Identify forwarded calls - twilio

I'm very new at using Twilio. I just created my first flow using Studio, which forwards SMS and calls to my personal phone. Is there a way to differentiate forwarded inbound calls (business) from regular direct calls (personal)?
Thank you!

Twilio developer evangelist here.
I would edit the caller ID in the Connect Call To widget in Studio to be a different validated outgoing number so you know if it is that number, it is for business, as mentioned in this tutorial on call-forwarding with Studio.
You could also trigger the sending of a SMS message from Studio before forwarding the call or SMS message saying that the incoming message/call is for business.
We also offer the Lookup API in your console to find information like location, caller name, and carrier.
Hope this helps!


Twilio Studio AND Twilio Messaging Service SAME number
I have two separate API's. One API I'm using the messaging service to bulk send messages to 1k users. Recently I've been experimenting with Twilio Studio and created another API to send a survey flow to customers where they could also reply to the incoming message and its get recorded in my db.
The issue here is, twilio studio wont read the customer's message if I have messaging service. If I remove the phone number from the messenging service, then twilio studio starts reading messages again. Is there anything in the config of messenging service that I can change so that I could have both concurrently?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It sounds like you have this incorrectly configured such that you need to be using the Messaging Service when you send out the bulk messages as Studio will trigger and create a User based on Messaging Service + User as the To-From pair.
This tutorial from my former teammate Tilde on Using Twilio Studio and Conversations with SMS may be helpful.
Let me know if this helps at all!

Twilio: track user action on SMS links and reply based on that action

I using twilio flow to create simple chatbot that sends user a whatsapp message with link to provide some details and once user has provided the required details on web page, chat bot must reply with a THANKS message.
Is there anything like postback using rest api on active execution based on which a thank you message can sent.
Please have look on diagram as well.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you say you are using Twilio flow, I guess you are using Twilio Studio to send the messages. In this case, I don't think you can achieve what you want with Studio. You can't move an execution on with the REST API.
However, it should be fairly straightforward to send the thank you message from your application using the Twilio Messaging API instead.
What you will need to do is, when the user submits the form, in your back-end code as well as saving the data to your database, make a call to the Twilio API to send the WhatsApp message. I'm not sure what your application is built in, so I've just linked to the relevant documentation.

How to check status of a Twilio client before connecting call

I am using Twilio client to call my customer or receive the call from customers.
I want to play a busy voice message to customer if the Twilio client is engaged and talking to any other customer. how can I achieve that.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can’t tell the status of a Twilio Client from outside the page it is live on. Instead it is best to manage the availability of your agents via TaskRouter. With TaskRouter incoming calls can be queued until there is an available agent to answer. Those calls can also timeout, be assigned to other queues or be redirected to leave messages as in a voicemail system.
I recommend you look into TaskRouter.

twilio stop receiving messages

We are using twilio service to send messages to our customers. We want to provide STOP receiving messages option to our customers.
So when a customer replies STOP, he/she should stop receiving messages. I think twilio has a blacklist to stop sending messages to a customer if the customers chooses to.
However, as an organization, we also want to know if a customer opted out of receiving messages.
How will twilio tell us that a customer opted out of receiving messages? How can we add a web hook such as a rest endpoint in twilio? Is this usecase possible in twilio?
Twilio evangelist here.
This article explains our default keyword handling:
tl;dr If someone texts STOP to your Twilio number we add them to our blacklist then pass the message on to you via the normal webhook process.
Hope that helps.

undefined:undefined Twilio Studio Flow SMS Forwarding Function Error

I've been attempting to create a two-way conversation using SMS forwarding in Twilio Studio flow. I know there are multiple ways to set up SMS forwarding in Twilio, and I have been successful in doing so using functions on their own, TwiML and Studio Flow SMS on the send message widget. However, I am struggling with creating a flow that extends beyond one message. I've added the function for SMS forwarding into my flow, but every time a response is received it displays as "undefined:undefined" as opposed to "+15555555555:Hello SMS", Am i missing something?
You might want to use the CHAT product from Twilio instead which would manage all of the sessions, conversations and everything else.
