PSPNet evalution issue - image-processing

I am working on PSNet and When I reached on third step evaluation and run the code with command ./ I have facing these errors shown in Image and also code is:
Error using importdata
unable to open file.
Error in eval_sub (line 3)
list = importdata(fullfill(data_root,eval_list));
Error in eval_all (line_35)
I am working on laptop cpu don't have gpu etc
Please guide me


Error loading DBPedia Turtle in Virtuoso with Docker

I downloaded DBPedia turtle-files with their extraction framework (
Then I used the docker image tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.2 after extracting all ttl.bz2 to a toLoad folder.
After the full load, I checked isql with select * from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST; and got an error from one of the files:
2 2019.2.2 11:31.43 69876000 2019.2.2 11:31.44 521623000 0 NULL 37000
[Vectorized Turtle loader] SP029: TURTLE RDF loader, line 172395:
syntax error
The virtuoso endpoint (http://localhost:8890/sparql) is online, but the queries don't return correct results.
Do you know what I can do to correct this error?
UPDATE: newer tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.5.1 and openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7 were also tested giving the same result.
UPDATE 2: Line 172395 of that file seems ok: <> <> <> <> .
As I said in your duplicate post on github --
I would start by using tenforce/virtuoso:latest or tenforce/virtuoso:virtuoso7.2.5 or tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.5, all of which should be based on Virtuoso (from August 2018), rather than the rather elderly tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.2 which is based on the similarly elderly Virtuoso 7.2.2 (from December 2015).

xlwings(0.7.0) importing UDF error

My problem is that when i try to import an UDF in Ecxel 2013 I receive the error message can be seen on the picture. I have installed xlwings and it works except the UDF importing. Note that i used "xlwings quickstart myproject" so there is no problem with the file names and i also used the sample function so that should be fine as well
Thank you in advance for your help!
I currently don't understand why you get that error, but I should be able to tell you how you can work around it for now:
Open the file in the xlwings package and remove the last argument on line 36, i.e. remove , ArgumentDescriptions=argdocs.
The intended functionality of that line (showing function argument description) is currently broken anyway (see here) so hopefully this will be resolved in a future version.

Rejecting re-init on previously failed class error when loading a Class with dalvikvm

I am trying to use Terminal IDE on Lollipop 5.1.1. Using a Samsung E7 device, a mod version of Terminal IDE is provided by someone on XDA
I tried to use javac script in that mod but it gave an unsatisfied link error, saying that:
$ javac
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.verifyCertificate(
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.readCertificates(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.getInputStream(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.handleGetBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.handleGetBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.handleGetBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at com.spartacusrex.spartacuside.external.javac.main(
It is strange that there is a UnsatisfiedLinkError , because it doesn't say that VM cannot find library or cannot find xyz method.
I tried using logcat command right after using Terminal IDE's javac script on Device, the odd thing I found from there is :
I/art ( 6558) : rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
I couldn't understand why this happened,
The javac script uses android's dalvikvm command to load
class. People have faced this rejecting re-init issue on sdk version 20+ but it's not clear to me why this info message uccurs and how to solve it.
I copied /system/lib/ to Terminal IDE's ~/system/lib folder and now javac and dx tools are working.
It seems like Google messed up with things in /system/lib which resulted in errors.
Answering so someone else might find it useful.

Runtime error in Opencv text module sample code "webcam_demo"

When I run other samples code of module text , everything is well. But when I tried to run webcam_demo program I got this error:
Error: Illegal min or max specification!
"Fatal error encountered!" == NULL:Error:Assert failed:in file globaloc.cpp, line 75
The debugger breaks execution right before this line:
Thank you for helping out
I had same problem, when using tesseract with OpenCV.
When I moved initialization before anything else, it started to work.

Simple OpenCV problem

Why I try to run the following OpenCV program, it shows the following error :
test_1.exe - Application Error
The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003).
Click on OK to terminate the application.
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int main()
IplImage *img = cvLoadImage("C:\\face.bmp");
cvSetImageROI(img, cvRect(100,100, 100, 100));
cvAddS(img, cvScalar(50), img);
cvShowImage("Test", img);
return 0;
When i press F5(im using vs2008express), the program encounters a break point...i have attached a picture...dont know, whether, it will help or not.
Error Snapshot Link
It is not that, only this program is producing this error, but also any kind of image manipulation funciton containing (OpenCV)program is resulting in this sitution.
Such as : cvSmooth
one last thing, it there any dedicated OpenCV forum or sth like that?
I am an administrator.So, yes, ive the permission.
a version mismatch.
sorry, i didn't get it?Version mismatch with what?
But, i have found the error using dependency walker.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export
function in a delay-load dependent module.
and also found that, it is a common problem, and found some info in the FAQ of DW...
Why am I seeing a lot of applications where MPR.DLL shows up in red under
SHLWAPI.DLL because it is missing a function named WNetRestoreConnectionA?
I also get a "Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to
a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module" message.
Function name : WNetRestoreConnectionA
But there is no guideline about how to solve it. Though, they say, it is not a problem.
i googled a little and found a suggestion.It says,
Turn off your compilers setting to assume you are programming for Win9x.
(I just lost which setting but it is not that difficult, use a #define...)
But i have no idea, how to do that in Visual Studio 2008 express.
Any suggestion how to solve it...
This usually indicates a problem with a dll; either you don't have permission, or a version is mismatched. Try running as Administrator to see if it is a permissions problem. If that doesn't help, try using the Dependency Walker.
