App with no content - appStore review [closed] - ios

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am preparing my app for AppStore review.
App is supposed to display products of specific company, customise them and send to sales department.
The app by default does not store any data and one has to download it. Access to this data will be restricted for sales department employees only (user/pass administrated on server).
I've read the guidelines, but didn't found my answer:
Is it possible to get to appstore with app, that does not have any content until password is given?
I can create user for apple review team and then they'll get the content.

Provide demo account details:
in iTunes Connect, go to My Apps, select your app, then the version
scroll down to App Review Information
Enter details in the "Demo Account" section, and possibly additional details in the Notes section.
However, as others have pointed out, full App Store publication may not be the best option for such an app. You may want to consider Enterprise distribution (if used only by your own employees) or B2B/VPP distribution (which is through the App Store, but is not visible to everyone).

There should be no problem putting your app into the app store - there are quite some apps in the store now that require a login before they do anything, and are only of use for a selected audience. In the worst case you can add some general info views that are publicly accessible to show some value for everybody.
Enterprise distribution has its own hassles (and benefits), so if you don't have to go down that road I wouldn't.
In any case, provide the Apple Testing Team with some test login details.


My app is Rejected from appstore due to metadata [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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My app is rejected from Apple appstore due to metadata. Why did they reject my app?
What I got from Apple:
1 Performance: App Completeness Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to
continue because we need additional information about your app.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please review the
following questions and provide as much detailed information as you
Does your app access any paid content or services?
What are the paid content or services, and what are the costs?
Do individual customers pay for the content or services?
If no, does a company or organization pay for the content or services?
Where do they pay, and what's the payment method?
If users create an account to use your app, are there fees involved?
How do users obtain an account?
Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested
information, we can proceed with your review.
Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT
require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect
to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve
completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and
we will continue the review.
Your app is fine and this is standard apple behaviour. What happening is apple is trying to intimidate you in order to get their share of potential in app payments. It doesn't matter if you charge for your app or not you will receive this apple store reject after a while. Review the app store guidelines and try to answer the questions to best fit into the guidelines.
reply to this message in Resolution Center
Just answer those questions in Resolution Center would be enough from your end.
revise the desired metadata values.
Check if there is any changes are required in app store app info section, then make those changes and you are good to go.
After that apple will continue the review.
Nothing at all except that you'll have to provide details regarding Pricing and availability.
Fill out all the details in "Pricing and Availability" page in general tab left hand side menu in Appstore.
If you don't have any pricing services and products. Select USD 0.0 (free) in price schedule option in same page. Just like in screenshot and
Just answer the questions they asked.
They asked such question because they must found some payment related things inside your app.
- Does your app access any paid content or services?
Ans. No. or if any then write yes.
- What are the paid content or services, and what are the costs?
Ans. No paid Content. or if any then describe it.
- Do individual customers pay for the content or services?
Ans. No. if any then describe it.
- If no, does a company or organization pay for the content or services?
Ans. Describe how you provide content in app paid or free.
- Where do they pay, and what's the payment method?
Ans. no payment needed. or describe if any like offline.
- If users create an account to use your app, are there fees involved?
Ans. no.
- How do users obtain an account?
Ans. describe the process of registration like offline, using sign up or through website etc.
After you are done, resubmit your app.

I have submitted app to app store and app status came like 'Metadata Rejected' and following review status. I do not have login page [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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We began the review of your app but are not able to continue because
we need a demo account to fully access your app features.
Please provide demo account details in the Review Notes section of the
Version Information for your app. Please ensure that the information
you provide includes any data necessary to demonstrate the
functionality of your app features.
You can provide demo account information, including passwords, in the
Review Notes section of your iTunes Connect App Information.
While your iTunes Connect Application State shows as Metadata
Rejected, we don't require a new binary to correct this issue. Please
visit iTunes Connect, Manage Your Applications. Select your app, then
click View Details of the desired version. Click the Edit button next
to Version Information to edit the Review Notes for your app, then
click "Save".
How do I correct the metadata? I do not have login account.
You only need to give information For Ex.if your app start with login screen then you have to provide username and password in review notes section.
So whatever information is needed to go through your application you have to provide in review section so using that They people can evaluate your app..
And you not need to provide binary again only metadata you have to provide...

App inappropriately unlocks or enables additional functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My App is rejected by the reason :
"We found your app inappropriately unlocks or enables additional functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines"
"It may be appropriate to revise your app to use the In App Purchase API to provide content purchasing functionality. "
What I have done is as below:
As this app is for my specific customer companies to use, I only want the companies who get the Invitation Code from me to use my app. There is no charge. I don not know is it necessary to use the In App Purchase API instead? if it is true , can you give me some tips?
Your application cannot be used by members of the general public, and thus does not belong in the App Store.
If you only intend your application to be made available to a few specific people, you should use Ad-Hoc Distribution to make it available to them.
Explain the purpose to the review team, sometimes they listen.
Also, maybe have that message as a "login page" instead. Have a username and password rather than a verification code. The verification code message may look more like you are selling the app behind the AppStore. Also provide the review team with an access code / login details if you haven't already so they can actually review the app.

App rejected because of forcing registration - ebook store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I developed an app for the company who sells professional e-books by their website. In order to keep the content in sync with web data, app enforce login/registration and without that doesn't provide any functionality.
This is the reason why it has been rejected for Review Guidelines 17.2 Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected
My question is: is there a way to convince Apple to accept an app?
It is directed to the very specific proffessionals.
In the future the company want to add the possibility to sync books available on their website.
Also the books bought by in app purchase would be available on their website for the user account.
Isn't that enough reasons for Apple to accept this app? My client strongly want to have an account based app, the whole system was designed for that.
There is possibility to track user by udid but still it is not good solution because it is deprecated and Apple rejects apps using UDID for tracking reasons.
Does anyone have similar situation recently?
You say:
"app enforces login/registration and without that doesn't provide any
Apple says:
"Apps that require users to share personal information in order to
function will be rejected"
So the answer is kinda obvious.
The app should provide (at least) some basic functionality without sharing personal data.
Maybe some book previews? 1 or 2 free books? App info? Why not apple's-bookstore? Does the website (before seeing anything) force you to signup too? Otherwise just make a web-app.

iOS App Store Company Name Above App Name [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to change the seller name that shows up in the app store (name that shows up above app name)? Currently it says my name, but I want it to show my business name. Does apple allow this change? If so, how?
If you want to change your developer program membership from a personal to corporate membership, contact Apple. Many developers who started out as individuals have since changed to a corporate membership.
Apple may allow changing your developer enrollment if you incorporate your business under your desired company name and have legal incorporation papers ready to show Apple.
When you signed up, you had an option to select a business or a name and it said you couldn't change this in the future.
Please try to follow Apple's faq on iTunes connect:
Frequently Asked Questions:
It appears that my Team Information Update has been processed. When will my Company and Seller names as displayed on the App Store be updated?
Your Company and Seller names should generally be updated on the App Store as soon as the contract(s) initiated through your Team Information Update have completed processing. Due to certain specific system processing issues, this may take a few hours, so please check the App Store to see if the information has been updated following your Team Information Update completing processing. Your Team Information Update completing processing is indicated by your updated contracts (as indicated in the Team Information Update email sent to your Team Agent) moving into the Contracts In Effect section of the Contracts, Tax and Banking module of iTunes Connect.
If your information has not been updated on the App Store more than 48 hours after your Team Information Update completing processing, click here to contact us.
