TestFlight Testing low Framerates? - ios

I am trying to upload my game to the app store (it is currently on the google play store) but since I use a pc, I had to borrow a mac from a friend to publish my game.
I built the game on my pc, uploaded it to my dropbox and downloaded it onto the mac. I then finished the game on Xcode and used testflight to test my game.
However, the game is running at about 20-30 frames approx, not 60. The low frames are clearly visible and it affects with the gameplay.
I was wondering if this has to do with testflight or if I built it wrong, or if I did some settings wrong on Xcode?

100% that the Xcode/build problem, the test flight does not touch your code in any way.


How to test ARKit app? Can ARKit app be tested using recorded video instead of live video?

Getting started with ARKit development. Imagine that testing an app in development between builds requires imaging an environment to expose the app to a scene and that having to physically hold and/or move camera to capture live scene will be extremely cumbersome each time.
Can an app be tested with recorded video in order to avoid having to capture a realtime scene each time an app has to be tested? If so, how to do so?
Unfortunately, there is no other way to test ARKit apps except running them on your device. I agree, it is a cumbersome process, but for now thats all we have. Hopefully, in the future, Apple will make some sort of AR simulator so that we can test our apps in a faster and easier way.
Yes you can record videos using Reality Composer, then airdrop them to your mac, add them to your Xcode project, edit the scheme to enable ARKit "Replay data" (it may only appear when a device is connected), then select your video in the drop-down list
Edit : screenshot made using Xcode 12.5.1

Is there a way to share app configuration between devices?

I've got several games on my phones and tablets that carry over their settings and states between devices (e.g., I leave a game on my phone, and I start it up on my tablet it'll be basically where I left off on the phone).
Or, I can uninstall and reinstall the game and not have lost any progress in the game.
Now, I understand that the state is being saved on a central server by the game publisher, and being downloaded each time the game starts. And I understand that they are linking my profile between them through Game Center.
I'd like to do something similar, but the app I'm working on is not a game. Is there a similar method to know the user of this phone is also the user of this tablet and have the devices pull app settings from my server?
The most similar API would be CloudKit. Its essentially free for this sort of thing. Like Game Center its iOS only.
Like kchromik said Firebase would be another option. It works with other platforms as well but doesn't necessarily integrate as well into iOS.

Is it okay to use my own app from my own device which contains AdMob advertisements

I have implemented an iOS application which has AdMob advertisements in it.
As far as I know if you don't identify your device as a test device during the development phase, Google finds it out and suspends (temporarily or even permanently sometimes) your account.
My app is live on AppStore now. Can I use my own app? Since I used my iPhone as a test device before, I am a little bit worried about it.
Thanks in advance...
Once the app is in production phase and live in the app store, you can use it as any normal user would. However, you should refrain from clicking the ads multiple times as that would lead to click fraud.

Using my everyday iPhone for iOS app device testing

Today i signed up to Apple's $99 a year iOS developer program. I'm currently working on certificates, Identifiers and Profiles part so i'd be able to first test my apps on real device. I have available an iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPad mini. These are my family's devices. If i use my mom's iPhone 5 for example to test my apps, would there be any negative affect to the iPhone what-so-ever? Lets say i turn off the device from Xcode and want to use another device, would iPhone 5 malfunction in any way or is it completely safe to use my main everyday device for testing?
No, In no way will it affect your everyday tasks like calling, texting, etc. When you run your project with your phone being the one you want to run it on the app will show up and stop whatever you are doing at the time but it won't have any long term effect on you or your mom's phone. However to make your app go on the phone you need to register the phones you want to use in development mode. If thats done you should be all good
Good Luck and Happy Developing!
I've been testing my app on my everyday iPhone for months now. I've had no issues at all. Nothing affects my iPhone negatively in any way. Also, don't be afraid to delete your app completely from your iPhone if you need to fix something. It also won't have any negative affect on your app or on your phone. Uploading and deleting your app has the same effect on your phone like you download an app from the App Store. That doesn't have any negative affect on your phone. Your uploading your app from Xcode to your phone will not have any negative affect.

Can I test Flash CS5 iOS published SWF's or ipa's without having to load them onto the iPhone every single time?

As per the title, is there a simulator or a way for Adobe Device Central to read CS5 created iOS published SWF's or ipa's for testing purposes?
At the moment, I make a change in Flash CS5, publish the SWF and IPA, delete the old version from my phone, drop the new IPA in, re sync and test. This is not good for the workflow.
What are the options for testing and developing?
I am on a Windows machine (Windows 7).
What i do mostly is this.
Change the flash player from iOS to flash lite and run the program in Device Central.
Works perfect.
If you're up for using the Simulator instead, this question could help you load them into the Simulator. Not sure if there are any compatibility issues, but the Simulator does tend to load significantly faster than loading to the phone, IME.
