Emacs ESS error ess-toggle-S-assign wrong number of arguments - ess

After installing Emacs and Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) on a new machine, I am receiving the following error when I open an R buffer: ess-toggle-S-assign wrong number of arguments. I believe that this occurs due to the following section in my .emacs file where I reassign the assignment key from _ to ;, as shown below. Why does my .emacs file no longer work?
;; ESS hook additions. Note that the duplicate calls to `(ess-toggle-S-assign
;; nil)` are correct: the first call clears the default `ess-smart-S-assign`
;; assignment and the second line re-assigns it to the customized setting.
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ";") ; reassign ' <- ' to ';'
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil) ; see above comment
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil))) ; see above comment

According to the ESS documentation https://ess.r-project.org/Manual/ess.html#New-features
Customization of ess-smart-S-assign-key has been reworked. You should now set the value before ESS is loaded.
So to reassign the assignment key as before, simply remove the existing lines of code from the ESS mode hook, and instead include the following lines in your .emacs file.
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ";")
(require 'ess-site)


Why does F# interactive console not consider "assert (2=3)" as wrong?

I send this line to F# interactive console in Visual Studio
assert (2=3)
To my surprise, the console does not report errors, but
val it : unit = ()
Similarly, if I run
printf ("hello!")
assert (2=3)
printf ("hello2")
on an REPL, I got "hellohello2" without any error messages.
How could I make the F# interactive tell me 2=3 is wrong?
Under the cover, the assert keyword translates to a method call to the Debug.Assert method from the .NET library (see the method documentaiton). This has a conditional compilation attribute [Conditional("DEBUG")], meaning that the call is only included if the symbol DEBUG is defined.
By default, this is not the case in F# Interactive. You can do that by adding --define:DEBUG to the command line parameters for fsi.exe. This will be somewhere in the options of your editor, depending on what you are using. For example, in Visual Studio, you need something like this:
EDIT: How to do something like this if you do not want to modify the command line parameters? This really depends on what exactly behaviour you want. The default behaviour of assert is that it shows a message box where you can either terminate the program or ignore the error. You could do that using:
open System.Windows.Forms
let ensure msg b =
let res =
MessageBox.Show("Assertion failed: " + msg +
"\n\nDo you want to terminate the exection? Press 'Yes' " +
"to stop or 'No' to ignore the error.", "Assertion failed",
if res = DialogResult.Yes then exit 42
ensure "Mathematics is broken" (2=3)

Concrete Syntax Matching in Rascal

If I have:
import demo::lang::Exp::Concrete::WithLayout::Syntax;
if ((Exp)`<IntegerLiteral e> + <IntegerLiteral e>` := (Exp)`5 + 6`) {
This prints 6. Is this a possible bug or a design decision, e.g. because of performance considerations? It should of course not print anything, since e cannot be matched to both 5 and 6. This is, however, in contrast to matching with ADTs, where this is caught, i.e.:
data ExpNum = numb(int n) | add(ExpNum e1, ExpNum e2);
if (add(numb(x), numb(x)) := add(numb(5), numb(6))) { println(x); }
Will not print a number, while it does print a number when using numb(5) instead of numb(6).
Ps. I ran the example both from Rascal source using Eclipse Plug-in Development (using a forked version merged with the latest version of Rascal), as well as on two machines using the official Eclipse plugin. The plugin, however, returned the following on both machines:
|stdin:///|(4,46,<1,4>,<1,50>): Java compilation failed due to with classpath [/home/wouter/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.100.v20150511-1540.jar]: package org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.type does not exist
The reason why I am asking is because, somewhat similarly, ConcreteListVariablePattern automatically throws a RedeclaredVariable-exception without checking if the match result's value is equivalent to the variable in the environment, in contrast to e.g. QualifiedNamePattern which checks if the result is equivalent to the value in the environment in case of a readily declared variable.
Thank you!
This is definitely a bug: the variable e is declared twice (without warning), the match succeeds and the binding to second e is printed.
Expected behavior would be that a RedeclaredVariable exception is thrown.
A work around is as follows:
if ((Exp)`<IntegerLiteral e1> + <IntegerLiteral e2>` := (Exp)`5 + 6` && e1 == e2) {

Lua Compiling Error 'do' expected near '['

I have a Lua file that I decompiled using unluac. When I try to recompile the files without any changes I get the following error:
lua: main.lua:647: 'do' expected near '['
I really do not know the problem here, as the while do statement follows the correct format.
The error is on line 647 as stated above.
Source is here:
Full Pastebin Source
Expressions like while {}[1] do and if {}[1].parentFolderName then are invalid because of {}[1] reference. It needs to be ({})[1]. It's probably a result of some sort of automated processing, but you should be able to fix it manually.

