Update link preview image for iTunes app link - ios

I have an iOS app and I am trying to update the image shown in the iMessage link preview. I can't seem to find how to do this.
I'm assuming this can be done by rearranging the "app preview" content from within iTunes Connect, however, the current image shown in the link preview is of the second "app preview" image (within iTunes Connect) and not the first.
The first "app preview" piece is a video. Will Apple use the first non-video "app preview" item for the "link preview" image within iTunes? Or is there another way to update the "link preview" image?

Ok so through experimentation I've found the answer to this.
Apple provides the meta-data for iMessage to use to show the link-preview thumbnail. That meta-data uses the first screenshot within AppStoreConnect (iTunesConnect) as the thumbnail for all previews of your app's store link.
This is confusing since any app-previews (i.e. videos) will NOT have any affect on what is seen within the iMessage link preview thumbnail. This is true even if you specify a specific thumbnail for the app-preview within AppStoreConnect.
So if you want to update the thumbnail for your app's store link you need to update the first screenshot for your app. It will probably take a while to get indexed (took mine around 24 hours)
Hope this helps someone!


App Store rejects because of app icon size

Appstore rejects app upload and shows this error:
Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key
'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon20x20'
Can anyone share what the issue is? I had implemented appicon using this.
Use https://makeappicon.com website to make app icons it will automatically generate app icons of all sizes required.
This is my first post on StackOverflow so bear with me.
I created this automator workflow, it generates all icon sizes needed for the App Store currently⟨sept 2022)
1- Open in automator and save.
2- Create a squared image 1024x1024 or larger using preview.
3- right click on the image, select "To Icon"
follow the prompts.
The script consists of blocks of 4 for each icon size:
1-Get value
If you need a particular size, just copy paste that quadruple and change the pixel size and the name accordingly.
Feel free to manipulate and share the code however you like.
In the future from Xcode 14 and out you only need to provide one 1024x1024 icon in your assets catalog.

How do you add the top image in the Apple Store?

I recently noticed that some apps in the apple store have large image with the logo on their download page. I was just curious on how to do this and would like to implement it with my own apps.
Ex: Tinder & Bumble
You cannot add it.
This is possible only if your app is selected by the Apple editorial team to be featured

How to add the Cover image of your iOS App in the App store

As, shown in the picture the picture a cover image of instagram app has displayed but on most of the app we have not seen this. So how can i add this kind of cover image in my app for app store
Only featured apps can have customized cover image or header. These applications are selected by Apple. This isn't a setting that we can control.
Here is an article on how to get featured in the App Store:
Apple selects popular apps and allows them to add the Cover Photo and Themes. It isn't upto the developers.
From official confirmation on this:
Applications that have custom background art on the App Store are selected editorially by Apple. If your application is selected to be receive custom art, you will be contacted by an Apple representative.

Can I add my App icon to default Photo library in IOS?

I want to add my App icon to default Photo library but I do not know how to do that? Can it be done?
You can see the photo at here
I want to add my app icon for user after select video or photo, can click on my app icon to open my app.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
It's not possible to add your app in the iOS "Photos" app. But it's possible if you want other (3rd party) apps to be able to open files in yours.
A good place to start is this Instagram documentation on how they do it, and from that link you can see that the relevant Apple information lies in the UIDocumentInteractionController class reference and Document Interaction Programming Topics.

How to upload multiple pictures at once in itunesconnect?

How can I upload multiple pictures at once to my app details in itunesconnect? I remember that at some time it was possible via Safari and drag/dropping multiple pictures onto the 'choose picture'-button. Now (Mountain Lion, Safari 6.0.1) it isn´t anymore.
Any ideas on how to solve this? It´s really annoying to upload 15 pictures (iPhone, iPhone5, iPad) one after another.
I not sure if it was ever possible to upload multiple pictures at once. However, drag & drop (for single files) is still possible - it's just broken in Safari, which opens/displays the dragged file. In Firefox and Chrome, dropping an image file (e.g. some .png) on the "Choose File" button results in an upload.
Seems like apple removed this feature, for whatever reason.
Best you make a suggestion on iTunes Connect.
Just log in and click on "Contact Us" in the footer.
(I can't provide a link, because it varies)
You can't do that as i have tried up to 2 images
