composite C1 form Renderer localization - localization

I have created a global data type, and use form renderer in a page to let user fill in the data and submit to website.
The default English is working fine.
now when I try to support the second language I run into issues. According to the composite documentation:
1.Add your empty localization file at ~/Frontend/CompositeForms/Renderer/Localization/, for example:
2.Copy the contents of the default Composite.FormsRenderer.en-us.xml to your localization file.
3.Translate the strings.
4.In ~/App_Data/Composite/Composite.config, under the section locate Composite.Plugins.FormsRenderer's add section and register your localization file
but ~/Frontend/CompositeForms/Renderer/Localization does not exist, and neither does Composite.FormsRendereren-us.xml exists.
is the documentation outdated? does anyone had experience with localizing form renderer on user defined data type?

The documentation IS outdated at the moment (and will be updated soon - thanks for pointing it out).
Do it in the following way on 4.0 or later:
Make a copy of ~/Composite/InstalledPackages/localization/Composite.Forms.Renderer.en-us.xml, changing the language/culture code from 'en-us' to your language's (e.g.
Translate the strings.
No need to change anything in ~/App_Data/Composite/Composite.config any more.


How to rebrand Chromium in different language than English

I have the following problem. I want to rebrand the Chromium label to my own brand. I have tried this:
How to change Chromium browser logo and name?
so I have tried to replace all occurrences of "Chromium" or "Chrome" in the following files.
Now I need the browser to be in another language than English. Compiling the browser, some sections of the UI now have my new brand, but are still written in English, i.e. not translated. I suppose the reason is somewhere, that I have modified the .grd files as these are the template files for the translation. I have also looked into the associated .xtb files. There are the unique numerical ids for the translated string, and I think because I altered the occurences to my own brand in the template, the mapping between the string in the template and the translation in the .xtb file is corrupted.
How can I change the brand as suggested by Asesh in the link above and still have everything properly translated?
I have tried to modify the xtb files with my new brand name as well but the mapping did not work out between the id and the string in the template. I have read about GRIT but if I got it right, I cannot use the grit tool that comes with Chromium to just generate new numerical ids for the translations.

ASP.NET MVC add translation in multiplanguage from screen/UI dynamically

In my website -- Add screen/UI from which user can add translation dynamically
for example:
I want to add translation for "Hello World!" in multiple language and want to fetch according to language selection
Key :
Hello World!
en (it can be anything english,spanish,german etc)
This above 3 field data we can add/enter from Scree/UI by superadmin and
store/save in whatever form is good it can be in database or in json file
Please suggest way to add translation from screen
Asp.Net has a special file called resource files (.resx) to define the default locale (English) and other language texts.
For that please follow the steps:
step 1: You need to create .resx(resource file) into Resource(new
folder). create the file for the default language and second file with other lang.
step 2: set access modifier to public otherwise the
variable value will not appear on the view side
step 3: enter the variable name in the same in both files but make value different related to language.
step 4: once you declare the same variable name in both languages resource file, you can use that variable name where ever you want to declare in .cshtml file.
ex. Resources.Global.APP_NAME
For reference :
Please use below nuget package
It is really awesome thanks to nuget and their author
Please note that In this solution they have provided solution for all .net framwork/platform like 4.5 also aspnet core
Thanks again

