Different random weight initialization leading to different performances - machine-learning

I'm training a 3D U-Net on an EM dataset of a brain. The objective is to segment neurons in it. During the experiments, I've noticed, different random initialization of the network leads to different performances. I evaluate the performance based on mean Intersection over Union, and I observe differences as large as 5%.
I use xavier initialization with a uniform distribution and use a constant learning rate of 1e-4.
Edit: I'm asking how I can avoid a behavior like this?

As Roberto said, different random initializations always lead to different resulting weights. This is quite obvious, as the initial state constrains the possible system trajectories.
If you read the paper introducing Xavier init, you will see that it is well known that the random init has a large init influence on the resulting performance (there is a paper which showed that hundreds of training runs with random init all end up in different local minima, but I can't find it right now). This is the very reason why we use heuristics like Xavier init: they tend to lead to better local minima than other forms of random initialization.
Typically, one performs multiple training runs (e.g. 10) and takes the best architecture, in articles, the mean is also reported sometimes.


Regarding the consistency of convolutional neural networks

I am currently building a 2-channel (also called double-channel) convolutional neural network in order to classify 2 binary images (containing binary objects) as 'similar' or 'different'.
The problem I am having is that it seems as though the network doesn't always converge to the same solution. For example, I can use exactly the same ordering of training pairs and all the same parameters and so forth, and when I run the network multiple times, each time produces a different solution; sometimes converging to below 2% error rates, and other times I get 50% error rates.
I have a feeling that it has something to do with the random initialization of the weights of the network, which results in different optimization paths each time the network is executed. This issue even occurs when I use SGD with momentum, so I don't really know how to 'force' the network to converge to the same solution (global optima) every time?
Can this have something to do with the fact that I am using binary images instead of grey-scale or color images, or is there something intrinsic to neural networks that is causing this issue?
There are several sources of randomness in training.
Initialization is one. SGD itself is of course stochastic since the content of the minibatches is often random. Sometimes, layers like dropout are inherently random too. The only way to ensure getting identical results is to fix the random seed for all of them.
Given all these sources of randomness and a model with many millions of parameters, your quote
"I don't really know how to 'force' the network to converge to the same solution (global optima) every time?"
is something pretty much something anyone should say - no one knows how to find the same solution every time, or even a local optima, let alone the global optima.
Nevertheless, ideally, it is desirable to have the network perform similarly across training attempts (with fixed hyper-parameters and dataset). Anything else is going to cause problems in reproducibility, of course.
Unfortunately, I suspect the problem is inherent to CNNs.
You may be aware of the bias-variance tradeoff. For a powerful model like a CNN, the bias is likely to be low, but the variance very high. In other words, CNNs are sensitive to data noise, initialization, and hyper-parameters. Hence, it's not so surprising that training the same model multiple times yields very different results. (I also get this phenomenon, with performances changing between training runs by as much as 30% in one project I did.) My main suggestion to reduce this is stronger regularization.
Can this have something to do with the fact that I am using binary images instead of grey-scale or color images, or is there something intrinsic to neural networks that is causing this issue?
As I mentioned, this problem is present inherently for deep models to an extent. However, your use of binary images may also be a factor, since the space of the data itself is rather discontinuous. Perhaps consider "softening" the input (e.g. filtering the inputs) and using data augmentation. A similar approach is known to help in label smoothing, for example.

Why does random initialization of weights in neural network work?

