Create iOS app without menu icon - ios

I'm creating a keyboard application in iOS. The usage of this application will be very specific:
1. From the text messaging application
2. From the browser, when I hit 'Share'
So, the app itself won't do anything from the menu. My question is, do we absolutely have to need to have an icon in the menu, or can I not have one? I had an icon and only displayed the company logo, but when I submitted it to Apple, they responded saying it doesn't give good user experience and rejected it.
I have seen similar questions, but these were from way back in 2012-14. I am wondering if something has changed (I'm a novice dev, this is literally my first time doing iOS).


removing a beta test (testflight) app on an iphone

A colleague of mine has installed a beta app of mine a year ago on his iphone with the use of testflight. Now he cannot delete the app anymore.
The normal move of the icon for deinstallation is simply ignored.
How to delete/uninstall an app after testing?
I'm an React Native dev who's more used to Android, so I also had trouble with this.
Turns out I was deep pressing (force pressing?) the icon instead of long pressing. You have to make sure you're only pressing lightly in order to make the 'x' icon appear, otherwise you get a menu of options like 'Send Feedback'.
This is slightly going off of guess work but will explain as best as I can.
I assume that when you launched the app you did so via iTunes Connect and inside the TestFlight tab?
If so then the TestFlight build should have an expiration date next to it of when the app will stop working. If that doesn't exist the other thing to check is the 'All Testers'tab, move the mouse of the right hand side of the person's name and remove them. That might force the app to delete.
Short of that, the only other thing I can suggest is to meet with the client and try and press and hold on the app and see what happens. You could also go onto the TestFlight app on their device and see what the information says in there.
I hope that helps!

Do I even need to submit my app to Facebook?

I hate Facebook so freaking much. I have been developing an app for 2 years and they have screwed me so bad by discontinuing their codes.
All I need are the user_friends permission. I do not want single sign in. I can't submit my app because there is red on the submission form because I can't add iOS as a platform. I heard this was because single sign in was not checked, but it is checked even though I don't want it. Still no dice.
The first junk of red was from the first submission where we were trying to use taggable_friends and got rejected.
I think everything is here that needs to be:
My main question is why can't I add a platform? What the hell is all this shit? What is app center? Why can't I submit my app?
Why is the first image directing me to the App Center Guidelines. Is my app missing something for App Center. I really don't care about app center.
On the left on if you have created an app you should see Settings - click that, then there is a large column width button "+ Add Platform" near the bottom.

disabled feature in iPad app

i want to release an iPad application to app store. in my application on dashboard there are six buttons and on tap they open six different screens. but among them one is disabled. User is unable to do anything with it. We just kept it in the app as we are going to implement that feature in the next version. is that fine? is there any chances that my app will get reject by app store guys because of this.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
As per my experience Apple will Reject your application saying that either you have to implement that functionality or you have to remove that disabled button.
it may be rejected based on AppStore Review Guideline:
2.9 Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected. Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the TestFlight guidelines
it would be more reasonable to implement the functionality; or not showing such features which are not part of the application at all – none of those cases cause rejection.
Why don't you add like a simple alertView saying « This feature will be available in the next version, stay tuned ! » or something ? Would be a way better UX overall. Either that, or hide the button for now. Either way, don't let a button do nothing with no user feedback, this sounds terrible.
I don't think app store will reject your iPad application. You should use rather web view control(in Android) in which you can show any web page or something like that, if you want to provide the facility that after installation of your app, uses can get the updated details from it. Just give it a thought.

Prevent an ios app from clossing

I am currently developing an ios app for a localization company. The company provides ipads to all his employees so this new app that i'm developing can keep track of them (in case of an emergency and to know if they are really working).
I already finished the app and everything is working fine but now the problem is that anyone can close the app and "hide" his position from us.
It is possible to do something about this?
Also it is possible to start an app on boot. Something like this but on Ios.
Is there anyway to "lock" the app so it can't be closed and only sent to background?
I tried with the guided access but the employees also need to use other apps (like safari) to do their work. Not only mine. I tried this and effectively you can't close the app but also you can't access other app. Or am I doing it wrong? I want to allow my app to be in background but not close. Sorry if i did not explain myself well.
Many duplicates of this...
Settings - General - Accessibility - Guided Access.
Turn it on and you can limit what the iPad can do.
You can also stop it from closing apps.

Writing a replacement "App Launcher" / "Home Screen" for iPad

Is there a way for schools and businesses to replace the iPad "app launcher" or "home screen" with a customized alternative?
Could an application be developed for iOS that would allow this? Or is the SDK locked down to prevent such an application from being developed.
All pointers and insights greatly appreciated.
You can change the load screen, from the dark black to an image ,but no you can't change the layout of the app menu on the iOSDevice. At least not without jail-braking. This is because apple doesn't want you editing their menu that gives them a nice clean look, or see their software.
The app-launcher is not part of the app, it's different even though it's still mainly made with cocoa in objective c, it's still not accessible by you, legally. So since I frown upon jailbraking, and I'm pretty sure most developers do, I would advise to focus on your app, not the main menu which already works great.
Check out ana App launcher definition here.
The sdk is completely locked down, but you could still make a big app, like an app box that has multiple apps inside. The application could be web-based, allowing more access without updating the app, meaning no waiting for apple to approve an update.
One more alternative is that you could make custom apps that are free, and easy for the students or whoever to download them, but they would require a student password to unlock.
Don't edit an OS, it could do serious damage to the device software forever.
