How to config analyzed with #Field annotation in spring-data-elasticsearch with norms:enabled:false - spring-data-elasticsearch

#Field(index = FieldIndex.analyzed, type = FieldType.String)
How to add annotation here to disable norms for the analysed field

As there is no way to add norms enable-false attribute as part of #field annotations in java entity, we can add all mappings (all required types with attributes as mappings) in mappings.json file and refer this file in entity file. Like as below
#Document(indexName = "jobindex")
#Setting(settingPath = "/config/elasticsearch-settings.json")
#Mapping(mappingPath = "/config/mappings.json") //THIS ONE TO ADD
public class JobIndex implements Serializable {
and mappings.json look like
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"title": {
"type": "text",
"norms": { "enabled": false }
NOTE: when you add specific attributes as part of mappings.json which are not available in java #Field annotations then better add all field annotations part of json file rather than in java#Field annotations. So the conclusion is java entity should be without field annotations and all mappings should be in mappings.json file and that file should be referred in entity header as mentioned in the first code block of this answer.


Can't count the occurences of the entity with a field of particular value inside a nested property using Spring Data ElasticSearch Repository

I have the Article entity and inside it there is a nested property, let's say Metadata.
I need to count all articles, which have a particular field inside this nested property, let's say indexed, assigned to e.g. 1.
Java Document Snippet:
#Document(indexName = "article", type = "article", useServerConfiguration = true, createIndex = false)
#Setting(settingPath = "/mappings/settings.json")
#Mapping(mappingPath = "/mappings/articles.json")
public class Article {
// getters and setters, empty constructor are omitted for brevity
private String id;
private Metadata metadata;
// remainder of the body is omitted
Metadata.class snippet
public class Metadata {
// getters and setters, empty constructor are omitted for brevity
private Integer indexed;
// remainder of the body is omitted
The query I use to retrieve articles, which satisfy the given criteria and which I put as a value of on top of the custom method:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"nested": {
"path": "metadata",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"metadata.indexed": 1
My custom Spring Data ElasticSearch repository snippet with a custom method:
public CustomSpringDataElasticsearchRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Article, String> {
#Query("The query from above")
Long countByMetadata_Indexed(int value);
When I use the repository method shown above , I get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected 1 but found n results.
Custom Spring Data Elasticsearch Repository method(without #Query) returns 0(version without underscore returns 0 as well) though it should return everything correctly.
How do I get the correct results using Spring Data ElasticSearch Repository? Why does the custom method without #Query doesn't work as well?
UPD: The version of spring-data-elasticsearch used is 3.1.1.RELEASE.
Repository query methods currently(3.2.4.RELEASE) don't support the count by the fields inside nested fields.
As was mentioned previously, #Query annotation doesn't support custom count queries as of the latest version(3.2.4.RELEASE).
In other words, currently, the only way to do this query through Spring Data ElasticSearch is to use ElasticsearchTemplate bean or ElasticsearchOperations bean.
Credit: P.J.Meisch

Dynamic property types in Swagger Specification

Is it possible to define properties in a Swagger/OpenAPI definition that can be one of two types.
For example, our API allows a source ID to be sent as a string, or a source object. The source object has a fixed schema:
Source ID:
"source": "src_123"
Source Object:
"source": {
"foo": "bar"
I am unsure how to represent this in my Swagger definition.

Xamarin.Forms deserialising json to an object

var myObjectList = (List<MyObject>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(strResponseMessage, typeof(List<MyObject>));
the above works to deserialise a JSON string to a list of custom objects when the JSON has the following format
"Name": "Value"
"Name": "Value"
"Name": "Value"
"Name": "Value"
I don't know how to do the same when the format is like this
"ReturnedData" : [
"Name": "Value"
"Name": "Value"
"Name": "Value"
"Name": "Value"
I can get the data like this
JObject information = JObject.Parse(strResponseMessage);
foreach (dynamic data in information)
//convert to object here
and that works for Android but it seems that you cannot use a type of 'dynamic' for iOS as I get the error:
Object type Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpInvokeMemberBinder cannot be converted to target type: System.Object[]
What step am I missing to convert the second JSON string to the first?
If JsonConvert is JSON.Net just instead of List use
public class MyClass {
public List<MyObject> ReturnedData { get; set; }
You can't use the dynamic keyword on iOS as its forbidden to generate code as it states in this link.
No Dynamic Code Generation
Since the iPhone's kernel prevents an application from generating code dynamically Mono on the iPhone does not support any form of dynamic code generation.
These include:
The System.Reflection.Emit is not available.
The lack of System.Reflection. Emit means that no code that depends on runtime code generation will work. This includes things like:
The Dynamic Language Runtime.
Any languages built on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime.
Apparently there is some support creeping in from v7.2 as can be seen in this link - See #Rodja answer. - however - its very experimental and has flaws preventing this from fully working.
Your best approach would be to process the JObject - without - reying on the dynamic keyword and you will be alright on both Android and iOS.
Thanks for your replies - I was able to solve it as follows
JObject information = JObject.Parse(strResponseMessage);
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(strResponseMessage["ReturnedData "]);
var myObjectList = (List<MyObject>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json , typeof(List<MyObject>));
Works perfectly!

