How to upload multiple pictures at once in itunesconnect? - ios

How can I upload multiple pictures at once to my app details in itunesconnect? I remember that at some time it was possible via Safari and drag/dropping multiple pictures onto the 'choose picture'-button. Now (Mountain Lion, Safari 6.0.1) it isn´t anymore.
Any ideas on how to solve this? It´s really annoying to upload 15 pictures (iPhone, iPhone5, iPad) one after another.

I not sure if it was ever possible to upload multiple pictures at once. However, drag & drop (for single files) is still possible - it's just broken in Safari, which opens/displays the dragged file. In Firefox and Chrome, dropping an image file (e.g. some .png) on the "Choose File" button results in an upload.

Seems like apple removed this feature, for whatever reason.
Best you make a suggestion on iTunes Connect.
Just log in and click on "Contact Us" in the footer.
(I can't provide a link, because it varies)

You can't do that as i have tried up to 2 images


Update link preview image for iTunes app link

I have an iOS app and I am trying to update the image shown in the iMessage link preview. I can't seem to find how to do this.
I'm assuming this can be done by rearranging the "app preview" content from within iTunes Connect, however, the current image shown in the link preview is of the second "app preview" image (within iTunes Connect) and not the first.
The first "app preview" piece is a video. Will Apple use the first non-video "app preview" item for the "link preview" image within iTunes? Or is there another way to update the "link preview" image?
Ok so through experimentation I've found the answer to this.
Apple provides the meta-data for iMessage to use to show the link-preview thumbnail. That meta-data uses the first screenshot within AppStoreConnect (iTunesConnect) as the thumbnail for all previews of your app's store link.
This is confusing since any app-previews (i.e. videos) will NOT have any affect on what is seen within the iMessage link preview thumbnail. This is true even if you specify a specific thumbnail for the app-preview within AppStoreConnect.
So if you want to update the thumbnail for your app's store link you need to update the first screenshot for your app. It will probably take a while to get indexed (took mine around 24 hours)
Hope this helps someone!

WatchKit sometimes not loading images

I have a number of images in my interface, some simply used as information feedback and others are there as part of Buttons.
The information feedback images are updated in the interface using code. The images which are part of buttons have the image choice defined in Xcode and they never change.
A number of users have sent me images showing screens where none of the buttons have images, ie they're blank. The buttons still work though.
The situation doesn't happen with all users and it works exactly as designed in the simulator.
All images are stored in the WatchKit app so have not been explicitly cached as that shouldn't be necessary. All images are in PNG format.
Has anyone else experienced this and is there a fix?
If the image files in your WatchKit app are "loose" (i.e. not in an assets catalog), make sure you have the "#2x" suffix in the file name. Many developers have reported issues where loose images display in the simulator but not on actual hardware.
I would highly recommend creating an assets catalog in your WatchKit app (not extension) that includes all of your Watch assets. Make sure that each image is set to "Device Specific" in the inspector panel and that "Apple Watch" is the only option selected. Using this technique, the actual file names don't matter.
I just happened to write a post with additional details that might be useful to you:

Changing old UI on Xcode to new UI

This is a newbie question. But I would like to change my old UI (pngs) on my current project to some new updated ones that are of similar size. Is there anyway to drag and drop the UI directly without affecting the actions so the buttons still work the same on the app. Or do you have to recode everything when you change UI? I'm not really sure the steps I need to do, but I have all the new UI ready to go. Can anybody guide me through these steps?
Another question is, I have a video editor and want to test out a video player in the simulator at run time, but right now I can see my music or video files because I don't have any in the simulator. How do I import these files into a project to test it out (on the computer), I know the camera roll on a phone would work.
If anybody can give me some guidance, I would greatly appreciate it. I know these are newbie questions.
If the new images are the same size of the old images, just rename the new images exactly like the old images and then overwrite the old images at the project's path.
And for the video files, drag the video files directly to the iOS simulator. The video will open in the Safari, click the share button in the tab bar of the safari and hit "Save Video".

Web development for iPad: how to make safari view non-draggable

I'm making a web project that is fitted to the iPad screen. I'm trying to make it look as much like a native app as possible. It is loaded in safari or atomic browser. What I'm trying to find out is if it's possible to eliminate the drag and even the zoom functions of one of those browsers for just that site.
To rephrase, I want to make my site fixed on the screen at all times. The issue is, a user will try to hit a button and it will drag the screen.
PS. An additional question is how I can make it so images don't have the "save as" functionality if held down I tried putting a span over the images, and that worked for firefox, but not iPad safari.
If you can solve any or all of these, you would have my biggest thanks!
Turns out that there are several metatags that you can put in your js file which keep the screen fixed. Good stuff on that is here:
As far as the "save as" issue, I don't know yet, that part of my app development hasn't been solved.

iOS 4.2.1 Mobile Safari won't show poster image

I've been working on an iPad-specific site that uses HTML5 video and though I've got video playback working, I can't for the life of me get the poster image to appear. It looks fine on Desktop Safari. Here's the code:
<video src="video/about_the_man.mp4" controls height=360 width=480 poster="video/posters/about_the_man.jpg"></video>
I've using this link as a reference (listing 1.2):
It says that on iOS the poster image will be shown until the user initiates playback, but right now all I'm getting is a black video-sized screen with a big play button in the center. I've looked at other postings on this top (here and here) but neither solution has worked for me. The only thing that's a little bit unconventional about the site is that the video element is in an inline lightbox, so initially on pageload it's not visible, but I don't know why that would make a difference.
I had the exact same problem. I decided to try my code on other iPad's, and it worked fine. The poster image showed up.
After scratching my head for a bit, the solution was to hard reset the iPad and try again. After a reboot, my iPad displayed the poster image as it should.
Maybe it will work for you?
I found there is a limit to the amount of images you can load on an iPad
Here is what it says:
I hit a mobile Safari limitation recently when building an AJAX-y site
on the iPad. If you load a ton of images eventually mobile Safari cuts
you off and will display a [?] instead of the image. After doing some
tests it appears that this limit is around 6.5 MB. Here’s a test page
I made that attempts to load 20 500kb images. When opening this page
on an iPad, 7 of the images don’t appear, even though in Charles they
are returning 200 – success. I’m assuming this is similar to the way
autoplay is disabled for the video tag on iPad/iPhone. Apple probably
wants to make sure users don’t get overloaded with downloads when
browsing on 3G.
Anyhow, 6.5 MB is a hefty load and wouldn’t fare well on 3G, but for one reason or another you may want to work around this limitation. I found the easiest way to patch my code was to load the image into a canvas tag using drawImage(). The canvas tag appears to be immune to the limitation.
Here’s another test page using the canvas tag, all the images should load.
