I'm passing a hash to this function that either a) has keys that are strings along with values that are ints OR b) it is an empty hash.
The point of the function is to return nil if the hash is empty and return the key associated with the lowest int.
def key_for_min_value(name_hash)
if name_hash == nil
return nil
lowest_value = nil
lowest_value_name = nil
name_hash.collect do |name, value|
if lowest_value > value
lowest_value = value
lowest_value_name = name
return lowest_value_name
The error I'm receiving is:
1) smallest hash value does not call the `#keys` method
Failure/Error: key_for_min_value(hash)
undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass`
You can't compare nil to anything using >, it's not allowed, so you either have to avoid that test or use tools like min_by to get the right value instead of this collect approach.
One way to make your unit test happy might be:
def key_for_min_value(name_hash)
return unless (name_hash)
name_hash.keys.min_by do |key|
Ruby leans very heavily on the Enumerable library, there's a tool in there for nearly every job, so when you have some free time have a look around there, lots of things to discover.
Now Ruby is very strict about comparisons, and in particular a nil value can't be "compared" (e.g. > or < and such) to other values. You'll need to populate that minimum with the first value by default, not nil, then the comparisons work out, but doing that completely is pretty ugly:
def key_for_min_value(name_hash)
return unless (name_hash)
min_key, min_value = name_hash.first
name_hash.each do |key, value|
next unless (value < min_value)
min_key = key
min_value = value
So that approach is really not worth it. Enumerable makes it way easier and as a bonus your intent is clear. One thing you'll come to appreciate is that in Ruby if your code looks like code then you're probably going about it the wrong way, over-complicating things.
Ruby is an unusually expressive language, and often there's a very minimal form to express just about anything.
I'm trying to substitute an expression unless the expression is one of two values.
def substitute_string (string)
string.gsub('abc', 'xyz') unless string == ('dabc' || 'eabc')
=> 'jjjjjxyz'
=> 'dabc'
=> 'exyz'
I expected substitute_string('eabc') to return ('eabc') since I stated that in the unless block, which I passed two values.
I don't understand why this doesn't work, and what I can do to make 'eabc' return 'eabc'.
('dabc' || 'eabc') is a boolean expression that evaluates to true and returns 'dabc'.
Use two or's:
unless string == 'dabc' || string == 'eabc'
Or use =~ (regex pattern match)
unless string =~ /(dabc|eabc)/
Since you indicated you're using Rails, you can also use in? like this:
unless string.in? ['dabc', 'eabc']
It is because (1) 'dabc' || 'eabc' is equivalent to 'dabc', and nowhere in your code does 'eabc' appear in a meaningful way, and because (2) it only returns nil when the condition is met according to the way you used unless.
def substitute_string(string)
case string
when 'dabc', 'eabc' then string
else string.gsub('abc', 'xyz')
Apart from the fun of obscure technicalities about what is returned when and in what situations, I don't see a lot of merit in not being more explicit with the return. The very fact that this issue was brought and subsequently debated on SO is exactly why writing code (working code to be sure) in this obscure fashion will lead to confusion for developers interpreting this code, and leads to buggy software.
The only benefit I see to this is that it's on one line.
def substitute_string(string)
string.gsub('abc', 'xyz') unless ['dabc', 'eabc'].include?(string)
I personally would prefer the following as it makes it clear what your intentions are:
def substitute_string(string)
return string if ['dabc', 'eabc'].include?(string)
string.gsub('abc', 'xyz')
'dabc' || 'eabc' will always equal true since it just means condition or condition where condition is a string. Since a string is not nil or false it evaluates to true. You could check whether the string is in an array values instead:
def substitute_string(string)
string.gsub('abc', 'xyz') unless ['dabc', 'eabc'].include?(string)
I have the following function to sum all the records of an :amount field in my Pack model for that given user:
def total_money_spent_cents
amount = self.packs.map(&:amount).sum
return amount
However, when I use this function I receive the following error:
nil can't be coerced into Fixnum
Any suggestions?
