I'm using ActiveStorage (which is great !) to manage files in my app. An admin have to validate all the submits. So to solve that, I added a new column validated into the ActiveStorageBlob table. As I can define if the file is validated or not by the admin.
But my problem is that I cannot update this value. But I can ask the value of this variable.
def upd_val
#photo = current_user.photo
if #photo.validated?
#photo.update(validated: true)
#photo.update(validated: false)
you can do something like that :
def upd_val
#photo = current_user.photo
#photo_id = #photo.id
if #photo.validated?
ActiveStorage::Blob.find(#photo_id).update(validated: true)
ActiveStorage::Blob.find(#photo_id).update(validated: false)
Could someone take a look at my code and let me know if there is a better way to do this, or even correct where I'm going wrong please? I am trying to create a new row for each venue and variant.
venue_ids => ["1","2"], variant_ids=>["10"]
So, I would want to add in a row which has a venue_id of 1, with variant_id of 10. And a venue_id of 2, with variant_id of 10
I got this working, and it's now passing in my two arrays. I think I am almost there I'm not sure the .each is the right way to do it, but I think that I'm on the right track haha. I have it submitting, however, where would I put my #back_bar.save? because this might cause issues as it won't redirect
Thanks in advance.
def create
#back_bar = BackBar.new
#venues = params[:venue_ids]
#productid = params[:product_id]
#variants = params[:variant_ids]
# For each venue we have in the array, grab the ID.
#venues.each do |v|
#back_bar.venue_id = v
# Then for each variant we associate the variant ID with that venue.
#variants.each do |pv|
#back_bar.product_variant_id = pv
# Add in our product_id
#back_bar.product_id = #productid
# Save the venue and variant to the DB.
if #back_bar.save
flash[:success] = "#{#back_bar.product.name} has been added to #{#back_bar.venue.name}'s back bar."
# Redirect to the back bar page
redirect_to back_bars_path
flash[:alert] = "A selected variant for #{#back_bar.product.name} is already in #{#back_bar.venue.name}'s back bar."
# Redirect to the product page
redirect_to discoveries_product_path(#back_bar.product_id)
end # Variants end
end # Venues end
def back_bar_params
as i said in comments
this is untested code and just showing you how it's possible to do with ease.
class BackBar
def self.add_set(vanue_ids, variant_ids)
values = vanue_ids.map{|ven|
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("INSERT INTO back_bars VALUES #{values}")
def create
# use in controller
BackBar.add_set(params[:venue_ids], params[:variant_ids])
# ...
Goal: dynamically update another Model's properties (Tracker) from Controller (cards_controller.rb), when cards_controller is running the def update action.
Error I receive : NameError in CardsController#update, and it calls out the 2nd last line in the
def update_tracker(card_attribute) :
updated_array = #tracker.instance_variable_get("#{string_tracker_column}")[Time.zone.now, #card.(eval(card_attribute.to_s))]
Perceived problem: I have everything working except that I don't know the appropriate way to 'call' the attribute of Tracker correctly, when using dynamic attributes.
The attribute of the Tracker is an array (using PG as db works fine), I want to
figure out what property has been changed (works)
read the corresponding property array from Tracker's model, and make a local var from it. (works I think, )
push() a new array to the local var. This new array contains the datetime (of now) and, a string (with the value of the updated string of the Card) (works)
updated the Tracker with the correct attribute.
With the following code from the cards_controller.rb
it's the if #card.deck.tracked in the update method that makes the process start
def update
#card = Card.find(params[:id])
if #card.deck.tracked
if #card.update_attributes(card_params)
if #card.deck.tracked
flash[:success] = "Card info updated."
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render 'show' }
render 'edit'
def detect_changes
#changed = []
#changed << :front if #card.front != params[:card][:front]
#changed << :hint if #card.hint != params[:card][:hint]
#changed << :back if #card.back != params[:card][:back]
def prop_changed?
#changed.each do |check|
#changed.include? check
puts "Following property has been changed : #{check}"
def update_tracker(card_attribute)
tracker_attribute = case card_attribute
when :front; :front_changed
when :back; :back_changed
when :hint; :hint_changed
string_tracker_column = tracker_attribute.to_s
#tracker ||= Tracker.find_by(card_id: #card.id)
updated_array = #tracker.instance_variable_get("#{string_tracker_column}")[Time.zone.now, #card.(eval(card_attribute.to_s))]
#tracker.update_attribute(tracker_attribute, updated_array)
Edit: For clarity here's the app/models/tracker.rb:
class Tracker < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :card
Your use of instance_variable_get has been corrected, however this approach is destined to fail because ActiveRecord column values aren't stored as individual instance variables.
