Can I add my App icon to default Photo library in IOS? - ios

I want to add my App icon to default Photo library but I do not know how to do that? Can it be done?
You can see the photo at here
I want to add my app icon for user after select video or photo, can click on my app icon to open my app.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

It's not possible to add your app in the iOS "Photos" app. But it's possible if you want other (3rd party) apps to be able to open files in yours.
A good place to start is this Instagram documentation on how they do it, and from that link you can see that the relevant Apple information lies in the UIDocumentInteractionController class reference and Document Interaction Programming Topics.


Update link preview image for iTunes app link

I have an iOS app and I am trying to update the image shown in the iMessage link preview. I can't seem to find how to do this.
I'm assuming this can be done by rearranging the "app preview" content from within iTunes Connect, however, the current image shown in the link preview is of the second "app preview" image (within iTunes Connect) and not the first.
The first "app preview" piece is a video. Will Apple use the first non-video "app preview" item for the "link preview" image within iTunes? Or is there another way to update the "link preview" image?
Ok so through experimentation I've found the answer to this.
Apple provides the meta-data for iMessage to use to show the link-preview thumbnail. That meta-data uses the first screenshot within AppStoreConnect (iTunesConnect) as the thumbnail for all previews of your app's store link.
This is confusing since any app-previews (i.e. videos) will NOT have any affect on what is seen within the iMessage link preview thumbnail. This is true even if you specify a specific thumbnail for the app-preview within AppStoreConnect.
So if you want to update the thumbnail for your app's store link you need to update the first screenshot for your app. It will probably take a while to get indexed (took mine around 24 hours)
Hope this helps someone!

Sharing a photo from an ios app

Given that I have a UIImage instance in my app how could I get
ios to show the image sharing dialog (Mail, add to notes, twitter, fb,
save image, etc)
Upon a cursory look to PHAsset I haven't found anything prominent :-(
You can search for UIActivityViewController. This class will display a dialog, having all sharing apps listed within dialog.

It is showed up two same apps button in UIDocumentInteractionController popup

I appologize for my low level English.
I developed Share Extension in my app to support the extention added at iOS8.
But, my app has been already showing up in UIDocumentInteractionController popup.
So, my app has been showing up two items for same app after supporting share extension:"xyz, copy to xyz".
'xyz' is my app name.
I want to make to show up only one item at UIDocumentInteractionController popup menu.
Is there any way to do it?
I have suffer this familiar situation when i research share extention.When i open safari to share web url to my APP, the safari's share menu has two same APP button.Then i click Product-->Clean solve this problem.This seems caches should be blame for it. I also apologize for my poor English.

iOS Facebook sdk open album select and image select screens

So basically i want a way to open a screen with my Facebook albums. I should be able to select
an album and then a screen with the images in that album should open and after selecting the image i
should get it's url or data. I think theres a way to do that with the Facebook sdk and by that i
mean that i don't have to create the albums/images screens they are already in the sdk but how
do i use them?
The Facebook SDK don't have this feature.
There are some interesting projects on github for example:

I'm trying to get my iPhone app into native share menus. Photo selection menu on iOS7 and other share menus [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to get my iPhone app listed in iPhone's native Photos app share menu?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm trying to add some import options to an app. I'd like to add my app's icon to certain menus, to allow ease of importing files into my app.
I'm able to insert my app's icon in the "open in..." menus using CFBundleDocumentTypes. I can't find any mention of methods to get into the photo menu though. (See screen shot below)
Does anyone know how this can be done? It seems possible, because the flickr app icon was inserted there after installing the Flickr app.
Facebook, Twitter and now Flickr are all system services, and thus they appear in the custom Photos share view. This is not the same as UIDocumentInteractionController's options menu, which shows applications registered to open file types.
