Umbraco automatic update - umbraco

I need some help with umbraco.
Let's say that I have an umbraco grid with a custom editor, just like the one in this tutorial:
Ok, so I wrote this editor to build a gallery of items with image/title, I get the item list from an api call made by an angular service and this works fine when I publish the page by hand. What I want is to automatically update this gallery with new items where available, so my idea was to make a timed ajax call, let's say every hour, to update the items. But sadly this doesn't work, I suppose that the call is made but the list isn't updated.
Any suggestion? Thanks

You need to handle this differently. Right now it sounds like what you have is an implementation that works when you are browsing to this node in the backoffice using your browser and the browser makes the API calls through Angular. This all happens in your UI and when you manually hit save/publish - the data in the UI gets saved. Keep in mind that this is basically your browser doing the "work" - and this (and all other Angular code) will of course only ever run while your browser is open, in the backoffice, viewing this node.
What you want to do is to have this run automatically (and preferably in some sort of background task) to ensure that you do not really have to open up the backoffice for this to actually be automatically updated over time.
You need to create some sort of background job running on the server-side instead. This would have to be done in C# and I would recommend looking into Hangfire or Quartz frameworks to handle all the scheduling/making sure the job runs.
This job/task should do the external API calls in C# and transform the result into the same format as the format you are saving when you save data from the manual update. Then fetch the content nodes you need to update using the ContentService API and update the specific property values on those nodes. When this is done you need to make sure the changes are saved and the node is then republished with its updated data. All of this is done through the ContentService.


Best way to check for data updates on webserver

I have an application which uses the data from web server. When you first launch the app, it downloads the data and then work with it. But what if the data on web site was changed. How can I know from the application that the data was changed, and if so, what data should I download?
My first idea was each time when you run the application to check the number of entries in the local database on your phone and the number of entries on web server, and if they are not equal, delete all data in local database and then download all data again. But I think that it will take more time than if the application just loads 5-10 needed records instead of all data.
The second idea was when the information on the site changes, website somehow has to inform the application to load some records. But I don’t know if it is possible to do(
Another idea was to compare the id of the last entry in the application database with last id on website. And if they are not equal download the information from the next id.
Are there any suggestions how can I accomplish this?
I am not sure that you have any database or web services but my suggestion is parsing data from the web with JSON or XML.
this class reference is will be clear for you.
Also in my opinion, if you are new in swift and want to choose easy way for this operation search for iOS package managers.
If you want to use a package manager for your project, e.g Pod
would be a good startig point.
Alamofire is an HTTP networking library written in Swift.
Hope to helped you

How to refresh all (OData) bindings of a given SAPUI5 page?

I have a bigger SAPUI5 application with multiple pages.
If user navigates through all these pages, they will reside in memory of course.
Now I have the problem that some of these pages have a complex context with several bindings to an ODataModel. That leads to the problem that a .refresh() call on the underlying ODataModel take some time.
Because: all known bindings will be reloaded (also from pages not currently shown)
Now I am searching for a better solution to refresh the ODataModel.
The refresh must be done because sometimes a client action triggers the server to updates multiple data (in different models!).
Further information (Edit)
I am using multiple ODataModels in my application and they are created in the Component.js (as suggested in the Best practice chapter of the SDK documentation).
Navigating through the pages will increase the cached data in the ODataModel.
Calling a .refresh() seems to reload all cached data (still used or not).
According to the first reply it is possible to refresh one binding but how to refresh all bindings of a given view/page with multiple models?
Would it be the right way to set multiple instances of the ODataModel for each view? And just call the .refresh() method there? But also on this scenario the locally cached data will increase over time?
Any ideas welcome :)
You can access the binding of a specific UI control and call refresh there. This should just process this specific binding.
My first hint would be to use the v2 OData Model (sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel), as it uses the Batch Mode by default.
Moreover, when it performs updates, it refreshes all bindings of entities that have been updated automatically so you should not need to refresh the whole model at all.
For me it worked to just re-bind that binding on a specific element in the view as I did earlier to create it at all.
We had an update-problem after another update call had side effects on the information in question, but a refresh on the binding of the elemnt itself did not solve that. I guess there were no local changes to that path in the model, so there was nothing to refresh. But on server-side there where updates the model/Cache didn't know about. Rebinding made my day, and also only the one necessary call to the servcie was made.

