Dart version 2.0.0-dev.64.1 incompatible snapshot - dart

I just installed Dart version 2.0.0-dev.64.1 and when running tests in WebStorm using the Dart VM I get the error:
Snapshot not compatible with the current VM configuration: the snapshot requires 'release no-strong no-type_checks no-asserts no-error_on_bad_type no-error_on_bad_override no-sync_async no-reify_generic_functio' but the VM has 'release strong no-type_checks no-asserts no-error_on_bad_type no-error_on_bad_override sync_async reify_generic_functions use_field_guards use_osr x64-win'
Isolate creation failed
I did not have this problem with V2.0.0-dev.63.0.
Any suggestions for fixing this?

My guess is that Webstorm is running run the pub snapshot from the SDK at bin/snapshots/pub.dart.snapshot however it doesn't seem to run with the default configuration of the VM in this build (there's a pub2.dart.snapshot in the same folder which does work).
Based on this comment this is a temporary issue because this version ships Dart2-enabled VM but the pub snapshot is not v2. Sounds like the next dev version will correct this.
So for now your best bet is to roll back to an earlier dev build, and then try again when the next one is available.


Vapor Queues won't compile on Ubuntu 18.04

I just added Queues functionality to my project. It compiles on my local machine. However, on my server (Ubuntu 18.04 running swift 5.24) I get the the following compile error:
/srv/www/{my project name}/.build/checkouts/queues/Sources/Queues/QueueWorker.swift:21:17: error: reference to property 'queue' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit
I cannot edit the source code (adding the .self) as Queues is a remote package. I checked and I am downloading the latest version (1.5) of Queues.
my compile calling code is:
vapor build -c release
Thanks in advance!
This was fixed in Queues 1.5.1

Issue while running dataflow

I am getting below error while running dataflow job. I am trying to update my existing beam version to 2.11.0 but I am getting below error at run time.
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class
does not implement the requested interface
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum at
at org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline.run(Pipeline.java:313) at
This usually means that the version of com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java that Beam was built with does not match the version at runtime. Does your pipeline code also depend on protocol buffers?
UPDATE: I have filed https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-6839 to track this. It is not expected.
I don't have enough rep to leave a comment, but I ran into this issue and later figured out that my problem was that I had different beam versions in my pom.xml. Some had 2.19 and some had 2.20.
I would do a quick search of your versions in the pom or gradle file to make sure they are all the same.
This may be caused by incompatible dependencies. I successfully upgraded beam from 2.2.0 to 2.20.0 by upgrading the dependencies at the same time.
beam.version: 2.20.0
guava.version: 29.0-jre
bigquery.version: v2-rev20191211-1.30.9
google-api-client.version: 1.30.9
google-http-client.version: 1.34.0
pubsub.version: v1-rev20200312-1.30.9

Unable to run 'tcl' file on Vivado 2016.4 version

I am trying to run a .tcl file originally configured for 2014.4 on 2016.4 version of Vivado. However I am getting the following error:
while executing
"create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:mig mig_0 "
(procedure "create_root_design" line 111)
invoked from within
"create_root_design """
(file "all.tcl" line 405)
The tcl file uses the part 'xcku040-ffva1156-2' and tries to access the IP 'mig' which I believe is renamed/changed on later versions. Is there any workaround for this?
Steps I have done till now:
Changed the version number to 2016.4
tried replacing target boards.
tried on the same board with an alternate IP for mig.
tried on both 2016.4 and 2015.4 versions
None of these have worked so far
Attaching the '.tcl' file for reference : all.tcl
Since with every version upgrade of the Vivado Design Suite, parts are renamed or removed, it is not possible to run a .tcl file meant for an earlier version in newer releases. So I ran the above query on Xilinx Community Forums and found a workaround:
Run this script on the previous version(2014 in this case), generate the design and then open the same design using the next major release(2015 version). The 2015 version will automatically suggest upgrades to the discontinued/renamed IPs. Repeat the same to get to 2016 version. That's the only way to get this done. Also have to keep checking if the core functionality of the IP is the same after automated upgrades by Vivado Design Suite.

Error while running pub deploy: Cannot read link

I'm trying to run pub deploy command in my Dart project, but it always ends with this error: "Pub deploy failed, [1] Cannot read link". No more information outputs into console.
I tried to run it in basic Dart browser project (the one with text reversing), but same error occurred again.
Did anyone have same problem? Any ideas how to fix it?
I have the same issue.
In my case, the Dart project is stored in NTFS hard drive (I share it with Windows OS) and Dart deploy (run from Eclipse) runs on Ubuntu.
Simply move the Dart project to Ubuntu hard drive then things come back to normal.
This is probably a problem with the packages symlinks. If you delete them and run pub install it should work again.
According to dart-sdk/lib/io/link.dart:
On the Windows platform, the link will be created as a Junction
On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic link
On Linux platforms, storing Dart project in NTFS drive causes Pub to fail. Because posix symlink() is used on NTFS partition and doesn't create a valid NTFS junction point.
The solution is to move the project folder to a partition that uses posix symlinks natively, such as one formatted to ext4.

Grails extension in SpringSource Tool Suite errors

I recently installed SpringSource Tool Suite. And I want to start working with Grails projects. So, I went to the Dashboard -> Extension, where I saw two extensions: Grails (current production release) and Grails Support as in the image below.
But when I try to install them, I get the following errors :
Problems occurred while performing installation: Operation details
Operation details
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide
Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
What can I do to resolve this error ? Or are there any other options I can follow to install Grails extension?
Thank you!
I would switch to the new "Groovy/Grails Tool Suite" that was recently announced (see http://www.springsource.org/node/3582). Go to the standard download page at http://www.springsource.org/downloads/sts and click "Other Downloads >". Download the version for your OS under "Milestone Version - Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.0.0.M2".
It is a beta/milestone release but I've been using it since it was released and it's as stable as a final release so far. It's convenient since the Groovy-Eclipse plugin and the Grails support are already configured for you, in addition to the latest Grails (2.0.4). Any other plugins that you need from the standard STS can always be installed using the standard install/update procedure.
Yes, what #BurtBeckwith said. You should move to the new GGTS.
However, to address your particular problem, you installed STS into a read-only directory (or in C:\Program files). You need to re-install it somewhere else.
The Eclipse p2 installer cannot handle installing feature patches into a read-only directory. Groovy-Eclipse ships with a feature patch to extend the JDT compiler. I believe that this problem was fixed in the Juno release of Eclipse (4.2), which came out last week.
Deleting corresponding application from Windows memory removed the problem (Grails extension in SpringSource Tool Suite errors). Double running applications (earlier and new) could also be reason why GGS or STS sometimes cannot save .groovy files (with error message or without).