The question of why the weights of a neural network cannot be initialized as 0's has been asked plenty of times. The answer is straightforward: zero initial weights would result in all nodes in a layer learning the same thing, hence the symmetry has to be broken.
However, what I failed to comprehend is that, why would initializing the weights to some random numbers close to zero work. Even more advanced initialization techniques such as Xavier modify only the variance, which remains close to zero. Some answers in the linked question point to the existence of multiple local optima, but I seriously doubt the validity of this argument because of the followings:
The (usual) cost function of an individual logistic regression has a unique minimum. Nonetheless this insight may not generalizable to more than one node, so let's forget it for now.
Assume for the sake of argument that multiple local optima exist. Then shouldn't the proper randomization technique be Monte-Carlo-ish-ly over the entire domain of possible weights, rather than some random epsilons about zero? What's stopping the weights from converging again after a couple of iterations? The only rationale I can think of is that there exists a global maximum at the origin and all local optima are nicely spread 'radially' so that a tiny perturbation in any direction is sufficient to move you down the gradient towards different local optima, which is highly improbable.
PS1: I am asking the question here in the main Stack Overflow site because my reference is here.
PS2: The answer to why the variance of the initial weights are scaled this way can be found here. However, it did not address my question of why random initialization would work at all due to the possibility of converging weights, or rather, the weights would 'diverge' to 'learn' different features.
You've hit the main reason: we need the kernels to differ so that the kernels (nodes) differentiate their learning.
First of all, random initialization doesn't always work; depending on how closely you've tuned your model structure and hyper-parameters, sometimes the model fails to converge; this is obvious from the loss function in the early iterations.
For some applications, there are local minima. However, in practical use, the happy outgrowth of problem complexity is that those minima have very similar accuracy. In short, it doesn't matter which solution we find, so long as we find one. For instance, in image classification (e.g. the ImageNet contest), there are many features useful in identifying photos. As with (simpler) PCA, when we have a sets of features that correlate highly with the desired output and with each other, it doesn't matter which set we use. Those features are cognate to the kernels of a CNN.

How does pre-training improve classification in neural networks?

Many of the papers I have read so far have this mentioned "pre-training network could improve computational efficiency in terms of back-propagating errors", and could be achieved using RBMs or Autoencoders.
If I have understood correctly, AutoEncoders work by learning the
identity function, and if it has hidden units less than the size of
input data, then it also does compression, BUT what does this even have
anything to do with improving computational efficiency in propagating
error signal backwards? Is it because the weights of the pre
trained hidden units does not diverge much from its initial values?
Assuming data scientists who are reading this would by theirselves
know already that AutoEncoders take inputs as target values since
they are learning identity function, which is regarded as
unsupervised learning, but can such method be applied to
Convolutional Neural Networks for which the first hidden layer is
feature map? Each feature map is created by convolving a learned
kernel with a receptive field in the image. This learned kernel, how
could this be obtained by pre-training (unsupervised fashion)?
One thing to note is that autoencoders try to learn the non-trivial identify function, not the identify function itself. Otherwise they wouldn't have been useful at all. Well the pre-training helps moving the weight vectors towards a good starting point on the error surface. Then the backpropagation algorithm, which is basically doing gradient descent, is used improve upon those weights. Note that gradient descent gets stuck in the closes local minima.
[Ignore the term Global Minima in the image posted and think of it as another, better, local minima]
Intuitively speaking, suppose you are looking for an optimal path to get from origin A to destination B. Having a map with no routes shown on it (the errors you obtain at the last layer of the neural network model) kind of tells you where to to go. But you may put yourself in a route which has a lot of obstacles, up hills and down hills. Then suppose someone tells you about a route a a direction he has gone through before (the pre-training) and hands you a new map (the pre=training phase's starting point).
This could be an intuitive reason on why starting with random weights and immediately start to optimize the model with backpropagation may not necessarily help you achieve the performance you obtain with a pre-trained model. However, note that many models achieving state-of-the-art results do not use pre-training necessarily and they may use the backpropagation in combination with other optimization methods (e.g. adagrad, RMSProp, Momentum and ...) to hopefully avoid getting stuck in a bad local minima.
Here's the source for the second image.
I don't know a lot about autoencoder theory, but I've done a bit of work with RBMs. What RBMs do is they predict what the probability is of seeing the specific type of data in order to get the weights initialized to the right ball park- it is considered an (unsupervised) probabilistic model, so you don't correct using the known labels. Basically, the idea here is that having a learning rate that is too big will never lead to convergence but having one that is too small will take forever to train. Thus, by "pretraining" in this way you find out the ball park of the weights and then can set the learning rate to be small in order to get them down to the optimal values.
As for the second question, no, you don't generally prelearn kernels, at least not in an unsupervised fashion. I suspect that what is meant by pretraining here is a bit different than in your first question- this is to say, that what is happening is that they are taking a pretrained model (say from model zoo) and fine tuning it with a new set of data.
Which model you use generally depends on the type of data you have and the task at hand. Convnets I've found to train faster and efficiently, but not all data has meaning when convolved, in which case dbns may be the way to go. Unless say, you have a small amount of data then I'd use something other than neural networks entirely.
Anyways, I hope this helps clear some of your questions.