Firefox content script memory consumption

I am developing one extension for Firefox using addon-sdk. That extension opens one tab and load one web page which is updated each N minutes. This web page is processed using one content script. The problem is that memory grows each time the content script gets executed. Do you know why? Is there any way to call any garbage collector in order to maintain memory consuption stable?
The web page contains bank account details and the Content Scripts look for new movements on in. It is a framed page and one of its frames (which contains movements list) is reloaded to see if any change occured. I use jquery to proccess the list.
When new movements appear, those are sent to the extension using port and the extension saves them in a remote web server using Response.
Trying check this instructions by mozilla:
Depends on what are you using on your add-on... If you're using some oberserver for example, you need to unregister this observer so it won't leak... Can you give more descriptions about your addon? The code or exactly what it does...
Maybe you're not declaring variabled and you're using globals all the time, try also unset the variable after use it.
Are you using jquery?

iPhone Data Best Practices - caching vs remote

I'm developing an iPhone app that uses a user account and a web API to get results (json) from a website. The results are a list of user's events.
Just looking for some advice or strategies - when to cache and when to make an api call... and if the iPhone SDK has anything built in to handle these scenarios.
When I get the results from the server, they populate an array in a controller. In the UI, you can go from a table listing view, to a view of an individual event result - so two controllers share a reference to the same event object.
What gets tricky is that a user can change the details of an event. In this case I make a copy of the local Event object for the user's changes, in case they make an error. If the api call successfully goes through and updates that event on the server, I take these local changes from the Event copy and set the original Event object to match with setters.
I have the original controller observing if any change is made to the local Event object so that it can reflect it in the UI.
Is this the right way of doing things? I don't want to make too many API calls to reload data from the server, But after a user makes an update should I be pulling down the list again with the API call?
...I want to be careful that my local objects don't become out of sync with the remote.
Any advice is appreciated.
I took a similar approach with an app I built. I simply made a duplicate version of the remote data model with Core Data, and I use etags on the backend to prevent sync issues (in my case, it's okay to create duplicate records).
It sounds like you're taking a good approach to this.
Some time back, I developed an iOS app where in, I had almost same requirement to store data on server as well as locally to avoid several network call and also user can see their information without any delay.
In that app, user can store photos, nodes, checkIns and social media post and with all this data, app can form a beautiful timeline. So what we did was, we had everything locally and whenever user phone come in some WIFI zone, we start uploading that data to server and sync both (local and remote) databases.
Note this method works well when only one user can access this data.

Showing status of current request by AJAX

I'm trying to develop an application which modifies a couple of tasks of the famous Online-TODO List RememberTheMilk ( using the REST API.
Unfortunately the modifying takes a lot of time, so I want to give a feedback to the users.
My idea was just to display a couple of text lines (e.g. modifying task 1 of n...).
Therefore I used the periodically_call_remote on my page and called a which reads a Singleton.
In the request I store the text that should be displayed in the same singleton. But I found out, that once I set up a request, the periodically_call_remote does not update the specified div.
My question to this:
1. is this a good way to implement this behaviour?
2. if it is, how do get the periodically_call_remote to work during a submit?
Using a Singleton is most definitely a bad idea. In an advanced production setup it isn't guaranteed that subsequent requests will go to the same process or to the same machine (and subsequently will have a different Singleton). Plus, if you have many users, I don't even want to think about what'll happen to those poor Singletons.
Does any of this stuff actually need to go through your Rails app? It seems like you can call the RTM API via Javascript from the page the user is on and then update the page when the XHR request is complete.