I am still having issues in regards to Fixnum in my tests, and have another question open here.
This suggests that one of your packs has an amount field which has not yet been set, so is nil. When you try and add it to something else, it undergoes Type coercion, to see if Ruby can massage its type into one that can be added to numbers, but it can't, and so you have this error.
One solution is this:
def total_amount_spent_cents
Array#compact removes the nil elements.
This may be fixing the symptom and not the actual problem though. It could be the case that you shouldn't have nil's in there at all, in which case you should check the initialisation of your Pack model (or perhaps its validations, to ensure that amount is mandatory).
I added some extra methods into Array and Hash for this sort of thing: they're like compact but they remove all values returning true for blank? rather than just nil: so will remove empty strings, empty arrays, hashes etc.
class Hash
def compact_blank!
self.each{|k,v| self.delete(k) if v.blank? }
def compact_blank
class Array
def compact_blank!
def compact_blank
use like
["1", "abc", "", nil, []].compact_blank
=> ["1", "abc"]
it's useful with params especially, where you might get a lot of empty strings through.
I'm working with the LinkedIn API to get companies' details. They are sending an XML response, so I simply converted the XML to a hash using the .to_hash method
This is a sample hash I'm getting: http://pastebin.com/1bXtHZ2F
in some companies they have more than one locations and contact information, i want to parse this data and get the details like phone number, city, postal_code etc.
The structure of the response is not consistent. Sometimes location field itself is missing or the postal_code is available only at the fourth location.
I tried two ways:
def phone(locations)
(locations && locations["values"][0]["contactInfo"]["phone1"]) || nil
This is not working if the phone number is not available in the first array
def phone(locations)
if locations["locations"]["total"].to_i == 1
locations["locations"]["location"].each do |p|
if (!p["contact_info"]["phone1"].nil? || !p['contact_info'].nil?)
return p["contact_info"]["phone1"]
This is not working if the "location" hash itself is missing from the response. I need a solution where I can search with the keys "city", "phone" and "postal_code" and update if it is present. If it returns an array, parse the array and get the non-empty data.
I've also read this StackOverflow answer.
I see this as a question about code confidence. That is, I'm betting you can figure out how to guess your way through all the possible conditions... but that will create a mess of unconfident code. Confident code states what it wants and it gets it and moves on. (Note: I get all of my inspiration on this topic from this wonderful book: http://www.confidentruby.com/ by Avdi Grimm).
That said, I'd recommend the following.
Install the naught gem: https://github.com/avdi/naught
In your code, utilize the Maybe conversion function (read through the gem documetnation for info) to confidently arrive at your values:
At the top of your class or controller:
NullObject = Naught.build
include NullObject::Conversions
In your method:
def phone(locations)
return {} if locations["location"].blank?
Maybe(locations["locations"])["location"].to_a.inject({}) do |location, acc|
contact_info = Maybe(location["contact_info"])
acc[location][:city] = contact_info["city1"].to_s
acc[location][:phone] = contact_info["phone1"].to_i
acc[location][:postal_code] = contact_info["postal_code1"].to_s
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish but the above may be a start. It is simply attempting to assume all of the keys exist. Whether they do or they don't they get converted to a object (an array, a string or an integer). And then, ultimately, collected into a hash (call acc -- short for "accumulator" -- internal to the loop above) to be returned.
If any of the above needs clarification let me know and we can chat.
Ok, this code basically works through the hash and isn't concerned about node names (other than the specific nodes it's searching for)
the find_and_get_values method takes two arguments: object to search, and an array of nodes to find. It will only return a result if all nodes in the array are siblings under the same parent node. (so "city" and "postal_code" must be under the same parent otherwise neither is returned)
The data returned is a simple hash.
