My app is Rejected from appstore due to metadata [closed] - ios

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Closed 1 year ago.
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My app is rejected from Apple appstore due to metadata. Why did they reject my app?
What I got from Apple:
1 Performance: App Completeness Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to
continue because we need additional information about your app.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please review the
following questions and provide as much detailed information as you
Does your app access any paid content or services?
What are the paid content or services, and what are the costs?
Do individual customers pay for the content or services?
If no, does a company or organization pay for the content or services?
Where do they pay, and what's the payment method?
If users create an account to use your app, are there fees involved?
How do users obtain an account?
Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested
information, we can proceed with your review.
Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT
require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect
to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve
completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and
we will continue the review.

Your app is fine and this is standard apple behaviour. What happening is apple is trying to intimidate you in order to get their share of potential in app payments. It doesn't matter if you charge for your app or not you will receive this apple store reject after a while. Review the app store guidelines and try to answer the questions to best fit into the guidelines.

reply to this message in Resolution Center
Just answer those questions in Resolution Center would be enough from your end.
revise the desired metadata values.
Check if there is any changes are required in app store app info section, then make those changes and you are good to go.
After that apple will continue the review.

Nothing at all except that you'll have to provide details regarding Pricing and availability.
Fill out all the details in "Pricing and Availability" page in general tab left hand side menu in Appstore.
If you don't have any pricing services and products. Select USD 0.0 (free) in price schedule option in same page. Just like in screenshot and

Just answer the questions they asked.
They asked such question because they must found some payment related things inside your app.
- Does your app access any paid content or services?
Ans. No. or if any then write yes.
- What are the paid content or services, and what are the costs?
Ans. No paid Content. or if any then describe it.
- Do individual customers pay for the content or services?
Ans. No. if any then describe it.
- If no, does a company or organization pay for the content or services?
Ans. Describe how you provide content in app paid or free.
- Where do they pay, and what's the payment method?
Ans. no payment needed. or describe if any like offline.
- If users create an account to use your app, are there fees involved?
Ans. no.
- How do users obtain an account?
Ans. describe the process of registration like offline, using sign up or through website etc.
After you are done, resubmit your app.


IOS app review meta data rejected. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

I don't know where to answer these questions. I uploaded the answers in app review information note section but didn't work. What should I do?
The review message is attached below.
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps.
Next Steps
Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.
Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:
Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)
A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer
The general public
Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?
How do users obtain an account?
If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.
Who pays for the paid content?
Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.
You need to navigate to the app in Appstore Connect, click on "Version History" and then click on "Resolution Center". On that screen is a form where you can reply to the inquiry from Apple. It took me longer than expected to find it.

iOS app is rejected because of user buy subscription without IAP [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I build a tool app on iOS platform. I want create three level for users. basic, pro and premium. each level provide different functions. So user need pay for pro and premium subscription plan. the difference between level is pro user can create more document than basic user.
The thing is I don't want use IAP, I don't want apple share the 30% revenue, so I created a website to let user pay the subscription through web.
I got the app approved 3 times before, without any rejection.
but recently, Apple review team reject my app with follow info
From Apple
11.13 - Apps that link to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the App, such as a "buy" button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected
11.13 Details
We noticed that your app provides access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
I am very sure that I didn't have any button or link inside of app to navigate user to website for payment.
My app do grab the subscription level from website by API to restrict user function by level. I am not very sure if this is not allowed by apple.
I check apple review guideline again and find
11.14 Apps can read or play approved content (specifically magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video and cloud storage) that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the App, as long as there is no button or external link in the App to purchase the approved content. Apple will only receive a portion of revenues for content purchased inside the App
Kindle and dropbox are following 11.14. they removed IAP from app and let user buy content from website. I can tell they are following 11.14. so apple approve that.
But 11.14 only works for magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video and cloud storage. while I am not sure whether my app belongs one of them. But my app is very similar with Evernote. Evernote provide payment both on website and IAP.
So my question is If Evernote remove IAP from app and only let user buy from website. will apple reject that? If not, then my app should not be rejected.
Ultimately this is a question that you should be asking Apple. Different reviews catch different things. Although you may not have a button to send people to your website to pay for the subscription, it kind of sounds like the only purpose of the website is to buy a subscription for the app (if i'm wrong feel free to correct me). If thats the case i can completely understand the rejection. Apple wants purchases made for subscriptions for the app to be made in the app which means going through Apple and dealing with them taking %30. If you make a website with the sole purpose of bypassing Apples guidelines then they are going to notice eventually.
Also the difference between your app and Evernote from the sounds of it, is that Evernote has other platforms that the subscription relates too. The app just happens to be another place the user can benefit from the subscription.
At the end of the day i would mostly recommend that you think about the user experience first. I get not wanting to shave off %30, but you may end up gaining more subscriptions by having IAP in your app and giving away the %30 then by not having an in app subscription mechanism at all.

