Weblate mark items as untranslated in the xliff-file? - translation

I have the following xliff-Translation-Format. And i need to mark Textitems as untranslated within the xliff-file, so that Weblate displays those as untranslated.
<note priority="1" from="description">Delete alert dialog</note>
<note priority="1" from="meaning">Delete button label</note>
<target state="needs-translation">Delete</target>
It seems that the state attributes aren't recognized by weblate. Only when the Target-Tag is empty, Weblate displays the item as untranslated. But the Target-Tag always needs to be not empty, since the application doesn't have a fallback and will display nothing at this point.

The Weblate documentation is pretty clear that if a <target> element contains content, you can specify its state with the state attribute, e.g. with new, needs-translation, needs-adaptation, needs-l10n.
What you describe does not appear to conform to the above description. So after making sure the error is not on your end (you're using the correct XLIFF file and the latest Weblate version, you're not using any attributes on the <trans-unit> element that would conflict with the target status etc.), be sure to submit an issue.
In the meantime, you could experiment with the other status values listed above, maybe Weblate picks up those. Or you could try various upload options if they are available (the documentation mentions "Upload as translated" in passing).


read data from file and use the data as multiple checkboxes in extended choice parameter in Jenkins

I have a file with a list of cases that i would like to be able to use as multiple selection check box in my Jenkins project.
example: jenkins.properties
The list of cases (in the file) can be from time to time get bigger or smaller!
So, how can Jenkins now read those cases and create during "Build with parameters" the needed check boxes so that the user can select or not the cases?
How should the properties file look like?
Which plug-in should i use to achieve this?
Use the Extended Choice Parameter plugin
Setup new parameter, let's call it mychoice
Select "Type" as Checkboxes
Choose a "Delimeter", for example ,
Under "Choose Source for Value", select Property File
Specify location of property file, it has to be an absolute location, not relative.
Specify "Property Key" that's in the property file, for example "mychoice_values"
Type the following in your property file:
Every time "Build with parameters" is invoked, it will read that property file, find line that starts with mychoice_values, and will present 3 checkboxes called choice1, choice2, and choice3.
If the property file changes, new choices will be presented
With the answer from Slav and my additional settings I managed to solve my question:
In addition:
1. i added "Default Value" = None
2. i added in the property file: mychoice_values=choice1,choice2,choice3,None (None)
With the above settings 4 check boxes are created and by default the None check box is pre-selected!
It is not perfect the solution, because the user has to uncheck the None box if he checks other boxes! Prefect would be, if None check box would be unchecked automatically when other check boxes are selected!!!

After upgrading to TFS2013 RTM, the search from the web interface returns "TF51535: Missing or unsupported field name."

After upgrading to TFS2013 RTM, the search from the web interface returns "TF51535: Missing or unsupported field name." It looks like the default fields to search changed.
How do you change the work item fields that are searched on by default in TFS2013?
What I have found so far:
It is searching on Title, Description, Repro Steps\
In TFS2010 you could follow the steps listed here to change the default (at least I assume... I didn't actually use that version)
This is likely to happen for anyone that started using bugs in an older process template and has continued to use and upgrade the template to work with the newer versions.
Microsoft is now searching on Description, Title, and "Repro Steps" by default. The error happens because "Repro Steps" is not in any of the work item types. This field maps to Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps the old similar field was Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.StepsToReproduce
One way to fix the problem:
export the bug work item type
witadmin exportwitd /collection:CollectionName /p:projectName /n:Bug /f:"Bug.xml"
add the new field
FIELD name="Repro Steps" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps" type="HTML"
import the bug work item type
witadmin importwitd /collection:CollectionName /p:projectName /n:Bug /f:"Bug.xml"
This allows the search to find the field but with these minimum steps that field won't have anything in it. The search will effectively be on title and description only.
There are two other solutions:
- Change what fields are being searched on to not include reprosteps (I haven't figured out how to do this yet)
- Do the above, copy all the old data into the new field, show the new field on the WI. This would allow the search of the field as intended.

