Change go path explicitly on docker image - docker

when I run dep ensure
/home/jenkins/workspace/myproject-voter is not within a known GOPATH/src
we have go installed on this docker image , I know that the project is not cloned to go/src but my question is if via set env or something I can do some trick to overcome this issue ?

my question is if via set env or something I can do some trick to overcome this issue ?
Not "set env", but ENV:
ENV GOPATH=/path/to/your/Go/project
That would ensure any Go command is using the right workspace.


Setting custom system-property for Payara Docker image

I am new to Docker and trying to create a Payara image for my application.
In that, I need to set a bunch of custom system-properties as server I have them in my Payara domain.xml:
<config name="server-config">
<system-property name="com.myorg.config.propertyA" value="abc"></system-property>
<system-property name="com.myorg.config.propertyB" value="def"></system-property>
So far, the Dockerfile I wrote, is like this.
I am trying to set just one system-property as of now, to experiment with ..and it's not working:
FROM payara/server-full
COPY myapp.war $DEPLOY_DIR
If I look at the post-boot-commands.asadmin inside the running container, it looks like this:
deploy /opt/payara/deployments/myapp.war
My application WAR ultimately fails to deploy due to being unable to find the property 'com.myorg.config.propertyA'.
I think I am trying to set the system property in the wrong way. Can anybody please advise? TIA
I found this works in the Dockerfile.
(So, I was trying to set it the wrong way initially).
RUN echo 'create-system-properties com.myorg.config.propertyA=abc' > $POSTBOOT_COMMANDS

Can i modify the docker image provided by playwright to add custom node version

I was utilizing Playwright to test my frontend application at work, however, we use node version 16.15.0 specifically. But, while looking at the docker file by Playwright I see that they install the latest node version which is causing issues when running in CircleCi.
Does anyone have any ideas for a workaround? Would I have to create a custom docker image using Playwright's image to tackle this and install the correct node version?
Any help would be appreciated!
Yes, that would be the way to go. The best way to go about this would be to patch the Dockerfile.focal with an ARG instruction. You will then be able to pass values to this argument with your docker build command. This is the best approach that will make maintenance easier. Edit the Dockerfile.focal and add this variable as:
# leave this blank or specify a default value.
Then in docker build you can set the value for this as. The docker build command in the script on the repo will change as follows:
docker build --platform "${PLATFORM}" -t "$3" -f "Dockerfile.$2" --build-arg NODE_VERSION=16.15.0 .
This will inject this variable into the image when it is being built so you can have the correct version. Also, this will make it easier to maintain since you will not have to change the Dockerfile every time you upgrade the version of NodeJS in your image.
Now, finally, you can edit the script to use the version variable. You can edit the line 13 in the script to something like:
apt-get install -y nodejs="{NODE_VERSION}" && \
You can use apt search nodejs after running the setup script to verify the correct version of the package.

Docker and trying to build an image using Azure Pipelines

Hopefully someone can help me see the wood for the trees as they say!
I am no Linux expert and therefore I am probably missing something very obvious.
I have a dockerfile which contains the following:
FROM node:9.8.0-alpine as node-webapi
LABEL authors="David Sheardown"
COPY ["package.json", "npm-shrinkwrap.json*", "./"]
RUN npm install --production --silent && mv node_modules ../
COPY . /home/vsts/work/1/s/
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
I then have an Azure pipeline setup as the following image shows:
My issue seems to be the build process cannot find the dockerfile itself:
##[error]Unhandled: No Dockerfile matching /home/vsts/work/1/s/**/Dockerfile was found.
Again, apologies in advance for my lack of Linux knowledge.. there is something silly I have done or not done ;)
P.S: I forgot to mention in Azure Pipelines I am using "Hosted Linux Preview"
-- UPDATE --
This is the get sources stage:
I would recommend adding the exact path to where the docker file resides on your repository .
Dockerfile: subpath/Dockerfile`
You're misusing this absolute path, both within the dockerfile and in the docker build task:
That is a path that exists on the build agent (not within the dockerfile) - but it may or may not exist on any given pipeline run. If the agent happens to use work directory 2, or 3, or any other number, then your path will be invalid. If you want to run this pipeline on a different type of agent, then your path will be invalid.
If you want to use a dockerfile in your checked out code, then you should do so by using a relative path (based on the root of your code repository), for example:
Note: that was just an example, to show the kind of path you should use; here you should be using the actual relative path in your actual code repo.