How to get the "Created by <name> on <date>" text

So the question is actually simple, but I have no idea how to approach this issue. I know this code is generated by template based on this question:
XCode automatically generated comments?
I want to use the <name> that xcode provides on each mac machine which is unique for it's user, for some types of logs.
This is how the swift template file looks before it's used by Xcode to create my work file:
// ___FILENAME___
// Created by ___FULLUSERNAME___ on ___DATE___.
Surely, there is no point in parsing it.
The question is: Does anyone knows how I can get this name using swift in my application?
I searched for an answer here/Google but so far no luck.
I don't know how to read the header. But you can do it otherwise.
First if you need the creation-date of a file, you can use the NSFileManager:
var path = "path/to/your/file/"
var fileAttribs:NSDictionary = NSFileManager.defaultManager().attributesOfFileSystemForPath(path, error: nil)!
var creationDate = fileAttribs.objectForKey(NSFileCreationDate)
Also if you need the full username, you can use the function NSFullUserName() or NSUserName(). It should return the same string as __FULLUSERNAME__
var fullUsername = NSFullUserName()
var username = NSUserName()
Sometimes in the iOS Simulator, this username is empty, but in a real app, it should work properly.
That text written at template instantiation time — that is, when you create a new Xcode project (or a new file in an existing project using the File > New > File... templates). You can't read the contents of the source file your code was compiled from. (Well, unless you ship that file along with your compiled binary, and read it in like any other text file.)
But that's just text substitution — it can be done anywhere in the file, not just in the comment headers. So you could create your own file or project templates, and in the template files, put those substitution macros in code instead of in comments:
let schmoeWhoCreatedThisFile = "___FULLUSERNAME___"
Here's a tutorial found in a couple seconds of web searching that has the full details on creating templates and the substitution macros you can use in them.
Remember, substitution happens when you create a new file or project — if you're looking for who made the latest change to your source file or who built the app that shipped to your customers, you're barking up the wrong tree. Some of those sorts of things you can do with source control; others are more a matter of (human-defined, human-executed) policy for you or or your organization.

How do I add more words to the mediawiki UniversalLanguageSelector extension

I have added some contents to the mediawiki sidebar(Mediawiki:Sidebar). When I changed the language from English to Malayalam using the UniversalLanguageSelector, everything in the sidebar except the newly added contents got translated. My question:
What do I do to get all the sidebar contents to be translated to Malayalam?
Can I add those contents along with the translations to some file in the extension's folder so that it also will get translated?
The easiest way to localize the sidebar, is to use system message as variables. E.g., rather than adding the link *mw-mainpage-url|My mainpage in English, *mw-mainpage-url|Min huvudsida in Swedish, etc, just do *mw-mainpage-url|mainpage-description in MediaWiki:Sidebar, and then use mainpage-description/en, mainpage-description/sv, etc to change the translation of that part of the sidebar. This way you only need to change the sidebar layout in one place, and you can make use of the many translations already available, as well as create your own, custom system messages, by adding pages to the MediaWiki namespace.
Note that sidebar contents is aggressively cached. You might need to purge your pages.
Also note that $wgUseDatabaseMessages must be true (default).

Localizing strings from the Settings.bundle using InAppSettingsKit

I am attempting to use InAppSettingsKit to manage my settings. This uses the Settings.bundle with a .plist file and the .strings files for each of the languages being translated.
I can confirm that the translation of my strings is working properly outside of my application, using the Setting application. But when I am in my application, the translation is not occurring.
I think it comes down to code like this, from the InAppSettingsKit class IASKSettingsReader, with a couple logging statements that I thought my be helpful:
- (NSString*)titleForStringId:(NSString*)stringId {
NSLog(#"%#",[_bundle localizedStringForKey:stringId value:stringId table:self.localizationTable]);
NSLog(#"%#",[_bundle localizedInfoDictionary]);
return [_bundle localizedStringForKey:stringId value:stringId table:self.localizationTable];
If I understand correctly, this should be using a table with the name self.localizationTable as the source of the translation. This value is simply "Root". It's not a path to the Root.strings file in the selected language, so I am guessing that the method localizedStringForKey:value:table: must be using some global system reference that points to the correct path.
I have confirmed that the strings file name is "Root.strings" all around, with a capital R, including in the Root.plist file.
[_bundle localizedInfoDictionary] returns (null); It is doing this for two language settings of English and French.
I'm not sure how to debug this. Thanks for any help you can give.
I'm using InAppSettingsKit with localized text with no problems. Two things I can think of that you could check: are your Root.strings files located in the correct subdirectories of Settings.bundle (en.lproj and fr.lproj for English and French?
Is there a "Strings Filename" entry in your Root.plist? It should simply contain a string with value "Root"
It has been quite some time since I resolved this, and at the time, I didn't fully understand it. But, in the interest of closing out this question, I'll point to the following documentation for future reference:
NSBundle Class Reference
which refers to the following:
Resource Programming Guide
In the second document, refer to the section "String REsources -> Loading String Resources Into Your Code"
The solution contains a properly configured Root.strings file, which shows up in the file list like this:
