how to build jquery-mobile from source? - jquery-mobile

Jquery-mobile 1.5.rc1 is released in git, but it is not available in
Downloaded jquery-mobile 1.5.rc1 from github. how to build jquery-mobile from source?
I needed the following for 1.4.5.
Now migrating to 1.5.

Of course, it is available.
Just choose Latest and you will get RC1.


How to know the current version of select2 plugin?

I have a legacy web app, which uses select2 jQuery plugin. The app just includes the select2.min.js version without any clue of the used version. is there any attribute the shows me the current version?

Primefaces 5.2 captcha component renders API 1.0 captcha

I am using Primefaces 5.2 and when i use the captcha component, it renders the old API 1.0 captcha. If you look at Primefaces 5.2 showcase it renders the latest API 2.0 captcha. What could be the problem?
PrimeFaces latest community edition uses the 5.2 (i.e 5.2.0) version which implements the old captcha system from Google.
However, reCAPTCHA 2.0 has been introduced in 5.2.9 so you will have to wait for the next PrimeFaces 5.3 community edition (which is going to be released in "early fall" or in "mid-septembre 2015") or build and compile sources from the GitHub repository by yourself if you cannot wait.
Note (edited following Kukeltje's comment): PrimeFaces' version of the showcase is usually updated when there are new components or major improvements. Current showcase version is 5.2.10 bringing the new signature component.
See also:

mvc 4 template upgrade nuget packages

I installed the MVC 4 beta and created a new project.
The standard template looks great now.
When you go to the nuget package manager, there are some packages that you could update.
When you update the all except Jquery UI the standard template works fine. When you also upgrade Jquery UI from 1.8.11 to 1.8.17, you get a script error on opening the default template template page.
Does someone know what is going on to solve this? I also changed the _references.js file.
Did you make sure to update your script references in the views/shared/_layout.cshtml page? You need to update that to the proper version of the jquery/jquery UI and it should work.
The problem: jQuery.UI.Combined Version 1.8.17 - switch to 1.8.16

Grails & Vaadin plugin - how to get latest version of Vaadin?

I am using this plugin and the plugin supports only Vaadin version 6.5.1.
Is there any way how to upgrade Vaadin version to the latest one (e.g. 6.7.3)?
And maybe even more, is it anyhow possible to use Vaadin 7 (7.0.0-aplha...) together with Grails-Vaadin plugin? I know it is not stable release, but it would be great to start working with that version.
I think you could checkout the plugin's sources or download it as a zip-file, extract and then include it as inplace plugin into your project:
// Add in BuildConfig.groovy of your project.
grails.plugin.location.vaadin = '../path/to/vaadin'
After that you could do any manipulations to upgrading the plugin to required version of Vaadin.
I have upgraded Vaadin and Grails to the latest version. I have not found how to do it officially, so I have put it to my github profile, feel free to use it:

Umbraco 3.0 to latest version migration

We have Live Site running with Umbraco 3.0 version. Now, we want to use latest Umbraco V4.7. We need to know how it is possible? Is there any Open Source OR Free Tool which can support this?
Upgrade to each major version in succession. First, upgrade from 3.0 to 4.0, then 4.0 to 4.5.2, then to 4.7.
If you need help I have a blog post recording the process I have done from 4.0 to 4.7.
Notes and Experiences Upgrading Umbraco 4.0.x to 4.6.1 and 4.7.0
Create a package of your current site, this can be done with the help of Developer section -> packages -> create package in umbraco.
Then in ver4.7 install that package again in a blank site, your prevoius site should be up.