You can use
To retrieve attribute values by name. If you want to get an association, use public_send. The latter is also useful if there is some accessor wrapping the column value (eg carrierwave)
From your error it seem your issue is this:
evaluates to this after string interpolation:
which is incorrect use of instance_variable_get. It needs an # prepended:
Seems like using instance_variable_get is unnecessary, though, if you set attr_reader :front_changed on the Tracker model.
I'm creating an app that lets users purchase items from an online store. I followed the RailsCasts episodes, and built my OrdersController like so.
def create
#order = current_cart.build_order(order_params)
#order.ip_address = request.remote_ip
if #order.save
if #order.purchase
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
flash[:notice] = "Thanks for your purchase"
redirect_to root_path
flash[:danger] = "Something was wrong"
redirect_to :back
render :action => 'new'
I recently decided to add an attribute to my items, which says whether or not they've been purchased or not. Items in the cart have not yet been purchased. I created a migration, giving all items a purchased attribute, that is a boolean.
By default, items are not purchased, so the default value is false.
class AddPurchasedToItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :items, :purchased, :boolean, :default => false
That's why I added this line of code to my Orders#Create action.
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
Here I was setting the value of purchased from false to true. However, when I load up rails console
=> false
It looks like the value still isn't being stored
As another response points out, you're using the == to assign a value, which isn't right. You need = instead.
And you have to save an item after you assign a value to it.
An example:
conditions = {email: Order.last.email} # using your conditions
item = Item.find_by(conditions)
item.purchased = true
item.save # this is what you're missing
Item.find(item.id).purchased # will be true
Another way to update is the following:
item.update_attribute(:purchased, true)
Yet another way is to call update_all on the ActiveRecord::Relation object like so:
# update all items that match conditions:
Item.where(conditions).update_all(purchased: true)
Which method you choose may depend on the scenario as update_all doesn't run the callbacks you specify in the model.
In your case however, all you're missing is the item.save line.
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
You're using a == operator to try to assign a value. Try using = instead.
I'm trying to delete a single instance from a database query. "l.remove" represents what i want to do but i know its wrong. I have tried delete and destroy. destroy didn't work and delete actually removed the data from the database. I just want the data removed from the variable. Can anyone help me?
#owner = User.find(params[:id])
#job_list = ShoppingList.where(:user_id=>#user.user_id)
#job_list.each do |l|
#temp = FlaggedCandidate.where(:flagged_user_id=>#owner.user_id, :list_id=>l.list_id)
if !#temp.nil?
#candidate = FlaggedCandidate.new
based on the code i assume that User has many ShoppingList.
You can do something like:
#job_list = #owner.shopping_lists.where( list_id: FlaggedCandidate.where( flagged_user_id: #owner.user_id ).pluck(:list_id) )
That could save the trouble of looping around.
You are trying to remove record from db. In order to just modify collection #job_list you need reject some unsatisfied elements. You can do it with select method (to select job_lists that flagged), or reject in opposite. This is how you code should looks like:
#owner = User.find(params[:id])
#job_list = ShoppingList.where(:user_id=>#user.user_id)
#job_list.select! do |job_list|
:flagged_user_id => #owner.user_id,
:list_id => job_list.list_id
#candidate = FlaggedCandidate.new
select! simply change the original collection, instead of doing #job_list = #job_list.select { ... }
I have a controller that is:
def create
#project = Project.find(params[:project]
#Log = Logs.create(params[:action]).merge(:project_id => #project.id))
The issue hereis that sometimes when DEF CREATE, I'll have a project and I want to record that. Other times I won't and that's perfectly fine, I still want to create the #Log
What's the right way in Rails to handle this. I'll want to make sure:
The first line #project doesn't error.
Also that the #log doesn't error but inserts '' or NIL whatever is rails standard.
Thank you
Try this:
def create
#project = (project_id = params[:project_id]).blank? ? nil :
#Log = Logs.create(params[:action].merge(#project.nil? ? {} :
{:project_id => #project.id}))
If the input has a project_id, then above solution will throw an error if a project with the given id is not found. If you don't want this behavior use find_by_id instead of find.
Create a protected method near the bottom of your controller like so:
def project_id
# return the cached value if we've already figured it out
return #project_id if defined?(#project_id)
# get the project by id in a failsafe way
project = params[:project_id] ? Project.find_by_id(params[:project_id]) : nil
# return nil if the project is nil, so we don't try to call "id" on it
return #project_id = nil if project.nil?
# cache and return the project id
#project_id = project.id
Notice I changed the parameter to :project_id instead of just project. This fits the rails convention better. Now in your create action, and all other actions, you can call it safely:
#Log = Logs.create(params[:action]).merge(:project_id => project_id))
I hope this helps!