composite C1 form Renderer localization

I have created a global data type, and use form renderer in a page to let user fill in the data and submit to website.
The default English is working fine.
now when I try to support the second language I run into issues. According to the composite documentation:
1.Add your empty localization file at ~/Frontend/CompositeForms/Renderer/Localization/, for example: Composite.FormsRenderer.de-de.xml
2.Copy the contents of the default Composite.FormsRenderer.en-us.xml to your localization file.
3.Translate the strings.
4.In ~/App_Data/Composite/Composite.config, under the section locate Composite.Plugins.FormsRenderer's add section and register your localization file
but ~/Frontend/CompositeForms/Renderer/Localization does not exist, and neither does Composite.FormsRendereren-us.xml exists.
is the documentation outdated? does anyone had experience with localizing form renderer on user defined data type?
The documentation IS outdated at the moment (and will be updated soon - thanks for pointing it out).
Do it in the following way on 4.0 or later:
Make a copy of ~/Composite/InstalledPackages/localization/Composite.Forms.Renderer.en-us.xml, changing the language/culture code from 'en-us' to your language's (e.g. Composite.Forms.Renderer.de-de.xml).
Translate the strings.
No need to change anything in ~/App_Data/Composite/Composite.config any more.

Can I compile 2 build templates in the same solution?

I've got a class library project set up to do template editing and wanted to drop in another copy and customize it. However I get
The type 'TfsBuild.Process' already contains a definition for '_contentLoaded'
and 22 more of the same with the other _ names.
Also Type 'TfsBuild.Process' already defines a member called 'Process' with the same parameter types C:\Projects\MSBuild.Tasks\TechnicalDebtTaskLib\BuildProcessTemplate\obj\Release\CodeMetric.g.cs 62 16 BuildProcessTemplate
i've tried hand editing different parts of the xaml to try to find what key might need to be more unique, but no luck.
How do I work on multiple build process templates in the same solution or copy a process template that makes it unique?
<activity mc:ignorable="sap" x:class="Tfs2008Template.Process" ... xmlns:this="clr-namespace:Tfs2008Template">
two tags must be changed for example:
<activity mc:ignorable="sap" x:class="Tfs2008Template2.Process" ... xmlns:this="clr-namespace:Tfs2008Template2">
For whatever reasoning the two tags that are related and need to be in sync are usually at the beginning and end of a very long list of attributes.
Full Article on my blog

How do I make Beyond Compare ignore certain differences while comparing versions of Delphi Form Files

I use Beyond Compare (version 3.1.10) to compare different versions of Delphi Form Files, but I don't want to see differences concerning ExplicitTop, ExplicitLeft, ExplicitHeight and ExplicitWidth.
These lines will always begin with a number of whitespace characters, then "ExplicitXXX = " and a number. Older versions of Delphi didn't have these lines, so I want to ignore differences where these lines are added to the newest version, and I also want to ignore differences where the number has changed.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Duplicate (more or less) of:
How do I configure BeyondCompare to ignore SCM replaced text in comments?
Load a pair of DFM files showing the difference.
Click the Session Settings button (aka Rules w/ umpire icon) or use the Session->Session Settings menu item.
Switch to the Importance tab then click the Edit Grammar... button to open a second dialog.
Click the New... button below the top listbox to open a third dialog.
Change the Element Name option to something like Explicit*, change the Text Matching to Explicit(Left|Top|Width|Height) = \d+ and check the Match character case and Regular expression checkboxes, then click Ok, then click Ok again in the second dialog.
Explicit* should now appear in the original dialog's Grammar Elements list. Uncheck it, then change the combobox at the bottom of the dialog from Use for this view only to Update session defaults.
I don't use Beyond Compare, but if you want to have newer versions of Delphi stop adding the (IMO useless) Explicit* properties, you can use Andreas Hausladen's DDevExtensions
In my case (C#), I wanted to ignore the entire line which contained namespaces (and thus, using's) which I changed.
(Referenced Walkthrough - Ignore entire line if text exist in line
changed to
To do that
In step 5. of Craig's solution, change the Text Matching to
(include the quotes)
That's it.
Craig Peterson's answer is correct.
N.B. However! The tab 'importance' is not always visible from Session/Session-settings. Always, from inside a Folder list view, it will not be there. It seems there are certain filetypes that do not have it either, though I'm less clear on that. BC has so many options and plugins I bet there is a workaround, but for me I have been ok so far.
