Automation Anywhere - task won't execute on logged off state - automationanywhere

I have already set up the auto-login settings and checked the bypass legal disclaimer. I am getting this message: AAE was unable to unlock or logon onto the machine xxxx
-AAE Auto Login Service is running
-It only works in locked state. This previously worked and noticed it wasn't when I changed my windows password (password updated in auto-login settings).
-I also ran the Auto-Login diagnostic utility I found in their website --no issue
-We are using AAE 10.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Your feedback will be very much appreciated.

Restarting the machine solves the auto-login issue. But need to find a workaround as we don't want to restart the server every time we change passwords.


Can't login as ThingsBoard System admin on

I can't log in as ThingsBoard System admin on
I thought that the solution would be here:
Here it says that I should use the user with password sysadmin. But that seems to be invalid. Perhaps this only works if I download a version of the ThingsBoard web to run on my local machine?
Well it worked if I downloaded ThingsBoard to run on my local machine, so I guess the problem is solved.

Stop GitKraken asking for login credentials

GitKraken has successfully cloned a repository hosted on Team Foundation Server, but on subsequent fetch and push it asks for login information. Even when provided it will ask again, offering no error or explanation. "Remember me" is checked.
Everything works perfectly fine using the cmd.
Note that the issue occurs on a virtual machine. I have tested interacting with the repository on my physical machine using GitKraken - no problem there. However, I have previously experienced the same type of problem with other projects on my physical machine. Seems GitKraken sometimes has problems with TFS, but not sure.
I have tried reinstalling GitKraken, but it didn't resolve the issue. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Edit 2018-01-24 as per #Cece Dongs comment
I am using GitKraken 3.3.3 - recently upgraded, but issue still occurs.
TFS is version 15.117.26714.0 and using the web portal does not give me problems. I login once like normally.
When cloning a GitHub repo everything is working properly. However, when attempting to clone a TFS repo from Visual Studio I get an unauthorized error. (TF30063). I assume it could be related to the Active Directory settings not set up properly because of the Hyper-V setup I am using. Will investigate further and provide more details here.
After using \domain\username instead of just username as login credentials to TFS everything is working.
Using only the username will work on my physical machine as that machine is recognized on the domain, but as the virtual machine is not, the domain is required.

Can't run Xcode simulator

I am running Xcode 9.1 and recently rebooted my computer. Prior to rebooting I could run the simulator with no problems. After rebooting I get this message.
"Enter the name and password of a user in the developer tools group"
I am running this on my own personal machine (provided by my school) and should have administrator access with my login.
I have looked at other posts relating to this message and attempted the following solutions to no avail.
When I run "DevToolsSecurity ~enable" it tells me that developer mode is already enabled.
When I run "sudo dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership myUserName"
I got a message saying my user name was not in the subdoers file.
I am at a total loss on how to resolve this problem and admit that I am not a professional programmer. I am just a guy who is trying to figure out how to write some basic apps using Xcode. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Everything about what you’ve written indicates that you do not have administrative access to your machine. You can confirm this from System Preferences -> Users & Groups or checking the output of running ‘id’ from Terminal (you’ll probably not see the admin group listed).

Forgot Neo4j Server Password

Because this question was never answered, I was hoping someone could help me reset the password to connect to my neo4j password (at localhost:7474). Zachary wrote a post on solving this by someone restarting the service using:
sudo service neo4j-service restart
but I did not find this helpful. In the terminal, I ran bin/neo4j restart (which I think is the equivalent command), and was not able to reset my password.
Depending on environment and installation type you need to look for a file named auth under directory dbms and remove it.
In MacOs, for dmg installations (adjust for custom locations):
or (homebrew install)
Windows users should look for same file in the default.graphdb/dbms directory.
In Ubuntu
In docker containers
Alternatively, you might choose to disable auth in the configuration file, usually found in
and set this property to false
After doing this, you need to restart the server for changes to make effect, you will be asked for a new password.
In window machine, I deleted the auth file at following path :
Users\systemUser\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\data\dbms and then I restarted the neo4j server.
Navigate to http://localhost:7474. It will ask you to enter the password for user neo4j. Enter default password (neo4j)
After this you will be navigated to change password screen. Change your password.
Note : for other operating systems auth file path may be different
I am running version 4.0.7. Many answers I found on the internet state "Delete /data/dbms/auth". That does not work for 4.0.7, that file does not exist.
I followed these instructions, and they worked.
Mainly do this:
Stop neo4j if its running
edit /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf, and uncomment
connect to the database and run
ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD 'mynewpass';
Stop neo4j
comment out the
start neo4j
For the Mac, I had to remove ~/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/data/dbms/auth
Then restart the server, and reset the password.
In addition to deleting the auth file, sudo rm /data/dbms/auth, I also had to set up local port forwarding for the browser port 7474 and the bolt connector port 7687. This is due to the outbound firewall for browsers of the network I am using.
On a DB and on a Windows installation of Neo4j Desktop (others can chime in if it works on Mac and Lnx), you can simply:
stop the DB,
click anywhere along the ribbon with the DB name and the "Open" button (this is hidden until you do a mousehover on this area) - I just click the name as there's no event on that label control and
you'll see along the RHS, the "Details", "Pluggins" and "Upgrade" options - select the "Details".
at the bottom, open the "Reset DBMS password" and you're good to go.
It's a bit scary as you don't need to know the original pwd...but since this should be used only for dev tasks and/or by the dba, that seems good for my lazy needs :)

hudson severe collision detected

Iam working on server where hudson sits and i run it thru command prompt, when am working with old credentials(for logging into server not for hudson) i didn't exit hudson,and admin shutdown the server, when my admin changed the credentials to log into with server with my new account credentials (previously am logging with some other account credentials), i logged with new credentials and restarted the hudson server using command prompt but in the command console the hudson is giving the error as
"SEVERE: COLLISION DETECTED timestamp='122324..', expected='111...'"
But its running the projects, building it but its status is not shown in the command console,
is this as hudson is treating as two users?
whats the error, and how it can be solved?
please help me out, and please excuse me for my bad explanation.
Sounds like you are running two instances of Hudson on the same box (maybe as different users).
It is more a Server Administration issue (Windows or Unix) than a Hudson problem.
