Between the many consensus mechanisms available in Hyperledger, I wish to know the specified difference between the conensus mechanisms in Hyperledger, such as SBFT vs RBFT?
I will let others explain SBFT and RBFT and the many other consensus algorithms.
Hyperledger is composed of 5 different blockchain technologies, each with it's own consensus algorithm. Here are two supported by Hyperledger Sawtooth:
PoET Proof of Elapsed Time (optional Nakamoto-style consensus algorithm used for Sawtooth). PoET with SGX has BFT. PoET Simulator has CFT. Not CPU-intensive
as with PoW-style algorithms, although it still can fork and have stale blocks
. See PoET specification at
RAFT Consensus algorithm that elects a leader for a term of arbitrary time. Leader replaced if it times-out. Raft is faster than PoET, but is not BFT (Raft is CFT). Also Raft does not fork.
Hyperledger Sawtooth has the advantage of having Unpluggable Consensus. An algorithm can be changed without reinitializing the blockchain or even restarting the software.
Here are some other consensus algorithms:
PoW Proof of Work. Completing work (CPU-intensive Nakamoto-style consensus algorithm). Usually used in permissionless blockchains
PoS Proof of Stake. Nakamoto-style consensus algorithm based on the most wealth or age (stake)
PBFT Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance. A "classical" consensus algorithm that uses a state machine. Uses leader and block election. PBFT is a three-phase, network-intensive algorithm (n^2 messages), so is not scalable to large networks
Scikit-Learn algorithms are single node implementations. Does this mean, that they are not an appropriate choice for building machine learning models on Databricks cluster for the reason that they cannot take advantage of the cluster computing resources ?
They are not appropriate, in the sense that, as you say, they cannot take advantage of the cluster computing resources, which Databricks is arguably all about. The raison d'être of Databricks is Apache Spark, and specifically for ML tasks, its ML library Spark MLlib.
This does not mean that you cannot use scikit-learn in Databricks (you'll find that a Databricks cluster comes by scikit-learn installed by default), only that it is usable for problems that do not actually require a cluster. If you want to exploit the cluster resource capabilities for ML, you need to revert to Spark MLlib.
I think desertnaut hit the nail on the head here. I believe Scikit Learn algos are designed only for non-parallel processing jobs, and all the MLlib stuff is designed to leverage cluster compute resources and parallel processing resources. Take a look at the link below for sample code for standard regression and classification tasks.
In addition, here are some code samples for different clustering tasks.
That should probably cover most of the things you will be doing.
I believe that it depends on the task at hand. I see two general scenarios:
Your data is big and does not fit into memory. Go with the Spark MLlib and their distributed algos.
Your data is not that big and you want to utilize sheer computing power. The typical use case is hyperparameter search.
Databricks allow for distributing such workloads from the driver node to the executors with hyperopt and its SparkTrials (random + Bayesian search).
Some docs here>
However, there are much more attempts to make the sklearn on spark work. You can supposedly distribute the workloads through UDF, using joblib, or others. I am investigating the issue myself, and will update the answer later.
In hyperledger fabric orderer takes care of replicating blocks through atomic broadcast after endorsing transactions and validating blocks thus achieves consensus. Then why do we need consensus algorithms such as kafka, pbft etc to be integrated with hyperledger fabric.
The definition of consensus in Hyperledger/Fabric is quite different from traditional consensus protocol such as PBFT. Consensus in Hyperledger/Fabric has wider meaning; Its core consensus architecture is called "Execute-Order-Validate". And unlike PBFT where all the nodes can execute same role, Hyperledger/Fabric separate execution node from ordering node. The consensus that you mentioned is included only in ordering phase, meaning ordering node execute consensus protocol such as Kafka, PBFT.
In short, I think that you misunderstand the difference between consensus in ordering phase and consensus in whole protocol (transaction flow).
For more detail, I recommend this paper.
I'm setting up a Neo4j cluster for a greenfield app. What considerations should I take into account when deciding between causal and HA clustering? The docs are very good at describing configuration of each, but not at how to decide which architecture to choose.
At least for now the cluster is only 3 nodes, so read vs. read/write nodes (as described in causal clustering) is not a factor.
There are some differences between HA & CC mode, but by default you should use the CC one : it's the default clustering mode (Neo4j spent a lot of time to develop it).
With CC you :
will never have any branched data
can benefit of the official driver functionalities : Load-balancing, routing, bookmark-id(ie. read your own write), ...
I am designing a neural network and am trying to determine if I should write it in such a way that each neuron is its own 'process' in Erlang, or if I should just go with C++ and run a network in one thread (I would still use all my cores by running an instance of each network in its own thread).
Is there a good reason to give up the speed of C++ for the asynchronous neurons that Erlang offers?
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. An artificial neural network is essentially represented by the weight of the connections between nodes. The nodes themselves don't exist in isolation; their values are only calculated (at least in feed-forward networks) through the forward-propagation algorithm, when it is given input.
The backpropagation algorithm for updating weights is definitely parallelizable, but that doesn't seem to be what you're describing.