How to evolve weights of a neural network in Neuroevolution?

I'm new to Artificial Neural Networks and NeuroEvolution algorithms in general. I'm trying to implement the algorithm called NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmented Topologies), but the description in original public paper missed the method of how to evolve the weights of a network, it says
Connection weights mutate as in any NE system, with each connection either perturbed or not at each generation
I've done some searching about how to mutate weights in NE systems, but can't find any detailed description, unfortunately.
I know that while training a neural network, usually the backpropagation algorithm is used to correct the weights, but it only works if you have a fixed topology (structure) through generations and you know the answer to the problem. In NeuroEvolution, you don't know the answer, you have only the fitness function, so it's not possible to use backpropagation here.
I have some experience with training a fixed-topology NN using a genetic algorithm (What the paper refers to as the "traditional NE approach"). There are several different mutation and reproduction operators we used for this and we selected those randomly.
Given two parents, our reproduction operators (could also call these crossover operators) included:
Swap either single weights or all weights for a given neuron in the network. So for example, given two parents selected for reproduction either choose a particular weight in the network and swap the value (for our swaps we produced two offspring and then chose the one with the best fitness to survive in the next generation of the population), or choose a particular neuron in the network and swap all the weights for that neuron to produce two offspring.
swap an entire layer's weights. So given parents A and B, choose a particular layer (the same layer in both) and swap all the weights between them to produce two offsping. This is a large move so we set it up so that this operation would be selected less often than the others. Also, this may not make sense if your network only has a few layers.
Our mutation operators operated on a single network and would select a random weight and either:
completely replace it with a new random value
change the weight by some percentage. (multiply the weight by some random number between 0 and 2 - practically speaking we would tend to constrain that a bit and multiply it by a random number between 0.5 and 1.5. This has the effect of scaling the weight so that it doesn't change as radically. You could also do this kind of operation by scaling all the weights of a particular neuron.
add or subtract a random number between 0 and 1 to/from the weight.
Change the sign of a weight.
swap weights on a single neuron.
You can certainly get creative with mutation operators, you may discover something that works better for your particular problem.
IIRC, we would choose two parents from the population based on random proportional selection, then ran mutation operations on each of them and then ran these mutated parents through the reproduction operation and ran the two offspring through the fitness function to select the fittest one to go into the next generation population.
Of course, in your case since you're also evolving the topology some of these reproduction operations above won't make much sense because two selected parents could have completely different topologies. In NEAT (as I understand it) you can have connections between non-contiguous layers of the network, so for example you can have a layer 1 neuron feed another in layer 4, instead of feeding directly to layer 2. That makes swapping operations involving all the weights of a neuron more difficult - you could try to choose two neurons in the network that have the same number of weights, or just stick to swapping single weights in the network.
I know that while training a NE, usually the backpropagation algorithm is used to correct the weights
Actually, in NE backprop isn't used. It's the mutations performed by the GA that are training the network as an alternative to backprop. In our case backprop was problematic due to some "unorthodox" additions to the network which I won't go into. However, if backprop had been possible, I would have gone with that. The genetic approach to training NNs definitely seems to proceed much more slowly than backprop probably would have. Also, when using an evolutionary method for adjusting weights of the network, you start needing to tweak various parameters of the GA like crossover and mutation rates.
In NEAT, everything is done through the genetic operators. As you already know, the topology is evolved through crossover and mutation events.
The weights are evolved through mutation events. Like in any evolutionary algorithm, there is some probability that a weight is changed randomly (you can either generate a brand new number or you can e.g. add a normally distributed random number to the original weight).
Implementing NEAT might seem an easy task but there is a lot of small details that make it fairly complicated in the end. You might want to look at existing implementations and use one of them or at least be inspired by them. Everything important can be found at the NEAT Users Page.

