Do cancellations of in-app subscription trials appear on App Store Connect (formerly iTunes Connect)? - ios

I have an app that has a 1-month trial of an in-app auto-renewing subscription. This past week I've been able to get over 300 trial sign ups. What I'm NOT seeing is any cancellations during the trial period, and I find that hard to believe.
Does App Store Connect show cancellations that happen during a trial period or not, because right now I am showing ZERO cancellations? Am I just really fortunate with my numbers here? Or am I flying blind and the numbers aren't telling me the full story yet?
In App Store Connect, under Sales and Trends > Subscriptions > Summary, I am showing the following:

I finally found cancellation ("churn") metrics in App Store Connect.
Go to the Trends module, then in the sidebar under "Subscriptions" click on Summary and Retention — each of those pages has some metrics related to cancellation. In some places they split out conversion rates from trials, promotions, and renewals.


App Store Connect does not show all sales - why?

In order to be able to better estimate the revenue income of our app, we implemented a Database function that reliably (we tested it in Sandbox mode) increases a subscription counter for the subscription that was made by one once a subscription has been made.
This function is only triggered once an in-app purchase has been successful (i.e. when we receive the feedback from StoreKit to enable the Premium functions). Now, we have found enormous discrepancies between the data we observed and the data App Store Connect gives us.
For the past two days, upon confirmation of purchase via StoreKit, our app has 13 times enabled premium functions on a monthly subscription basis, and 14 times on a yearly subscription basis.
However, App Store Connect tells us we had one yearly subscription and 5 monthlies.
Furthermore, for the one premium subscription that generated sales of $5.60, Apple has added proceeds of $3.73 - but that's more than 30% commission. That's almost 35%.
The sales that Apple has not accounted for amount to more than $70.
Can anybody explain to me what's going on, why Apple is not showing us subscriptions that definitely happened and takes more commission than agreed?
My bet is that you are not aggregating the prices correctly on your database side. It is extremely complicated thing to do, despite superficially seeming simple.
The second guess is that ItunesConnect revenue is delayed by day or three (they were experiencing delays).
If you want to see know the revenue calculation is done correctly, I recommend hooking yourself to RevenueCat (quite simple process), and to double check numbers.
Regarding the price, don’t forget their is also sales tax/VAT that is deducted too. Eg. Any sales made in the UK will have 20% vat removed, then Apple takes 30% and you get the rest.

Does free trial cancelations show in App Store Connect/ iTunes Connect?

We have an app which has subscriptions with either a monthly or yearly plan. We also offer a 7 Day Free Trial. In App Store Connect there is a metric called "Cancelled Subscriptions".
The questions is: When a user cancels their Free Trial prior to being charged, does this also get triggered as "Cancelled Subscriptions"?

Does free trial period for In App Purchases in iOS only work once?

We are integration IAP in our iOS11 app and want to give new users some start offerings with a long free trial period.
My implementation alternatives are:
Use auto-renewable subscription with a generous free trial (like 2 months for monthly subscription), and rely on Apple that a user that cancels can't restart and get 2 months again. Is this correct?
Make two IAPs, present the one with free trial to new users and present the one without free trails to a user that has canceled or stopped the free trail version. But users might find the IAP on App store (specially now when Apple will start feature IAP) and buy it anyway?
What is the best thing to do?
I'm managing an application with InApp Purchase and auto-renewable subscription.
As far as I know, InApp Purchase is linked to user AppStore account, and free trial can be consume only once per account.
If you present the same product after a free trial period, the user will resume your auto-renewable subscription and not benefit the free trial again.
So in my mind the first option is the best.
However if you would like to implement the second one, you should know that the new IAP management feature in your product store page allow you to show and hide the subscriptions you want.
For more information about this new feature, take a look at the WWDC video : What's New in StoreKit

Free subscription trial in iOS Newsstand app

Following iTunes Connect Developer Guide, when I create In-App purchase of type "Auto-renewable subscription" for my application, I can offer a free trial and set it duration:
Reading this post: , I assume, that if we try to verify the receipt, which was send to the user after he subscribed first time (ever) and got a free trial subscription, we can differentiate, is this user at trial subscription, or has he purchased it already, only by checking difference between expires_date and purchase_date, if durations of purchased and trial subscriptions are different, or by checking the original_transaction_id or original_purchase_date (if current transaction is not first, the subscription was renewed -> it's not trial already). If I'm wrong, please, let me know, because that's how I see the process in theory, not the practice (can't test that at the moment).
Anyway, the main question:
At some day, user installs my app and subscribes. He automatically gets some time of free trial subscription. He enjoys my app, everything is great, and he decides to be subscribed in future and automatically pay me every time when subscription ends. He doesn't even need to care about that, OK. Thanks to auto-renewable subscription mechanism.
After some time, he decides to stop auto-renew process. When last subscription expires, he don't pay me -> he is not subscribed from that moment. Okay.
But if, after some time, he decides to subscribe to my app again --- how about trial again? Who decides that? Is it in my responsibility to check, had he trial subscription or not? If yes, even if I know, that he had trial subscription already, how do I force him to pay from the first day of subscription, not after another trial period?
If he's using the same Apple ID, and you are selling the same subscription product, he will not get any more trial. Trials on subscription can only happen once regardless if they've stopped and resumed their subscriptions.
I know Apple's documentation has been very sparse on Newsstand. I have also experienced the same pain. I don't have any Apple documentations to back my answer up, but from my experience this is what happens. Customers will only receive a one time trial for every unique renewable product.

A way to see the number of active IAP subscribers?

Apologies if this question has an obvious answer, but dozens of Google and Stack Overflow searches haven't brought me any closer to the answer...
We have an iOS app that uses In-App Purchase to allow users to sign up for a subscription. This subscription automatically bills monthly. In iTunes Connect I can see the total number of subscription transactions being processed each month, but I can't see how many subscribers we're adding / retaining.
Ideally, we'd like to be able to see:
Total number of active subscribers
Number of new subscribers in this period
Number of cancellations in this period
Any ideas on how to find this info - either from iTunes Connect or a third-party solution - would be appreciated. Thanks!
I received an email today that you now have visibility to active subscriptions. Log into iTunes connect, Go to "Sales and Trends" then select "Subscriptions" from the report chooser.
Report Chooser