The get_values method takes one argument (the company hash) and calls find_and_get_values twice, once for %w(city postal_code) and once for %w(phone1) and merges the hash results into one hash.
def get_values(company)
answer = {}
answer.merge!(find_and_get_values(company["locations"], %w(city postal_code))
answer.merge!(find_and_get_values(company["locations"], ["phone1"]))
def find_and_get_values(source, match_keys)
return {} if source.nil?
if source.kind_of?(Array)
source.each do |sub_source|
result = find_and_get_values(sub_source, match_keys)
return result unless result.empty?
result = {}
if source.kind_of?(Hash)
match_keys.each do |key|
result[key] = source[key] unless source[key].nil?
return result if result.count == match_keys.count
source.each do |sub_source|
result = find_and_get_values(sub_source, match_keys)
return result unless result.empty?
return {}
p get_values(company)
I have several calculated values as part of my risk.rb model
before_save :calculate_risk
def calculate_risk
self.risk1_total = self.component1 * self.component2 * self.component3
self.risk2_total = self.component4 * self.component5 * self.component6
I want to be able to create a risk without filling out the form completely thus each of those components would be nil. So this method creates an error because * is not a valid method for a nil. What is the best way to handle this? I have considered
def calculate_risk
if self.component1.nil? || self.component2.nil? || self.component3.nil?
self.risk1_total = self.component1 * self.component 2 * self.component3
elsif ...
However, this is obviously inefficient and repetitive. I also considered initializing all of these values, though I do not know the most efficient way of doing this.
You can do something like the following:
before_save :calculate_risk
def calculate_risk
self.risk1_total = [self.component1,self.component2,self.component3].compact.inject(:*)
self.risk2_total = [self.component4,self.component5,self.component6].compact.inject(:*)
This is assuming you want nil values to just be dropped from the calculation. This will give a result of nil if all values are nil. You could replace the nils with zeroes if you prefer. You may also be interested in the :reject method or other cools tools in the Ruby Array and Enumerable classes.
I hope that helps.
I'm working on a rake task which imports from a JSON feed into an ActiveRecord called Person.
Person has quite a few attributes and rather than write lines of code for setting each attribute I'm trying different methods.
The closest I've got is shown below. This works nicely as far as outputing to screen but when I check the values have actually been set on the ActiveRecord itself it's always nil.
So it looks like I can't use .to_sym to solve my problem?
Any suggestions?
I should also mention that I'm just starting out with Ruby, have been doing quite a bit of Objective-c and now need to embrace the Interwebs :)
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.read_timeout = 30
json = http.get(url.to_s).body
parsed = JSON.parse(json)
if parsed.has_key? 'code'
updatePerson = Person.find_or_initialize_by_code(parsed['code'])
puts updatePerson.code
parsed.each do |key, value|
puts "#{key} is #{value}"
symkey = key.to_sym
updatePerson[:symkey] = value.to_s
puts "#{key}....." # shows the current key
puts updatePerson[:symkey] # shows the correct value
puts updatePerson.first_name # a sample key, it's returning nil
You're probably looking for update_attributes():
if parsed.has_key?('code')
code = parsed.delete('code')
person = Person.find_or_initialize_by_code(code)
if person.update_attributes(parsed)
puts "#{person.first_name} successfully saved"
puts "Failed to save #{person.first_name}"
Your code can not assign any attribute, because you are always assigning to the single attribute named "symkey":
symkey = key.to_sym
updatePerson[:symkey] = value.to_s # assigns to attribute "symkey", not to the attribute with the name stored in variable symkey
If you want to make key into a symbol (which is probably not even necessary) and then use that as an index to access the attribute in updatePerson, you can write:
updatePerson[key.to_sym] = value.to_s
But this - more or less - is the same as
updatePerson.updateAttribute(key.to_sym, value.to_s) # update and save
except that no validation is triggered, so use with care.
And performancewise it might not be such a good idea to save the person after each assignment, so maybe you want to defer the .save() call until after you have assigned all attributes.
Nevertheless, updateAttributes(...) is something you might want to be looking into - if you do, do not forget to inform yourself on attr_protected or attr_accessible, as they protect attributes from "bulk assignment"
You can use write_attribute:
parsed.each do |key, value|
updatePerson.write_attribute(key, value)