How to know the current version of select2 plugin? - jquery-select2

I have a legacy web app, which uses select2 jQuery plugin. The app just includes the select2.min.js version without any clue of the used version. is there any attribute the shows me the current version?


Springfox swagger ui support for java 7

I am trying to integrate springfox swagger ui into my spring MVC project.
I have already integrated swagger 2.9.2 and it was working all fine.
Now I found out that this version does not support java 7 but I need this for one legacy project.
From release notes it was clear that 2.9.0 will be last version supporting java 7.
My question is -
If I have only basic swaggerconfig, will I have to change anything if I migrate downward to 2.9.0 ?
UPDATE 1 - version 2.9.1 does not support Java 7.
and on version 2.9.0, its giving error of "Unable to infer base url".
I just changed version number from 2.9.2 to 2.9.0.
On version 2.9.2 it is working fine.
UPDATE 2 - api-docs are getting generated and accessible however swagger-ui is not able to refer base url and if we provide it the api url manually then we can see that its able to get swagger resources(Response code 200) however nothing is displayed on Swagger UI.
Please provide your inputs.
You can use "" for JAVA 7. I working fine!

Which Grails version is more compatible with current plugins list?

I'm trying with the 2.5.0 release of Grails but I have had problems of compatibility with some plugins I've tried (for example searchable)
Which version of Grails you recommend to start a new project? I'd like to start with the version more compatible with the list of current Grails plugins
I'm not interested with the newer version but with the most compatible/stable with the current plugins list.
Both 2.4.x and 2.5.x will work fine with the current plugins in general.
Without any details it's hard to know why the searchable plugin isn't working for you, but note that it only works with Hibernate 3 and the default in new Grails apps is to use Hibernate 4. But you can see that the Hibernate 3 configuration settings are commented out in BuildConfig.groovy and DataSource.groovy so you can easily change back to Hibernate 3.
Having said that, don't use searchable. The underlying Compass library is no longer maintained, and using the searchable plugin will cause scaling problems because it's very inconvenient to get it to use a shared index between servers. The author of Compass created Elasticsearch, and that's a much better option. There's also an actively maintained plugin for it.

worklight studio 6.1 jquery widgets discovery failed

In Design perspective, when displaying my html main file, in the palette view, the jquery mobile widgets does not show in Worklight studio 6.1.
It doesn't work with any version of jQueryMobile greater than 1.3.0. But It's ok with one application over 4 using version 1.3.0.
Here is the pop-up error message:
An internal error occurred during: "Discoverying jQuery Mobile widgets for /MyProject/apps/MyApp/common/MyApp.html".
How to solve the issue?
Please mention in the question the jQuery Mobile version you are using.
Worklight Studio's RPE (Rich Page Editor) will not work with jQuery Mobile 1.4, may fail with 1.3.2. It will work with 1.3.1.
You can continue using any version you'd like, but if using the RPE, take note of the above.
There is no workaround.
If your issues are different, then please, be more descriptive when asking questions.
"sometimes works, sometimes doesn't" is not helpful.

mvc 4 template upgrade nuget packages

I installed the MVC 4 beta and created a new project.
The standard template looks great now.
When you go to the nuget package manager, there are some packages that you could update.
When you update the all except Jquery UI the standard template works fine. When you also upgrade Jquery UI from 1.8.11 to 1.8.17, you get a script error on opening the default template template page.
Does someone know what is going on to solve this? I also changed the _references.js file.
Did you make sure to update your script references in the views/shared/_layout.cshtml page? You need to update that to the proper version of the jquery/jquery UI and it should work.
The problem: jQuery.UI.Combined Version 1.8.17 - switch to 1.8.16

Grails & Vaadin plugin - how to get latest version of Vaadin?

I am using this plugin and the plugin supports only Vaadin version 6.5.1.
Is there any way how to upgrade Vaadin version to the latest one (e.g. 6.7.3)?
And maybe even more, is it anyhow possible to use Vaadin 7 (7.0.0-aplha...) together with Grails-Vaadin plugin? I know it is not stable release, but it would be great to start working with that version.
I think you could checkout the plugin's sources or download it as a zip-file, extract and then include it as inplace plugin into your project:
// Add in BuildConfig.groovy of your project.
grails.plugin.location.vaadin = '../path/to/vaadin'
After that you could do any manipulations to upgrading the plugin to required version of Vaadin.
I have upgraded Vaadin and Grails to the latest version. I have not found how to do it officially, so I have put it to my github profile, feel free to use it:
