TFS Project Template create from existing Template issue - tfs

I need to create new TFS project template using existing template. i just rename and edited TypeDefinitions and tried to upload it. But it said its already exists. how to edit this as a new project template. please help.

Do you mean import Process Template?
If it is, then you need to modify the Process Template name and Version type ID:


TFS200019 Error in TFS: Project already exists

When I try to create a new project, I get the error below. It states that the project exists, but it's nowhere to be found. I get this when trying to create any new project with different names.
TF200019: The following project already exists on the Team Foundation Server: Workflow Development. You cannot create a new project with the same name as an existing project. Provide a different name.
Any suggestions? The discussions online around this don't provide much help.
It seems your issue is caused by your custom process template. You could create a new team project collection and use the default process template. Also, you could compare the default process template with the custom one, to see which part is different and caused this issue.

How do you edit Custom Build Definition Template using TFS 2017?

If I create a custom Build Definition Template from the context menu below, how does one actually edit it?
I can see I can delete it, but not edit. Are Overwrite or Delete & Recreate the only means to edit the Template? Seems a little severe... Neither option seems to give me historical tracking...
Or am I missing something obvious?
As I read this is a new feature in the initial phase that will be enhanced with 2017 Update 2 and later (honestly I haven't noticed it arrived in Update 1).
It seems like you actually can "edit" them, by creating a new template with the same name and basically overwrite the old one.
So you could:
Create a new build definition, using your existing template.
Make changes
Create a new template from the build definition with the same name as your current template.
All according to MSDN

TFS2012 wiki.htm file in new team project

Whenever I create a new team project in TFS2012 I get a wiki.htm file appear in the shared documents folder (it is blank).
What do people do with it?
Is there something on the sharepoint portal that will produce it automatically or is it a something where you just add your own HTML when required?
it's a wiki file, you can update it as you would with any other type of wiki file. if you don't add any data to it, it will remain empty.

Work item types in TFS 2010; Where are the XML files stored?

I am trying to add a new work item type. Where the heck are the XML files that define these?
I don't see them in solution explorer, they aren't in the file system on the TFS server, so where the heck are they?
I am following instructions from Microsoft but it doesn't say where to look
You get these from Team > Team Foundation Server Settings -> Process Template Manager, then download the template you want. Then you'll find all the WITs in there. You can edit and create new ones, then upload the changed template. Just be careful to rename the process template (inside process.xml file).
Use WitAdmin to alter existing project WITs. Use this method above for future projects.
Do you have your XML and are trying to deploy it? Reading the link you posted, it looks like you deploy the work item types by using the witadmin utility. The link to instructions to witadmin is below and under the references section of the instructions you gave a link to.

Is it possible to change the process template used by a TFS Team Project?

We have been working on a new TFS process template to better match the process we follow. Is there a way to apply this new template to an existing project.
Try the following free tool:
It allows you to synchronize templates between two projects
There is no "template upgrade" feature in TFS.
You can try to simply update your WITs.
But then you also need to update your queries and reports and shared documents and all. Ugly.
The best way to do this, is to create a new project using the new template (best to use a new TPC), and then migrate your work items over to the new project.
