Cant upload to the NodeMCU Lua - lua

I have a NodeMCU board running the Lua interpreter, I can access the serial connection via the nodemcu-tool to input commands but when using the nodemcu-tool to upload or reset the filesystem it returns
[NodeMCU-Tool]~ Unable to establish connection
[NodeMCU-Tool]~ Timeout, no response detected - is NodeMCU online and the Lua interpreter ready ?

I might have an answer:
I ran into the same (or very, very similar) problem, on Mac OS X Mojave.
In the end, I reverted to completely uninstalling Node.js (this experience does not help convincing me of Node.js but that is another story) and start from scratch.
Even that did not help because I ran into trouble installing nodemcu-tool ...
Previously I installed it as a global package, and that somehow worked, but it caused me to always sudo my nodemcu-tool invocations - not a good thing!
In any case, sudo-ing plus the commandline parameter "--connection_delay" (or as a project setting, "connectionDelay") helped getting me going.
Until I messed up, and reinstalled everything from scratch. However, the key difference to the instructions for installing nodemcu-tool was adding the '--unsafe-perm' parameter to it, like so:
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm nodemcu-tool -g
That was to be able to get past the repeated installation errors for the serialport package...
IMO, relying on unsafe permissions (for what exactly, anyway!?) is, well, UNSAFE! GRRRRR
To the OP, make sure that:
you have installed Node.js and nodemcu-tool properly (download stable installer etc), and
that you use the --connection_delay parameter in each and every nodemcu-tool invocation!

I had the same problem!
The solution was to reset the board:
Conect the board via USB and press FLASH + RST (two buttons on the board)
relese FLASH
relese RST
Now you can upload your sketch.
If it doesn't work try to disconnect all pins. In my case the GPIO4 was soldered to a LED-Strip and i it was imposible to load the sketch until i disconnected it.


'"erl.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

'"erl.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Elixir and Erlang were running fine until today when I did a version update. I don't really have access to a good version manager for Elixir since I use a windows computer so I just ran the Elixir install wizard to uninstall and reinstall to update the version. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times as well as checked the elixir forum for solutions (there was 1 solution, it didn't work) for solutions. I need to get Elixir up and working pretty quickly as I am about to start on my first contract.
Instead of using
erl <'command details'>
Try to run using "./" prefix so it become
./erl <'command details'>
in the cli.
I am also using windows and have added elixir, erlang and erts paths in env. But still, it is giving me the same error. I am not getting the error. I did not update the version. My system was slow hence I deleted some files, but they were explicit. They didn't have anything to do with the elixir folder.

Why does the system keep in (CHAOS CALMER)15.05 after upgrading 15.05.1?

I tried many times to upgrade the firmware in both LuCi and SSH as well as the cold reset of the router..
But the information still shows in LuCi,
Hostname OpenWrt
Model Buffalo WZR-HP-G450H
Firmware Version OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05 / LuCI (git-15.248.30277-3836b45)
Kernel Version 3.18.20
It's different from openwrt mentioned 15.05.1 in its main page,
Linux kernel updated to version 3.18.23
and one more problem is,
opkg cannot update,
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
What's wrong with my updating?

Installing VIM in Minix 3.1.8

I've Googled this a thousand times and I cannot, for the life of me, get VIM to work on my Minix 3. For the record, I am running on a Windows machine with Minix 3 working on Oracle's VM VirtualBox.
I've tried typing,
# pkgin up && pkgin in vim
but I get the error:
pkgin: Can't open database /usr/var/db/pkgin/pkgin.db: unable to open database file: No such file or directory
I then try to do pkgin search git to search for a package, but I get the same error. Could this be some kind of Internet connection issue? I'm incredibly confused.
If you haven't already, download the binary package from here:
Change "i386" to your correct architecture, if different.
As you're probably already familiar, this page tells you how to install binary packages for Minix:
As far as your "pkgin" errors, here are two possible solutions:
How to install vim into Minix3?
I asked on the Minix 3 Google Groups Forums and they solved my problem. If anyone else has trouble, I'm pasting a response by Lionel:
Switch to http downloads by editing "/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf" and comment out the line:$osrelease/$arch/All
and add the following:$osrelease/$arch/All
Then do shutdown, boot, pkgin update and then install your desired packages.