Grails data binding: creating instances of an abstract class with a Map hasMany

Similar to my last question (Grails databinding: creating instances of an abstract class), I want to use data binding with a class that contains a collection of abstract classes with a hasMany relationship, but in this case, instead of using a List, I'm using a Map.
I created a smalll project with a failing integration test to show the problem that can be found in Github, run it with:
grails test-app -integration -echoOut DataBinding
Anyway, I'll explain the problem by describing the classes and the test here:
class LocalizableContent {
Map contentByLocale = [:].withDefault { locale -> new Text() }
static hasMany = [ contentByLocale : Content ]
abstract class Content {
static belongsTo = [ localizableContent : LocalizableContent ]
static constraints = {
localizableContent nullable:true
class Text extends Content {
String text
As you can see, I'm already using the withDefault trick, but apparently it's not being called by Grails / Spring (I even tried to throw an exception in the default closure to verify that the code is not executed).
For the sake of the test, I also created a LocalizableContentController which is empty. With all that, the following integration test then fails:
void testMapDatabinding() {
def rawParams = [ 'contentByLocale[en].text': 'Content' ]
def controller = new LocalizableContentController()
controller.request.setAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.CONTROLLER, controller)
def localizableContent = new LocalizableContent(controller.params)
assert localizableContent?.contentByLocale['en']?.text == 'Content'
It says that localizableContent.contentByLocale is a map which looks like ['en': null], so apparently the data binding is understanding the map syntax and trying to create an entry for the 'en' key. But is not trying first to get the entry for that key, since the withDefault is not being called.
The following one tests that the withDefault works fine, and it passes:
void testMapByDefaultWithNoDatabinding() {
assert new LocalizableContent().contentByLocale['en']?.getClass() == Text
What am I missing here?
withDefault is nothing but a pattern to provide a valid value if you face an unknown key. For example, consider the below use case:
def map = [:].withDefault{k->
println k //Should print 'a'
map.test = 32
assert map.test == 32
assert map.a == 10
It takes the unknown key as the parameter, you cannot pass in any value to it, which is kind of logical, because it provides a default value instead of a value being provided.
In your case, the data binding would work if set the value to Text like:
Map contentByLocale = [:].withDefault { locale ->
//locale is the key. 'en' in this case
new Text(locale: locale, text: 'Content')
provided you have your Text class defined as
class Text extends Content{
String locale
String text

Best way to model map values in Grails?

I have to implement map values in my Grails app.
I have a class that can contain 0..N OsmTags, and the key is unique.
In Java I would model this with a Map in each object, but I don't know how to map classes in Grails.
So I defined this class:
class OsmTag {
/** OSM tag name, e.g. natural */
String key
/** OSM tag value, e.g. park */
String value
static constraints = {
key blank:false, size:2..80,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false
value blank:false, size:1..250,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false
That works ok, but it's actually quite ugly because the tag key is not unique.
Is there a better way to model this issue?
If your tags are simple strings, then you can use a map directly.
class Taggable {
Map tags // key : String, value : String
If I understand your question correctly, then you want to ensure that each tag is unique within a particular instance of the tagged entity?
Assume that the entity to which the tags are attached is named Taggable, then
you can enforce this requirement using a custom constraint:
class Taggable {
static hasMany = [ tags: OsmTag ]
class OsmTag {
static belongsTo = [ taggable: Taggable ]
/** OSM tag name, e.g. natural */
String key
/** OSM tag value, e.g. park */
String value
static constraints = {
key(blank:false, size:2..80,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false,
validator: { val, obj ->
if (obj.taggable.tags.key.count(val > 1)) {
return false
value(blank:false, size:1..250,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false)
If you're looking for a NoSQL solution, you could try using MongoDB with Grails. The most recent version (1.4) supports Geospatial indexing and querying.
