how to build only the PR from github in jenkins - jenkins

I have jenkins setup using the 'Github Pull Request Builder' and for the most part its great. However extra builds are being triggered referencing closed PR's.
For example if create PR 8, it will also build:
How can I stop it from doing these 2 extra builds?

Here check the docs.
If you just want to build PRs, set refspec to +refs/pull/${ghprbPullId}/:refs/remotes/origin/pr/${ghprbPullId}/


Gitlab CI: How do I make `rules.changes` to compare changed file to main branch?

I am trying to create a base image for my repo that is optionally re-built when branches (merge requests) make changes to dependencies.
Let's say I have this pipeline configuration:
- Test
- Build
- image: main
Changes A:
stage: Test
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"'
- path/to/a
- docker build -t a .
- docker push a
- echo 'image=a' > dotenv
dotenv: dotenv
stage: Build
image: $image
- echo build from $image
Let's say I push to a new branch and the first commit changes /path/to/a, the docker image is build and pushed, the dotenv is updated and the Build job successfully uses image=a.
Now, let's say I push a new commit to the same branch. However, the new commit does not change /path/to/a so the Changes A job does not run. Now, the Build stage pulls the "wrong" default image=main while I would like it to still pull image=a since it builds on top of the previous commit.
Any ideas on how to deal with this?
Is there a way to make rules.changes refer to origin/main?
Any other ideas on how to achieve what I am trying to do?
Is there a way to make rules.changes refer to origin/main?
Yes, there is, since GitLab 15.3 (August 2022):
Improved behavior of CI/CD changes with new branches
Improved behavior of CI/CD changes with new branches
Configuring CI/CD jobs to run on pipelines when certain files are changed by using rules: changes is very useful with merge request pipelines.
It compares the source and target branches to see what has changed, and adds jobs as needed.
Unfortunately, changes does not work well with branch pipelines.
For example, if the pipeline runs for a new branch, changes has nothing to compare to and always returns true, so jobs might run unexpectedly.
In this release we’re adding compare_to to rules:changes for both jobs and workflow:rules, to improve the behavior in branch pipelines.
You can now configure your jobs to check for changes between the new branch and the defined comparison branch.
Jobs that use rules:changes:compare will work the way you expect, comparing against the branch you define.
This is useful for monorepos, where many independent jobs could be configured to run based on which component in the repo is being worked on.
See Documentation and Issue.
You can use it only as part of a job, and it must be combined with rules:changes:paths.
docker build:
script: docker build -t my-image:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
- Dockerfile
compare_to: 'refs/heads/branch1'
In this example, the docker build job is only included when the Dockerfile has changed relative to refs/heads/branch1 and the pipeline source is a merge request event.
There is a project setting, which defines how your MR pipelines are setup. This is only working for Merge requests and can be found in Settings -> Merge Requests under the section Merge options
each commit individually - nothing checked
this means, each commit is treated on its own, and changes checks are done against the triggering commit on it's own
Enabled merged results pipeline
This will merge your MR with the target branch before running the CI Jobs. This also will evaluate all your changes, and take a look at all of them within the MR and not commit wise.
Merge trains
This is a whole different chapter, and for this usecase not relevant. But for completeness i have to mention it see
What you are looking for is Option 2 - Merged pipeline results. but as i said, this will only work in Merge Request pipelines and not general pipelines. So you would also need to adapt your rules to something like:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
- path/to/a

prevent github pipeline from being affected

I have a fastlane file in my ios project. When I increase the version number of the project and submit the code to github, the pipeline is constantly triggered. To solve this problem, I want to print the version number in another file and ignore that file. will this solve my problem? is there any other solution ?
I suppose your pipeline is triggered via GitHub Actions.
Look on .github/workflows/ you should have something like
You can exclude when to launch the pipeline and define when trigger it.
For example don't run for commit on main and launch it on tag starting with v:
- main
- v*

how to capture jenkins changelist between two successful build

My requirement is to get the perforce change-list details from the last successful build to the latest successful build.
For Eg: I have Jenkins builds like below
JOB1:build#112 - Successful
JOB1:build#113 - Failed
JOB1:build#114 - Failed
JOB1:build#115 - Successful
I want Jenkins to show all p4 change-list in the build#115 that went in for build#113 and build#114 . Jenkins always show the p4 change-list between the last two build regardless of failure or successful build. I need this to generate the report that the particular successful build has these many p4 check-ins.
I am assuming from change-list you mean to say diff of configs between two successive build's.
For this we have JobConfigHistoryPlugin
where you can see all the config changes in GUI and can revert to any previous build config.
Hope it helps.
Did you try PerforcePlugin or P4Plugin ?
There is one jenkins plugin which solved my query.

Jenkins GitHub pull request builder - get branch name for execute shell

I am using Jenkins GitHub pull request builder plugin for running my unit tests when a pull request is made vis a vis a web hook. For the build step, I need to know the name of the branch that is being merged in (e.g. I need develop branch if merging that into master branch). Is there a way to get access to this in the Jenkins execute shell? Thanks,
Your link has the answer:
The plugin makes some very useful environment variables available.
You'll want to use $ghprbSourceBranch to get the value of the branch being built somewhere else in your script.
In the "Branch Specifier", enter ${sha1}.

Make jenkins auto build one a day but build only when there are source code changed

I have problem in configure jenkins to auto build and deploy java project. I want to build and deploy once a day. However this build only there are changes during the day. IF there is no changes, I don't want jenkins to auto build and deploy.
Note: that I used gitlab as source code management.
Can you help me with this configuration.?
Firstly, you should configure the Git SCM section at the top of the job config page to point to your GitLab repository.
Then you can use the built-in "Poll SCM" build trigger — this will periodically check whether your source code repository has changed — and if it has, a build of this job will be started.
If the repository has not changed since the last build, then no build will be started.
You can configure this trigger — whether using a cron-like syntax, or a shortcut like #daily or #midnight — so that Jenkins only checks the source repository once a day.
Additionally, you should make sure that the "ignore post-commit hooks" option is enabled. If you're using webhooks from your Git repository to start Jenkins jobs whenever a commit occurs, this option prevents your once-per-day job from being triggered for every Git commit.
Here's the detail document: "Jenkins CI integration"
Update to match your comment.
You don't want to trigger the Jenkins build via webhook. It's ok.
You want to check the code change 1 time a day.
Example on Linux, build at 6:00 AM if there's any code change.
Build Triggers
Build periodically: 0 6 * * *
Execute shell
Like this
cd /opt/code/myjava/
git log --pretty="%h - %s" --author=gitster --since=$SINCE --before=$SINCE --no-merges -- t/
Post Build actions
Post build task
Log text: commit
Operation: AND
Script: Your script to build your Java
Jenkins text finder
Also search the console output
Regular expression: Could not match
Unstable if found
