Is it possible to highlight source data cell when selecting query result cell.
Race spreadsheet shared.
We want to highlight the appropriate source cell in column A when the QUERY result is selected in columns H:L.
I'm looking to make a planner, I would like to find the cell in another sheet called 'Main' that matches my cell A2.
The date would be in row 2 of which some are not dates.
I'm just looking to do conditional formatting based on that cell but can't seem to find out how to get the cell
any help would be welcome...
If you want to highlight the cell in Row 2 of the Main sheet, then you can highlight row 2 in the Main sheet and apply conditional formatting in the Main sheet using this formula:
Please note that the above formula assumes that the sheet containing reference date in A2 is named "Sheet1."
I have dates arranged in a calendar format. Below every date row, there is a row to add notes. Now I have a separate task list in a column. I want to place those tasks automatically under the dates in the calendar. So basic logic I'm trying is if the date in the cell above matches with a date in the column specified, then copy the cell to the left of the matched value and bring it to the current cell.
Sheet link:
This formula should be copied in cell E10 on "calendar View". Then copy the formula into each "Task" cell on Calendar View. The absolute cell references will ensure that the right values from "Timeline" are returned.
I am new to Google sheet functions, Trying to create hyperlink from a cell to multiple cells.
A1 cell in Google sheet should hyperlink to 2 cell range
1. B3:F20
2. I3:L20
I can easily hyperlink a cell to given single range Like B3:F20
using this function
But I am struggling to find a solution to make a hyperlink in a cell to more than one range.
try this:
={HYPERLINK("#gid=2&range=B2:F20", "Account");
HYPERLINK("#gid=2&range=I3:L20", "2ndrange")}
I have a document with several sheets.
Each sheet has a range of cells (on the same row, spanning multiple columns) that are specific to that sheet (sheet "description").
I want to make a "table of contents" sheet that shows the name of each sheet and next to it, show the above mentioned range of cells as they are in each sheet.
I've tried with =ARRAYFORMULA(Sheet1!C2:AJ2) and with =IMPORTRANGE("sheet-ID"; "Sheet1!C2:AJ2"), but both of them brin in just the cell data, not their formating.
The formating includes: cell merging, font, background color.
How could I mirror on the "Table of contents" sheet, the "description cell range" of each sheet?"
This is not possible by using formulas. Instead you should use copyTo(Range) or copyTo(destination, options) methods from Google Apps Script.
I know its too late, but for new visitors.
You can use sort function. Simply add a sorted column to your range. Then sort the whole range again on your new sheet by the new column.
Is it possible to fill a cell with data from another cell based off the content of a different cell? I have a drop down menu in one cell, and when I select something from that menu, I would like the cell next to it to search a database on that sheet that the drop down is based off of. it has a second row with different values I would like to appear in the next column. I think about it, and it should seem easy, but I'm having troubles explaining it.
You could use VLOOKUP() to search the list based on the dropdown cell value. Ref