The usefulness of having neurons in a Neural Network (NN), is to have a multi-dimension matrix which coefficients you want to handle ( to train them, to change them, to adapt them little by little, so as they fit well to the problem you want to solve). On this matrix you can apply numerical methods (proven and efficient) so as to find an acceptable solution, in an acceptable time.
IMHO, with NN (namely with back-propagation training method), the goal is to have a matrix which is efficient both at run-time/predict-time, and at training time.
I don't grasp the point of having asynchronous neurons. What would it offers ? what issue would it solve ?
Maybe you could explain clearly what problem you would solve putting them asynchronous ?
I am indeed inverting your question: what do you want to gain with asynchronicity regarding traditional NN techniques ?
It would depend upon your use case: the neural network computational model and your execution environment. Here is a recent paper (2014) by Plotnikova et al, that uses "Erlang and platform Erlang/OTP with predefined base implementation of actor model functions" and a new model developed by the authors that they describe as “one neuron—one process” using "Gravitation Search Algorithm" for training:
To briefly cite their abstract, "The paper develops asynchronous distributed modification of this algorithm and presents the results of experiments. The proposed architecture shows the performance increase for distributed systems with different environment parameters (high-performance cluster and local network with a slow interconnection bus)."
Also, most other answers here reference a computational model that uses matrix operations for the base of training and simulation, for which the authors of this paper compare by saying, "this case neural network model [ie matrix operations based] becomes fully mathematical and its original nature (from neural networks biological prototypes) gets lost"
The tests were run on three types of systems;
IBM cluster is represented as 15 virtual machines.
Distributed system deployed to the local network is represented as 15 physical machines.
Hybrid system is based on the system 2 but each physical machine has four processor cores.
They provide the following concrete results, "The presented results evidence a good distribution ability of gravitation search, especially for large networks (801 and more neurons). Acceleration depends on the node count almost linearly. If we use 15 nodes we can get about eight times acceleration of the training process."
Finally, they conclude regarding their model, "The model includes three abstraction levels: NNET, MLP and NEURON. Such architecture allows encapsulating some general features on general levels and some specific for the considered neural networks features on special levels. Asynchronous message passing between levels allow to differentiate synchronous and asynchronous parts of training and simulation algorithms and, as a result, to improve the use of resources."
It depends what you are after.
2nd Generation of Neural Networks are synchronous. They perform computations on an input-output basis without a delay, and can be trained either through reinforcement or back-propagation. This is the prevailing type of ANN at the moment and the easiest to get started with if you are trying to solve a problem via machine learning, lots of literature and examples available.
3rd Generation of Neural Networks (so-called "Spiking Neural Networks") are asynchronous. Signals propagate internally through the network as a chain-reaction of spiking events, and can create interesting patterns and oscillations depending on the shape of the network. While they model biological brains more closely they are also harder to make use of in a practical setting.
I think that async computation for NNs might prove beneficial for the (recognition) performance. In fact, the result might be similar (maybe less pronounced) to using dropout.
But a straight-forward implementation of async NNs would be much slower, because for synchronous NNs you can use linear algebra libraries, which make good use of vectorization or GPUs.
This question does not have a single "right" answer.
I'm interested in running Map Reduce algorithms, on a cluster, on Terabytes of data.
I want to learn more about the running time of said algorithms.
What books should I read?
I'm not interested in setting up Map Reduce clusters, or running standard algorithms. I want rigorous theoretical treatments or running time.
EDIT: The issue is not that map reduce changes running time. The issue is -- most algorithms do not distribute well to map reduce frameworks. I'm interested in algorithms that run on the map reduce framework.
Technically, there's no real different in the runtime analysis of MapReduce in comparison to "standard" algorithms - MapReduce is still an algorithm just like any other (or specifically, a class of algorithms that occur in multiple steps, with a certain interaction between those steps).
The runtime of a MapReduce job is still going to scale how normal algorithmic analysis would predict, when you factor in division of tasks across multiple machines and then find the maximum individual machine time required for each step.
That is, if you have a task which requires M map operations, and R reduce operations, running on N machines, and you expect that the average map operation will take m time and the average reduce operation r time, then you'll have an expected runtime of ceil(M/N)*m + ceil(R/N)*r time to complete all of the tasks in question.
Prediction of the values for M,R,m, and r are all something that can be accomplished with normal analysis of whatever algorithm you're plugging into MapReduce.
There are only two books that i know of that are published, but there are more in the works:
Pro hadoop and Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
Of these, Pro Hadoop is more of a beginners book, whilst The Definitive Guide is for those that know what Hadoop actually is.
I own The Definitive Guide and think its an excellent book. It provides good technical details on how the HDFS works, as well as covering a range of related topics such as MapReduce, Pig, Hive, HBase etc. It should also be noted that this book was written by Tom White who has been involved with the development of Hadoop for a good while, and now works at cloudera.
As far as the analysis of algorithms goes on Hadoop you could take a look at the TeraByte sort benchmarks. Yahoo have done a write up of how Hadoop performs for this particular benchmark: TeraByte Sort on Apache Hadoop. This paper was written in 2008.
More details about the 2009 results can be found here.
There is a great book about Data Mining algorithms applied to the MapReduce model.
It was written by two Stanford Professors and it if available for free: