product.

What is RhoMobile for?

I do not understand. I have to download xcode and bunches of other stuff to make it work. I don't understand what I'm getting. Is it that I can use Ruby instead of Objective-C and it compiles down to a native app? Thanks.
Rhomobile, selected Best Startup at Interop 2009, lets developers use HTML and Ruby to create native iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian, and Android applications.
The development in it is called rhodes.
Rhodes is a free and open source MVC-based framework written in Ruby under the MIT license for building native cross-platform mobile development applications. Rhodes enables developers to harness their traditional web skills such as HTML, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, instead of in Objective-C or other complex native device OS language, to create a native app, and porting the app in cross operating systems such as Android, Apple’s iPhone and iPad, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and HP/Palm's Linux-based WebOS.
Download rhoStudio. Using the rhoStudio you can create your iOS, android,BB,WP application easily.
What you have to do is to code in simple html, javascript and if you want to use MVC architecture you have to use Ruby for that. As it is build on Ruby framework.
Good thing is it also supports HTML 5.
Once you build the project you can transform into any of your favorite device application.
with just only couple of commands.
I just coded in html in rhoStudio and now I can run the same application in my Xcode also. its fun.
At the same time of development you can run your project for other devices too.
The ruby that you write is compiled to Ruby bytecode and the compiled bytecode is executed as a resource by Rhodes and compiled to native code. A rubyVM interpreter is integrated into the application.

BlackBerry J2ME vs HTML Javascript framework like PhoneGap

A client wants a blackberry application for listening live radio for his radio station. We focused on iPhone development. I know Java language have done several projects. However haven't tried yet J2ME. Which do you recommend J2ME or HTML Javascript framework like PhoneGap or any other cross platform framework? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them? Thanks.
If you are comfortable with Java Swing or other Java UI programming then going with native is probably a great idea.
If you are more comfortable with HTML, JavaScript and CSS then use PhoneGap. If you are planning on deploying your application to more than one platform then definitely use PhoneGap. PhoneGap also allows you to write native BlackBerry Java code and integrate that with the HTML / JS code in case the specific APIs you need are not exposed.
With the imminent release of BlackBerry OS 6 things should get a lot better on that platform for both PhoneGap (since the browser is now WebKit based) and for native Java programming.
There are many other comparisons between PhoneGap and X on stackoverflow, though most other cross platform frameworks don't support BlackBerry.
J2ME: Blackberry supports this (and is fact still the BB's core), however it's a rapidly aging platform. You can't do many interesting things in BB without the proprietary APIs.
Phonegap: Haven't used it myself but I've heard so-so things about it. High footprint, lowest-common-denominator etc.