Resolving Address Space is already occupied error using Cygwin and Ruby

I keep getting the same type of error messages and I have really done all I can to get rid of them. The message is as follows, only the module can vary at times:
ruby 5740 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by '' (0x600000) is already occupied
These messages occur at various times when trying to run Rails, such as “rails console”.
I am running the following environment:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Cygwin Net using setup 2.774 (installed from Internet mirrors)
Ruby 1.9.3p392
Rails 3.2.11
I have taken the following steps attempting to fix this:
Deleted all BLODA and restarted, including Norton 360 and Malwarebytes. (BLODA is Big List of Dodgy Apps.)
Deleted and reinstalled Cygwin.
Executed “rvm implode” and rebuilt the RVM and Ruby on Rails environment.
Used CMD & ASH to run “peflagsall” & “rebaseall”. Ran “rubyrebase”. Restarted.
Used FIND to build a file of all *.so & *.dll files. Ran “rebase -T”. Restarted. This has also been done using the “-b 0x77000000” switch.
Used same file to create “to_peflags” script issuing peflags against each individual file. Restarted.
All repair attempts have been futile. At times, “rebase -si |grep ‘*’” would be clean. Any attempt to run “rails console” or similar commands results in Address Space Occupied messages. Subsequent “rebase -si” would then again show conflicts.
I have been trying to run “peflags” against the Ruby modules, but I only get “skipped because could not open” error messages there. File permissions and ACL both show correct permissions. The same error occurs whether or not Administrator is used.
This is pretty frustrating. I would like to fix my current environment, but I am considering moving to MSYS or SFU, but I don’t know if either of those are decent options. I am also considering going native UNIX, but I’ll leap off the cliff when I get to it.
For now, does anyone have a fix for this specific error for me? Thanks…
I have used procexp to monitor "rails console" execution. Bash is calling cmd.exe to run the rails.bat file. Cmd.exe runs in ASLR mode. Used Microsoft EMET 3.0 to turn off mandatory ASLR and bottom up ASLR for both bash and cmd. Cmd.exe still runs in ASLR mode. It must be compiled that way.
Updated registry to set HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages to 0, -1 then 1. 0 caused system problems. -1 had no effect. 1, which was supposed to be the default, helped somewhat as long as EMET changes were in place. But, it was unreliable as Address Space Occupied would eventually recur.
Decided to attempt to install a command processor that either didn’t require ASLR or allowed me to disable it using PE flags. I installed TCC/LE and attempted to get Cygwin Bash to use it to process .bat files. I tried using the path variable, the COMSPEC variable and changes to batfile and cmdfile in the registry all to no effect. Cygwin Bash must either have it hard coded or some nonobvious control.
My fix is to replace my environment. I know I will eventually migrate to some Unix, but for now I am converting to MinGW/MSYS and RubyStack. All I want to do is to get a stable RoR (Ruby on Rails) environment running for today. I don’t see that happening using Cygwin with Windows 7 Ultimate. I keep running into too many problems and this one is a very, very tough nut to crack. Thanks…

Eclipse freezes when erlide tries to run

I'm just getting started with erlide, using a fresh install of Eclipse Juno and erlide. I've used erlang on my system (64-bit Fedora) from the command-line, so I'm just trying to make the switch. I started with R15B, and have upgraded to R15B02 (built from source) as suggested by another SO post. If I right-click on a .erl file and pick Run As..Erlang Application, the IDE freezes and I have to kill it. If I try to run from Run Configurations and specify the module and function, it will start to execute, but never progresses beyond 27%. This is on a simple function that runs instantaneously on the command line.
Please try with the latest nightly from, we did some work about similar issues, I hope they will solve yours too.
It would help to see the log from /erlide.log.
You can also open the launch configuration from run->configurations and see if there is some weird value in any of the fields in the "runtime" tab, most probably the node host name.
[I will be away for a week or so, so I can't answer very soon. Sorry about that.]