Windows doesn't recognize Docker command

I already installed Docker for windows. when I type docker --version command in Command prompt, it doesn't recognize it at all.
The message will be this:
'docker' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Did I miss something ?
I had installed Docker 18.06.1-ce version on my Windows 10 machine and faced the similar issue, even though the docker was added the Windows %PATH%.
I moved the docker path to the bottom and that solved my problem.
I restarted the system, it worked, maybe we can say that a restart is required.
You need to start the docker first if you have not and then open powershell.
In the powershell, try to run docker commands.
I installed docker Docker version 19.03.13 build 4484c46d9d, in Windows 10 pro 1903.
I was facing the same issue, then I just renamed 'com.docker.cli' to 'docker' and set the environment variable to 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin'
Problem Resolved.
Refer the image:
Renaming 'com.docker.cli' to 'docker' helped me finally get windows powershell and cmd terminals to recognize the docker command.
Add docker to PATH variable & refreshenv to keep using the same command prompt
If you've installed using docker toolbox the install path "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox"
Manually using Environmental Variable > Path (add docker path here)
Using Command Line
For temporary use set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox
Make sure to take a back up of PATH by echo %PATH% before doing this
For permanent change setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox
docker: command not found
Windows 7: Just set the path of docker in system variable
[Click on path -> edit-> paste the docker location]
Step:2 [Paste the docker location]
In my case C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox.
now check $ docker version
Make sure the docker.exe path (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin) is added to the PATH variable.
You can check it as follows:
The docker path had to be appended at the end of the PATH in my case. After that docker cmd was recognized.
Run as administrator worked for me, both powershell and bash on windows. I did not need to restart.
I checked environment variables and noticed that docker path is as the following path in which "R" in resources uppercase. I fixed the case and everything worked as expected
Path: "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin"
Just Restart the system, it is always good practice to restart the system when you install or uninstall any application. Hope this works :)
For those who are facing docker issue on VS Code
I was trying on VS Code Terminal after installation. Restarted and was still facing issue.
Then I tried with fresh terminal of Command Prompt -- it worked!
After that it also working fine on vs code.
In VS Code - close all terminals and open fresh terminal
and try test command:
docker --version
2022 - Windows 11
Add these paths to the PATH variable.
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin
Docker PATH variable Windows 11:
You need to restart the system after installation. It worked for me.
Try to install GIT bash and then run this command on it for Windows:
base= &&
mkdir -p "$HOME/bin" &&
curl -L $base/docker-machine-Windows-x86_64.exe > "$HOME/bin/docker-machine.exe" &&
chmod +x "$HOME/bin/docker-machine.exe"
Click Here.
there is some issues with PowerShell or new version of docker due to which I was facing the same issue but then I went to this page and got way to run it.
PS: GIT bash is required.
If you have installed Docker Toolbox in your windows, go and add the environment variable.
PATH = "location of folder that contains docker-machine"
I also face a problem with the installation and running docker. I'm not sure you how did you install docker. I tried this way. I've downloaded the docker toolbox ( which comes up with docker,docker-machine. Oracle Virtual box which is pretty much enough to start docker locally.Please make sure you have git bash installed in your local. Once the toolbox installation is done click the icon generated on the desktop . Make sure this icon target to your Git bash.exe (you can verify this by right click on icon and find target). and verify docker version
For me, I had to ensure the check box Enable Hyper-V Windows Features is checked as I was installing.
I just wanted to have client installed, without the engine. So earlier, as I was installing, I unchecked that option. And after successful installation, I get the error - windows does not recognize docker.
But now that reinstalled with the checkbox checked, things are working fine now.
I noticed that running docker commands before startup causes this issue, but ensuring that docker is running and executing the commands after, they are then recognised.
I facing the same issue when I try to run docker -v in Vscode Terminal after install it. I try to use cmd and git bash it work fine. Restart your vscode will solve it
Unfortunately, After many tries and restarts, I uninstalled docker and Re-installed it again, and I had to build all things again.
I faced the same problem, them I tried in Powershell which works someHo
Download "docker-machine-Windows-x86_64.exe" from:
Rename "docker-machine-Windows-x86_64.exe" to "docker-machine.exe".
Copy "docker-machine.exe" to path C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin.
just add this path in your "Path" inside env variables inside windows
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin
then restart your gitbash or cmd or ...
everything goes well after that !
*just add in your environmental Path this syntax if you did like (install docker in c drive) me, most probably it would work, for me, this passed well.
(note: if you going to call RefreshEnv.cmd or RefreshEnv
through your CMC with Chocolatey, this path would not be created for you, and you have to do it manualy in Windows 10 operating system).
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin
In my case, I switched to the windows command prompt instead of the VScode terminal.

Appending to PATH in a Windows Docker container

I need to append to the PATH within a Windows Docker container, and I've tried many permutations.
ENV PATH=%PATH%;C:\\Foo\\bin
ENV PATH=$PATH;C:\\Foo\\bin
ENV PATH="%PATH%;C:\Foo\bin"
ENV PATH="$PATH;C:\Foo\bin"
RUN "set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Foo\bin"
None of these work: they don't evaluate the preexisting PATH variable.
What is the right syntax to append to the PATH? Can I even append to the PATH inside Docker? (I can on similar Linux containers)
Unfortunately ENV won't work, because windows environment variable work a little differently than linux. more info
As of now the only way to do this is through RUN
But you don't need to create a separate file to do this. This can be done by the following much simpler one line command:
RUN setx path "%path%;C:\Foo\bin"
You can set environment variables permanently in the container using a powershell script.
Create a powershell script in yout docker context (e.g. setpath.ps1 ) containing this:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Foo\bin", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
Add this script to your container dockerfile and RUN the script. Add something like this to your dockerfile:
ADD ./setpath.ps1 c:/MyScripts/setpath.ps1
RUN powershell -Command c:\MyScripts\setpath.ps1
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable is a good way, but will not work in nanoserver.
The best choice is:
RUN setx path '%path%;C:\Foo\bin'
This worked for me:
USER ContainerAdministrator
RUN setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:/your/path"
USER ContainerUser
As seen in the .net sdk Dockerfile:
Despite all previous answers, I've faced an issue in some environments. Basically on a custom local test environment the setx using the %PATH%;C:\foo\bar way works even when the folder has spaces like C:\Program Files. That though didn't work when trying it on our production environment.
Checking what Microsoft do when they install the base packages on their own images it turns out a better and more reliable way is to use the command this way:
RUN setx /M PATH $(${Env:PATH} + \";${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\foo\bar\")
This way docker will be able to get the proper paths and properly update the PATH data.
I've fixed the missing trailing \ in the command, thanks to Robin Ding :)
The following works for me in nanoserver-1809 (from this GitHub issue):
ENV PATH="$WindowsPATH;C:\Foo\bin"
My answer is similar to mirsik's but has no need for a separate script. Just put this in your Dockerfile
RUN $env:PATH = 'C:\Foo\bin;{0}' -f $env:PATH ; \
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
