How to do something like this in Xcode - ios

I developed my app for Android and now I'm trying to do it for IOS. I haven't been able to do this in Xcode. In Android I used linear and relative layouts to accomplish this. What can I use in Xcode to do something similar? Labels? Text view? Table view?
The page in the link above consists of 1 background, 1 logo, 1 button and one text per pharmacy.

You should be using a UITableView. There are a plenty of tutorials available for you.
Check these :


How to get text content from iOS screen?

How to get the text content of screen? Both from a WebView and a Native App.
For example, from the following image, I would like to get/extract/retrieve the title and the first two paragraphs.
On Android this is possible using the accessibility tools. But so far I haven't found how to do something like that on iOS.
I would like to know how to do this natively using Swift / Xcode. But if is possible with EXPO or React Native it would also help a lot. Thank you.
I think that what you are asking is the accessibility identifier.
Under the identity inspector you can find the Accessibility section and there you have a text field for an identifier.
Alternatively you can set this via code
for example:
submitButton.accessibilityIdentifier = "submitButton"

Duolingo-like interface in iOS

I am a beginner to Swift and UIKit. I am building an iOS app for a school project and I want one of its views to contain a few words displayed like the words in Duolingo lessons are: example here
How can I do that?
It seems that the number of the buttons is changing.
and also, the button's size is changing with title.
So I recommend you learning UICollectionView.(

IOS Swift3 card stack overlay

I am using swift3 with Xcode8 to develop an iPhone app. I want to achieve the following effect: There are a set of cards and I can scroll and tap a card to select the card, then the selected card will be will be displayed by itself.
I am quite new in IOS development, what I am thinking is using the collection view, but how to achieve this kind of card overlay effect with collection view?
Or should I use something else? Can anyone give some clue? Thanks!
Have a look at MMCardView, currently supporting Swift 3.
In terms of implementing this, a collection view would be a start - looking deeper into libraries this is the common way of implementation. If you don't want to implement a library, take a look at the libraries files and see how they were implemented and adapt it to the way that you want.

select/highlight text ios

In iOS 5 you can hold your finger on text and you can select/highlight text and it will bring up a popup menu. I'd like to implement that same functionality for an application I am developing. It doesn't seem like there is any easy way to do that. Can anyone refer me to a tutorial & example code?
It is pretty much a default behavior. Make sure that you have this in your code:
myTextView.userInteractionEnabled = YES

iOS UITableView Facebook App Style

I've attached a screenshot of a view from the facebook app. I want to recreate the UI of the left column which looks and behaves like a UITableView.
Is this UITableViewStyleGrouped or UITableViewStylePlain. If its grouped, how have they reduced the white space between the section data and the next section header.
How have they expanded the UITableView cell to fit across the entire width of the tableview.
Or is this html using webviews and just behaves like a UITabelView?
Facebook has an open source library that they have used to develop their iOS app:
I believe you may find something here eventually that would allow you to do what Facebook app does.
Facebook uses the Three20 library for their iOS applications. ref
You can find it here:
I don't know exactly what kind of table the one that you have in the picture is, but I'm pretty sure it's one of them:
