Error loading DBPedia Turtle in Virtuoso with Docker - docker

I downloaded DBPedia turtle-files with their extraction framework (
Then I used the docker image tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.2 after extracting all ttl.bz2 to a toLoad folder.
After the full load, I checked isql with select * from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST; and got an error from one of the files:
2 2019.2.2 11:31.43 69876000 2019.2.2 11:31.44 521623000 0 NULL 37000
[Vectorized Turtle loader] SP029: TURTLE RDF loader, line 172395:
syntax error
The virtuoso endpoint (http://localhost:8890/sparql) is online, but the queries don't return correct results.
Do you know what I can do to correct this error?
UPDATE: newer tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.5.1 and openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7 were also tested giving the same result.
UPDATE 2: Line 172395 of that file seems ok: <> <> <> <> .

As I said in your duplicate post on github --
I would start by using tenforce/virtuoso:latest or tenforce/virtuoso:virtuoso7.2.5 or tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.5, all of which should be based on Virtuoso (from August 2018), rather than the rather elderly tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.2 which is based on the similarly elderly Virtuoso 7.2.2 (from December 2015).


PSPNet evalution issue

I am working on PSNet and When I reached on third step evaluation and run the code with command ./ I have facing these errors shown in Image and also code is:
Error using importdata
unable to open file.
Error in eval_sub (line 3)
list = importdata(fullfill(data_root,eval_list));
Error in eval_all (line_35)
I am working on laptop cpu don't have gpu etc
Please guide me

Graph Data Science Error (APOC Metadata Procedure Unavailable)

I have imported my data into my dbms and installed the plugins APOC ( and the Graf Data Science Library (1.4.1).
When I open the playground i get the following error:
I added following lines into my neo4j config,*,apoc.*,gds.**,apoc.*,gds.*
but still getting the same error.
I have done a little research and found someone with the same error and he said:
"It turned out to be a problem with the schema - I had a node with a label that had a space in it "
Is that really an option it is not working for me?
I did my import with neo4j-admin like this:
bin/neo4j-admin import --database=neo4j --id-type=INTEGER --multiline-fields=true --skip-duplicate-nodes --skip-bad-relationships=true --nodes=commits=import/nodes-commits.csv --nodes=packages=import/nodes-packages.csv --nodes=users=import/nodes-users.csv --relationships=commits=import/relationship-projects_commits.csv
with some further relationships.
I also tried then newest version of the dbms, apoc and GDS, but the same error came up.
Anybody have any idea if it can be the import or is it some other error.
Thanks a lot

Error Deploying Scriptable-Transform in Spring Cloud Data Flow : ParserException

I'm trying to construct a stream in spring cloud data flow with kafka-based scriptable transform. I followed the instruction here:
and my stream definition looks like this:
:SCDF_SORUCE > scriptable-transformer --language=ruby --script="return ""#{payload} extended"";" > :SCDF_DESTINATION
The "scriptable-transformer" app is registered with the following uri:
When I tried to deploy the stream, I see the following error in my skipper log:
org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserException: while parsing a block mapping
in 'reader', line 13, column 5:
"spring.metrics.export.triggers. ...
expected <block end>, but found Scalar
in 'reader', line 18, column 40:
... riptable-transformer.script": ""return ""#{payload} extended"";""
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingKey.produce( ~[snakeyaml-1.17.jar!/:na]
I've also tried to use js and python script, but got similar results.
How could I fix this error?
Here is a short summary of the scdf version being used:
- scdf local server: 1.5.2.RELEASE
- skipper server: 1.0.7.RELEASE
I believe you are referring to the scriptable-transform (not scriptable-transformER) app?
Anyway i've tried it and can confirm the issue when using the same transform expression in Skipper mode (expression works as it is in classic mode).
However if you replace the double with single quotes i believe it will resolve the issue. Following pipeline works fine for me with Kafka, Skipper:
time | scriptable-transform --scriptable-transformer.language=ruby --scriptable-transformer.script="return '#{payload} extended';" | log
I will investigate further to figure out if this is a documentation or code issue. In the meantime could you pleas try to above mention workaround and let me know if it solves to problem?

xlwings(0.7.0) importing UDF error

My problem is that when i try to import an UDF in Ecxel 2013 I receive the error message can be seen on the picture. I have installed xlwings and it works except the UDF importing. Note that i used "xlwings quickstart myproject" so there is no problem with the file names and i also used the sample function so that should be fine as well
Thank you in advance for your help!
I currently don't understand why you get that error, but I should be able to tell you how you can work around it for now:
Open the file in the xlwings package and remove the last argument on line 36, i.e. remove , ArgumentDescriptions=argdocs.
The intended functionality of that line (showing function argument description) is currently broken anyway (see here) so hopefully this will be resolved in a future version.

Need help installing the GNU Scientific Library for Lisp(GSLL)

I use Emacs\Slime\SBCL\QuickLisp\Cygwin(new to Cywgin I know nothing really about it) I, per this GNU link, tried to follow these instructions under the download and install section:
"You will need to make sure that the libraries and header files associated with GNU Scientific Library (GSL) and libffi are installed; your distribution may name these libgsl0-dev and libffi-dev. Once they are installed and you have loaded the quicklisp file:
run (ql:quickload "gsll")"
but its not working . I get this error message in emacs when running (ql:quickload "gsll")
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
("libffi-6.dll" "libffi-5.dll" "libffi.dll")
I have quicklisp installed correctly i use it all the time so I know its not that ....I don't really understand this part of above excerpt from website(above)
"your distribution may name these libgsl0-dev and libffi-dev." Once they are installed and you have loaded the quicklisp file"
well I do kind of and quicklisp can't seem to find them with "(ql:system-apropos "libffi")" or "(ql:system-apropos "libffi")" also the website(above link) names these dependencies, I think here in this exerpt:
GSLL should work in any Common Lisp implementation and platform combination for which the following are supported:
CFFI and cffi-grovel, version 0.11.0 or newer; callbacks and foreign-funcall must be supported.
lisp-unit, (Optional) necessary to run the tests
FSBV, (Optional) necessary for functions using complex scalars or simulated annealing
iterate and asdf-system-connnections, (Optional) provides a convenient way to iterate over elements or indices of vectors or matrices."
of the above I have CFFI CFFI-Grovel,trivial garbage, asdf,iterate ,Antik(all from quicklisp) but still can't figure it out please help me with step by step instructions for Windows 8 64-bit with perfectly functioning Emacs\Slime\SBCL\QuickLisp\Cygwin installed and available...I would appreciate any and all advice..Thank You
Note: now of these - Excerpt from website"
To load "gsll":
Load 3 ASDF systems:
alexandria cl-ppcre split-sequence
Install 20 Quicklisp releases:
antik asdf-system-connections babel bordeaux-threads
cffi chunga cl+ssl cl-base64 drakma flexi-streams fsbv
gsll iterate osicat puri static-vectors
trivial-features trivial-garbage trivial-gray-streams
I have all but Osicat. GSLL, and fsbv. When I try to load GSLL with
(ql:quickload "gsll")
I get:
Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from pathname
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
("libffi-6.dll" "libffi-5.dll" "libffi.dll")
When I try to load Osicat with
(ql:quickload "osicat")
I get:
Error while invoking <COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {26FB8F59}> on
<CL-SOURCE-FILE "osicat" "src" "osicat">
[Condition of type ASDF:COMPILE-ERROR]
and quicklisp doesn't have FSBV.....Any Help would be appreciated.
Made new progress on this one ...I got past the:
"Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from pathname
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
("libffi-6.dll" "libffi-5.dll" "libffi.dll")
Error Message when I ran (ql:quickload "gsll") in Emacs. I did it by downloading the LIBFFI tarball from here: ..the link at the top of page.
then i followed this tutorial
to build LIBFFI with a correctly installed MinGW(installed at C:\MinGW)
I learned to install MinGw correctly here:
after building LIBFFI I added its path - D:\libffi-3.0.13 - to my "system" Environment Variables "path" variable:
D: is my root drive.
I searched the D:\libffi-3.0.13 folder in Windows Explorer by putting *.dll in search bar, found libffi-6.dll
and put it in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.1.4 so SBCL could access it , the libffi-6.dll
was named in the previous error message:
Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from pathname
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
("libffi-6.dll" "libffi-5.dll" "libffi.dll")
Jobs not done I'm getting this Error Message, Which I will start on Tomorrow:
"Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from
External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/Program Files (x86)/Steel Bank Common Lisp/1.1.4/site/cffi/" "-o" "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.1.4\site\cffi\libffi\libffi-win32.exe" "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.1.4\site\cffi\libffi\libffi-win32.c"
Output was:
Any help in the meantime would be appreciated:
A Tutorial link for it is coming soon and will posted right
under this point<-----here.
Here it is Fellow Lispers..I give you GSLL on Windows 7 AND 8:
and here is a link of GSLL Error Mesages and their Solutions:
I'm working on a Database of Code Snippets for GSLL starting with Linear Algebra which will be on the same Blog as those upper two links so stay tuned here and on my Lisp Blog for those. Its basically a How to use GSLL Tutorial made with Code Snippets, Descriptions of the Snippets and Examples.
Your problem is that the development version of libffi (with header files) is not installed. There might be windows users on the cffi-devel mailing list that could help you with that; I recommend you post your question there. As far as the lisp libraries are concerned, quicklisp should take care of that and they are irrelevant to your problem. (And also, FSBV is obsolete and not needed; thanks for pointing out that the documentation needs to be updated.) (Also, emacs and slime are irrelevant to the problem, tags should be removed.)
It seems like you need to install those libraries into your system, you'll have to find the windows equivalents.
For debian/ubuntu :
These aren't installed through quicklisp but through the system package manager, in your case you will have to find a windows compatible version and install it.
Any luck with getting GSLL to work on Windows 7? I've been trying to install the software and
have even used Dependency Walker to track any missing DLLs that might be needed but still have not been able to get it to run. I do have it running fine on Linux but I am looking to have it running under Window 7.
