Implement angular 2 formly for file upload? - angular2-forms

I need to create dynamic form in angular 2. for that I am using angular formly. but it doesnt have any example for input type 'file' upload. Does someone has already implemented this?

I have implemented custom file type based on ngx-formly documentation maybe that could be of help.
I know it's way to late but someone looking for answers may get some help with this :D

formly provide a bunch of examples on their demo, for input type 'file' upload check the following link:


Under #shadow-root I saw unwanted Url Links

I was trying to solve a problem in my site about undefined error in notification area meanwhile in google developers tool I figured out something new to me. While I read documents about Shadow-root a little and saw many documents telling me how a wonderful technology is that.Still no clue what is shadow-root :D
But I saw some links under shadow-root style and I though I got hacked somehow please find attached image and please tell me what was about and what can I do .
Thanks in advance.
shadow-root unwanted links
Do you use a kind of blocker extension in your web browser?
This is a CSS rule to exclude / block all the listed sites or trackers.

Exporting or creating PDF/X-1a:2001 PDF file using TCPDF

Does anyone know how to export PDF/X-1a:2001 PDF file using PHP TCPDF library. I researched a lot but could not find a solution. Someone please advise. The solution needs to be in PHP.
I'm no expert on TCPDF, but the docs you linked to give a few example code blocks, and most end with a call to the output function.
$pdf->Output('example_001.pdf', 'I');

Hiding url extension for module name

I was hoping somebody would be able to help me,
I am looking for a way to hide my extension in my urls. for example :
I would like to hide or change my url fully or partially in any way providing that the "thispart" is hidden from public viewing. "thispart" actually refers to a module installed within my opencart platform.
Would really appreciate your help
Thank you in advance.

UIWebView open url from file

I am making an app on iphone and I have got stucked at one point. I want to read a text file which has some list of URLs and then I need to read that file and open those URLs one by one in UIWebVIew. Can anyone suggest me how can I do that?? with some sample example.
Thanks in advance.
Check out NSDataDetector, you can find links by dataDetectorWithTypes:error: using NSTextCheckingTypeLink. More documentation:

rich text editor with image hosting

is there a rich text editor that has image hosting with it?
eg with stackoverflow they are using imgur to host images.
or is there another way eg using an api? im using mvc/c#
They are the brothers :)
Try this SO question:
There are a few possible options, but you're looking at writing your own connector for the text editor to interface with the API - but having said that, for the most part you'd probably be writing a connector for the image uploading anyway, or at least searching around looking for one that works since most (free) RTEs don't supply file / image upload functionality built-in.
Not sure if this is entirely what you're after, but it might be worth having a look at using Yahoo's YUI editor + Flickr for hosting the images:
jquery tinymce is a best option. Since there are many plugins for image upload that can be easily integerate into editor
There would be default image upload. if u need use some third party plugins like this
refer it.
If you are looking for free stuff, use FCKEditors, it contains image uploader already plugged in.
Try this , this works for me: I used tinymce RTE roxyfileman