Erlang binary: Will this result in a copy?

After reading this document, I'm not sure whether or not the following code will make the run-time copy binaries of A internally.
f(<<>>, A) ->
f(<<X:2/binary, R/binary>>, A) ->
I = binary_to_integer(X, 16),
f(R, <<A/binary, I>>).
My guess is "no", because A isn't sent nor is it deconstructed. Am I right, or did I miss something?
Your code will not result in run-time copying of the A binaries since no sharing of sub-binaries is done. If we manually unroll the sequence of append operations it looks something like
A0 = <<A/binary, SomeByte>>,
A1 = <<A0/binary, SomeByte1>>,
A2 = <<A1/binary, SomeByte2>>,
An = <<An-1, SomeByteN>>.
So we are only appending to the binary resulting from the latest append operation, i.e. there is a single reference to the ProcBin that was created for A0(as described in the efficiency documentation).
Why not use bin_opt_info option ?
For your code :
[root#nimbus bin_test]# erlc +bin_opt_info a.erl
a.erl:8: Warning: OPTIMIZED: creation of sub binary delayed
For the code in https://gist.github.com/wardbekker/5673200
The output is :
[root#nimbus bin_test]# erlc +bin_opt_info test.erl
test.erl:14: Warning: OPTIMIZED: creation of sub binary delayed
[root#nimbus bin_test]# erlc +bin_opt_info test2.erl
test2.erl:8: Warning: variable 'A' is unused
test2.erl:13: Warning: OPTIMIZED: creation of sub binary delayed

Vim: How do I tell where a function is defined? (

I just installed macvim yesterday and I installed vim latex today.
One of the menu items is calling a broken function (TeX-Suite -> view).
When I click on the menu-time it makes this call:
:silent! call Tex_ViewLatex()
Question: Where can I find that function? Is there some way to figure out where it is defined?
Just for curiosity sake I removed the silent part and ran this:
:call Tex_ViewLatex()
Which produces:
Error detected while processing function Tex_ViewLaTeX:
line 34:
E121: Undefined variable: s:viewer
E116: Invalid arguments for function strlen(s:viewer)
E15: Invalid expression: strlen(s:viewer)
line 39:
E121: Undefined variable: appOpt
E15: Invalid expression: 'open '.appOpt.s:viewer.' $*.'.s:target
line 79:
E121: Undefined variable: execString
E116: Invalid arguments for function substitute(execString, '\V$*', mainfname, 'g'
E15: Invalid expression: substitute(execString, '\V$*', mainfname, 'g')
line 80:
E121: Undefined variable: execString
E116: Invalid arguments for function Tex_Debug
line 82:
E121: Undefined variable: execString
E15: Invalid expression: 'silent! !'.execString
Press ENTER or type command to continue
I suspect that if I could see the source function I could figure out what inputs are bad or what it is looking for.
Use the :verbose prefix command:
:verbose function Tex_ViewLaTeX
In the second line of output (just above the function's body) is the location of where the function was defined.
I installed gVim 7.2 on windows and latex-suite, and miktex too
I tried what you said, after compile and view, I can view the dvi files
The error message seemed like to indicate it's the view's problem
The document for latex-suite said the viewer for Macintosh is not set, maybe it's where the problem lies
I think you can try to set a few variables in your .vimrc file, to set up the proper viewing app for PDF files
And the source code for Tex_ViewLaTeX is here:
By the way, I also installed MacVim on my Macbook Pro, however I never used vim for LaTeXing, because I find TextMate and its latex bundle is much superior than MacVim, you'll definately like it
One way to search would be to do a grep or vimgrep on directory tree where you thought the source file was located. Search for 'function Tex_ViewLatex' or 'function! Tex_ViewLatex'.
I believe in the usual install it would be in a .../ftplugin/latex-suite/compiler.vim file, as part of the latex-suite plugin. There are a couple ftplugin directories, so make sure you get right one (one is in tree of main vim install and other may be off your home .vim directory.
It seems there is a bug with the Tex_ViewLatex function on OS X. Check here for some info:
Put this in your .vimrc, solved the problem for me.
let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'open -a Preview.app'