App with no content - appStore review [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am preparing my app for AppStore review.
App is supposed to display products of specific company, customise them and send to sales department.
The app by default does not store any data and one has to download it. Access to this data will be restricted for sales department employees only (user/pass administrated on server).
I've read the guidelines, but didn't found my answer:
Is it possible to get to appstore with app, that does not have any content until password is given?
I can create user for apple review team and then they'll get the content.
Provide demo account details:
in iTunes Connect, go to My Apps, select your app, then the version
scroll down to App Review Information
Enter details in the "Demo Account" section, and possibly additional details in the Notes section.
However, as others have pointed out, full App Store publication may not be the best option for such an app. You may want to consider Enterprise distribution (if used only by your own employees) or B2B/VPP distribution (which is through the App Store, but is not visible to everyone).
There should be no problem putting your app into the app store - there are quite some apps in the store now that require a login before they do anything, and are only of use for a selected audience. In the worst case you can add some general info views that are publicly accessible to show some value for everybody.
Enterprise distribution has its own hassles (and benefits), so if you don't have to go down that road I wouldn't.
In any case, provide the Apple Testing Team with some test login details.

Apple's new Kids Section parental control issue [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am updating my kids app for compliance to Apple's new Kids section. I have read the updated Review Guidelines. And it says :
Apps primarily intended for use by kids under 13 must get parental
permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out
of the app or engage in commerce
Does anybody have any idea about what kind of action to take? How can we get parental permission or use a parental gate? Besides I am linking out just to apps iTunes page and our social pages, so do I need to take any action?
Thank you for your time.
I thumbed through the FAQ and the iTunes Connect Developer Guide myself and Apple certainly doesn't make it clear what "must get parental permission" means, but I suspect what this means is that the App Store will require some kind of extra authentication steps in order to do commerce (i.e. in-app purchases) or go somewhere outside of the app (e.g. with a UIWebView).
Which seems to be make sense because of this statement: "must get parental permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out of the app or engage in commerce".
I looked through this topic on the Apple developer forums, where someone suggested the following for in-app purchases:
if ([SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]) {
// user can make purchases
} else {
// no purchases can be made, show error or just don't show the in app purchase button(s)
If there is a way to determine if in-app purchases have been enabled on the device, is there a way to determine if Safari has been enabled?
Also, this article mentions PINs that must be entered before links can be opened, as well as requiring a three-finger swipe for in-app purchases / parents' sections.
These options may be worth a try, but I don't know if they will be enough.
I was wondering the same thing, as I'm not entirely sure if this is under NDA I asked this question on the apple developer forums, but no reply there either.
As far as I know there is no "set of API's" which define parental permission / parental gate, so the requirements are very vague indeed.
I fear we'll just have to try things and submit for approval, and find out in blogposts of various developers (and answers here on stackoverflow) what gets you rejected and what not, I hope I'm wrong and they clear this out though.
Anyway, I just updated one of our apps and checked the "Made for kids", it's in "waiting for review" now, if anything out of the ordinary happens I'll keep you posted.
As I have mentioned before, I had uploaded an update (keeping the outgoing links to social pages and to App Store for app rating via an UIAlertView) and the update is rejected as well.
At Resolution Center, it was mentioned clearly that because these outgoing links were not passing through a Parental Gate my app was rejected, and two screenshots were attached which show the buttons and UIAlertView leading out off the app. So don't forget to check the Resolution Center.
I have removed all out-going links and uploading the app again. I will keep here updated.
And the Parental Gate thing. I think I have found out how it will be working. Apple leaves this completely to developers. We will have to be using API's or SDK's of Parental Gate providers or services. With the help of such API's we will pass the urls to these parental gate services via their API's, and they will approve or reject the link (by checking their database) or they will require a parent's input, and possibly they will return a true/false flag, or let the user continue to the link.
For instance, a parental gate service is working on such thing :
My update with out-going links removed is approved. It took 20 minutes to get reviewed after waiting for review for 8 days.

iOS Apps & Subscriptions? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Am I required to use Apple's In-App Purchase support if I wish to allow for subscriptions in my app? I'm currently working on an app that will be free to download and use. It will be ad-supported, but I will also offer a premium version of the service that won't display ads. Can I implement the subscription functionality myself within the app/backend service (Registration, credit card processing, etc.)? Or, am I required to use Apple's In-App Purchase support (thereby also giving up 30% of my subscription fee)
Yes you are required. Apple will reject anything that tries to work around their 30% cut
Actually... there is a workaround where you may keep 100% of the revenue:
"If you would like to make a subscription offer outside of the app, the same (or better) subscription price must be offered inside the app for users who wish to subscribe from within the app."
Not sure if this speaks directly to your question of making an app ad free, but it is possible to keep 100% of the revenue IF you make the same offer as an in app purchase.
Apple reversed these guidelines a while ago, allowing devs to mark up in-app purchases, but I am not sure if this is still relevant.
As it was already said you are required to use original Apple APIs. Moreover, according to Apple’s policy a developer can not choose which type of In-App-Purchases to use for their apps. You can read more about it in a dev's post
iOS In-App Purchase Overview: Our Hands-On Experience
In brief there are 3 types of subscriptions:
free -- are used by applications that offer issues for free
auto-renewable -- after the first successful purchase, they are
prolonging themselves automatically if users’ credit card is valid
and if he hasn't stopped it manually
non-renewing -- subscription is initiated by users, lasts a certain
period of time and stops when the period ends, to subscribe again, a
user should initiate the subscription manually.
The use of auto-renewable subscription is limited only to Mass Media category applications. Free subscription can't be used for demo versions distributed with commercial purposes. And certainly, if an app violates Apple's requirements on In-App Purchase use and limitations, it will be banned from AppStore.