Does prior distribution matter in classification?

Currently I get a classification problem with two classes. what I want to do is that given a bunch of candidates, find out who will more likely to be the class 1. The problem is that class 1 is very rare (around 1%), which I guess makes my prediction quite inaccurate.
For training the dataset, can I sample half class 1 and half class 0? This will change the prior distribution, but I don't know whether the prior distribution affects the classification results?
Indeed, a very imbalanced dataset can cause problems in classification. Because by defaulting to the majority class 0, you can get your error rate already very low.
There are some workarounds that may or may not work for your particular problem, such as giving equal weight to the two classes (thus weighting instances from the rare class stronger), oversampling the rare class (i.e. learning each instance multiple times), producing slight variations of the rare objects to restore balance etc. SMOTE and so on.
You really should to grab some classification or machine learning book, and check the index for "imbalanced classification" or "unbalanced classification". If the book is any good, it will discuss this problem. (I just assume you did not know the term that they use.)
If you're forced to pick exactly one from a group, then the prior distribution over classes won't matter because it will be constant for all members of that group. If you must look at each in turn and make an independent decision as to whether they're class one or class two, the prior will potentially change the decision, depending on which method you choose to do the classification. I would suggest you get hold of as many examples of the rare class as possible, but beware that feeding a 50-50 split to a classifier as training blindly may make it implicitly fit a model that assumes this is the distribution at test time.
Sampling your two classes evenly doesn't change assumed priors unless your classification algorithm computes (and uses) priors based on the training data. You stated that your problem is "given a bunch of candidates, find out who will more likely to be the class 1". I read this to mean that you want to determine which observation is most likely to belong to class 1. To do this, you want to pick the observation $x_i$ that maximizes $p(c_1|x_i)$. Using Bayes' theorem, this becomes:
You can ignore $p(c_1)$ in the equation above since it is a constant. However, computing the denominator will still involve using prior probabilities. Since your problem is really more of a target detection problem than a classification problem, an alternate approach for detecting low probability targets is to take the likelihood ratio of the two classes:
To pick which of your candidates is most likely to belong to class 1, pick the one with the highest value of $\Lambda$. If your two classes are described by multivariate Gaussian distributions, you can replace $\Lambda$ with its natural logarithm, resulting in a simpler quadratic detector. If you further assume that the target and background have the same covariance matrices, this results in a linear discriminant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_discriminant_analysis).
You may want to consider Bayesian utility theory to re-weight the costs of different kinds of error to get away from the problem of the priors dominating the decision.
Let A be the 99% prior probability class, B be the 1% class.
If we just say that all errors incur the same cost (negative utility), then
it's possible that the optimal decision approach is to always declare "A". Many
classification algorithms (implicitly) assume this.
If instead, we declare that the cost of declaring "B" when, in fact, the instance
was "A" is much bigger than the cost of the opposite error, then the decision logic
becomes, in a sense, more sensitive to slighter differences in the features.
This kind of situation frequently comes up in fault detection -- faults in the monitored
system will be rare, but you want to be sure that if we see any data that points to
an error condition, action needs to be taken (even if it is just reviewing the data).
