Grouped UITableView in NativeScript-Vue - ios

How do I create a grouped table using a UITableView in NativeScript-vue, so that it might look like the iOS settings app, or this screenshot from the apple developer documentation. I need to support having switches in the table cells. I want to create this style using as many native styles as possible and also be compatible with android. I have tried applying NativeScript UI classes to Labels in a StackLayout with no success.

Sectioned list view is a iOS specific feature and there is a plugin. But if you like a cross platform solution, create 2 templates and style one like section header and another with simple labels / switches etc.,


Create multi-column table in SwiftUI using Table framework - iOS 16 beta

I'm trying to follow Apple's Table tutorial to create a multi-column table.
Using the exact code from the tutorial in Xcode 14 beta 3 (iOS 16 beta) gives me the following result:
where the expected result based on the tutorial is
As you see, I can only see one column without header. Does anyone know what I'm missing here?
On iOS, tables show only the first column. To show it as a multi-column, implement compact-specific logic. Source:
Using tables on different platforms
macOS and iPadOS support SwiftUI tables. On iOS, and in other situations with a compact horizontal size class, tables don’t show headers and collapse all columns after the first. If you present a table on iOS, you can customize the table’s appearance by implementing compact-specific logic in the first column.

How to create a iOS 13 Contacts App like design using UITableView?

The native iOS Contacts App offers quite nice editing features:
A stretchy header both in view and edit mode.
Different row and header layout in view/edit mode
Animations between the two modes
How to recreate this design in my own app using UITableView?
I know the basics of UITableView designs using its different delegate and data source methods. But there are several features where I do not know how to implement them:
Question 1:
How to toggle between view and edit mode using a completely different layout?
The edit mode uses a completely different layout than the view mode: More / different rows and section. Some controls disappear, others come into view.
Of course I know that a table view can toggle between view/edit mode, but can the transition used by the contacts app really be implemented using UITableView methods only or does this need transition between to completely different views?
Question 2:
How to create the stretchy header with the image/logo which shrinks into the navigation bar?
I found several other topics and tutorials about the contatcs app layout. However, most of them are several years old and since a lot has changed in iOS the offered solution are pretty outdated.

How to do something like this in Xcode

I developed my app for Android and now I'm trying to do it for IOS. I haven't been able to do this in Xcode. In Android I used linear and relative layouts to accomplish this. What can I use in Xcode to do something similar? Labels? Text view? Table view?
The page in the link above consists of 1 background, 1 logo, 1 button and one text per pharmacy.
You should be using a UITableView. There are a plenty of tutorials available for you.
Check these :

iOS - Display grid of icons to select

I'm looking to create a grid of icons from which one can be selected (see the Daytum app for an example of this).
Are there any existing form entry frameworks for iOS that already support this (eg QuickDialog is excellent, but doesn't support this)
What would be the best way to implement this? Assuming selecting an icon brings the user back to a form field with the icon populated in the field.
Are there any other apps apart from Daytum that use this 'model?
Three20 has a grid view controller, that makes it pretty easy to add icons in a grid.
I'm a huge fan of AQGridView. Used it in a couple of projects and i think its really really built well and easy to implement.

iOS UITableView Facebook App Style

I've attached a screenshot of a view from the facebook app. I want to recreate the UI of the left column which looks and behaves like a UITableView.
Is this UITableViewStyleGrouped or UITableViewStylePlain. If its grouped, how have they reduced the white space between the section data and the next section header.
How have they expanded the UITableView cell to fit across the entire width of the tableview.
Or is this html using webviews and just behaves like a UITabelView?
Facebook has an open source library that they have used to develop their iOS app:
I believe you may find something here eventually that would allow you to do what Facebook app does.
Facebook uses the Three20 library for their iOS applications. ref
You can find it here:
I don't know exactly what kind of table the one that you have in the picture is, but I'm pretty sure it's one of them:
