How to integrate custom allure plugin with jenkins allure plugin - jenkins

We have created My tab plugin which we can use from allure-commandline but same we need to use in our Jenkins CI.
In our Jenkins CI machine allure command line is not installed and in the same machine, we are using allure as a Jenkins plugin.
Can anyone please help me to integrate my custom allure plugin with Jenkins allure plugin?

You can re-pack Allure Commandline with your plugin pre-installed and then use this package in Allure Commandline configuration in "Global Tool Configuration" in Jenkins


Jenkins pipeline using maven project

I am trying to create a maven project pipeline it show me docker error although i already installed docker integration plugin in jenkins.

Integration the allure jenkins plugin with jenkins.groovy

I try to integrate the allure plugin for jenkins only with the pom.xml (i use maven) and jenkins.groovy files.
I do not have access to jenkins configuration with administration level.
Allure allready builds reports locally. But i do not know how to integrate to jenkins i.e.
what to add to jenkins.groovy.
Can anyone help?
Thank you

Dont see groovy installation option in my jenkins

Dont see Groovy home and path to groovy installation in my jenkins. Jenkins version is 2.77.
Any reason?
Since Jenkins 2.x all the tool configurations (Groovy,Maven, Ant, Gradle and even the JDK) under the "Global Tools" entry in Jenkins administration (Manage Jenkins).

Sidebar-Link Jenkins Plugin

I am trying to use Sidebar-Link Jenkins Plugin to publish report link at Jenkins job. As I am using Jenkins pipeline for creating jobs, I am not able to use this plugin. Could someone suggest me a better plugin which I can use for report link publish other than publishHTML plugin or provide pipeline wrapper script to use Sidebar-Link Plugin?

Msbulid is not displayed in jenkins?

i am trying to use continuous integration by using jenkins with svn for bulid a .net code.
For that i installed msbuild plugin.but the msbulid plugin is not displayed in jenkins configuration( Jenkins » Manage Jenkins » Configure System.)
but it is installed..
This has been moved to the Global Tool Configuration under manage jenkins on version 2.7.1
