Disabling automatic date detection for AVSpeechSyntesizer/AVSpeechUtterance - ios

Today I stumbled upon a very curious behaviour of iOS's AVSpeechSynthesizer. If I give it a string containing "DON 21" using the German language, it'll say "Donnerstag, 21.". (It will automatically translate "THU 21" to "Thursday 21st" and read this string. Unfortunately I need to read the text provided by another source that may or may not contain strings like "DON 21" or others (depending on the language). Has anyone ever encountered this behavior? Does anyone know how to turn the automatic date transscription off?

Try deleting the space or adding other punctuation: it might pronounce "DON21" differently. If that doesn't work, use attributedSpeechString to tell the synthesizer to pronounce this part of the string the way you want it pronounced.


Eggplant : How to read text with special characters like ' _ etc

I am trying to read a text in a given rectangle using readText() function.
The function works correctly except when it has to read some text which has special characters like ' _ & etc.
I tried using validCharacters with readText() function. But it didn't help.
Code -
put ReadText((287,125,810,164),validCharacters:"_-'.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890") into Login
I tried working with character collections. But that doesn't seem to be right because the text trying to pick is a dynamic text combination of numbers alphabets and a special character. So one cannot create a library of character collection of every alphabet (a-z, A-Z), numbers(0-9) and special characters.
Example of text trying to read:
Login_Userid1_1, Login'Userid1_1
So how do I read such text correctly
Debugging OCR is a bit of an imprecise science. EggPlant has a lot of OCR Parameters to tweak. When designing test cases it's best to try use other mechanisms to gather information whenever possible. ReadText() should be considered a last resort when more reliable methods are unavailable. When I've used it I've often needed to do a lot of trial and error to find the right set of settings, and SearchRectangle to get consistent results. Without seeing exactly what images you are trying to read text from it's difficult to impossible to troubleshoot where the issue might be.
One thing that does stand out to me is that you're trying to read strings that may contain underscores. ReadText() has an optional property IgnoreUnderscores which treats underscores as spaces. By default this property is set to ON. It defaults to ON because some OCR engines have problems identifying underscore characters consistently.
If you want to have ReadText() handle underscores you'll want to explicitly set this property to OFF.
ReadText(rect, validCharacters:chars, ignoreUnderscores:OFF)

Online character set converter unknown

Came across this, and dont quite know the answer. What is the character set used here, and how can i convert a sample message into similar set online somewhere?
original string:
Strike Back
result string:
§ƭřïƙè ßáçƙ
What character set is this?
That's simply a "leetifier", or "13375p34k converter" or whatever else they're called. It simply changes letters to similar looking letters based on a usually hardcoded lookup table. That's all. This has nothing to do with character sets or encodings at all.
Anser is here, Pseudolocalization

iOS DDMathParser Get Any Occurrences of (...) In String

I am using DDMathParser in my app, and have recently come across the need to get occurrences of any group of numbers within a () parentheses bracket thingy (very highly technical!). For example, I would need to get (6+5) out of 6+7/8(6+5). Specifically, I would like to be able to do this so that I can make (56+9)sqrt compile just as well as sqrt(56+9). Any help?
P.S. I know that the maker of DDMathParser is often sighted in this neck of the woods. I am secretly hoping that he will come to the rescue and either fix my problem so I can implement it myself or him make it part of DDMathParser! :)
So, I've thought a lot about this question since you posted it a month ago. From what I understand, you're constructing a string as the user clicks/taps buttons.
I think this is your problem.
As the user taps buttons, you should be constructing (or modifying) DDExpression objects. This is the "pure" format of a math expression, whereas a string is lossy and difficult to manipulate. The string you show to the user should be generated from the DDExpression tree you're building.
This is a complex problem, and I'm still not entirely sure how I would go about implementing this, but this is the root of how I'd do it. I would not just construct a string based on what the user types.

UITextChecker is what dictionary?

Does anybody know what dictionary UITextChecker pulls from? I use it to verify that a word is in fact a valid word in an app. I have some questions from users about why specific words are available in other games (Boggle/Scrabble) but not in mine.
Examples: ai, qi, qat, xu, ae, tae, ait, ain, lav, aa, shh, za
I checked against /usr/share/dict/words and none of these words are in Websters Second International, so maybe UITextChecker uses this same source? They do show up in other dictionaries online (but this is really besides the point of the post).
Thanks for any insight!
UITextChecker may be using the same dictionary that UIReferenceLibraryViewController uses. In which case, you could use something like [UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm: #"term"] and if it returns true the word exists. I'm not sure how complete the built in dictionary is however.
I guess it uses the iPhone dictionary of the user, which depends on the current language/NSLocale the user is using (which is set in the "International" Settings on the iPhone). This is the behavior we observe when typing some text anywhere in the iPhone, words underlined in read (because detected by the internal UITextChecker) depends on the locale used.
If the user have activated multiple keyboards with different languages each (e.g. a French AZERTY keyboard and an US QWERTY keyboard) it depends obviously on the current language, namely the current keyboard active at this moment.
If you refer to the wordfeud dictionary... (that would be the only game I know those words from). They check their words from an online dictionary on their own server. Must be a list parsed from another spelling site or something.
I sometimes doubt the validity of some words though....

How does one change the text on the clipboard without altering the format information?

Another clipboard question:
When text is put onto the clipboard, it frequently goes in multiple ways, usually with and without formatting information. What I want to know is this -- how do you change the text on the clipboard without altering the formatting. In other words, I want to change the text side of things, but keep the formatting exactly the same.
This is again for my "TextScrubber" application where I want to remove line breaks from the text on the clipboard, but I don't want to alter the format info about that text.
I'm hoping that I don't have to "brute force" it by iterating over all the formats present, storing each, and then reinserting them after the text has been scrubbed.
I think the "brute force" is precisely what you'll have to do - according to MSDN Win32 API there is no way to do otherwise.
Yep, Nick. I think in this case you're going to be stuck with the solution already suggested. The clipboard is one area that hasn't really gotten much attention in the enhancement department throughout the years. That is probably because it does need to be simple, ubiquitous, and functional.
Why not simply load from the clipboard, change the text, and write back to the clipboard?
Maybe something simple like Sergey Tkachenko's TBin Clipboard: http://delphi32.org/vcl/2889/
Eric Rosenberger's answer to "Can not round trip html format to clipboard" might also be of use.
