Xcode 10 not showing images and removes Auto layout constraints that was there on Xcode 9 - ios

Here are the screenshots of my Xcode 10 storyboard vs Xcode 9 for the same project.
How can we fix that?


How to convert xcode 8 storyboard to xcode 9

I've developed my project with Xcode 8 and I need to change the project to Xcode 9. But in Xcode 9 the navigation and other UI got collapsed. So is there any procedure to change?
There is no change in design from xcode 8 > xcode 9 except one change for iPhone-X, for supporting layout of iphone x you need to enable safe area from right panel, if you will not enable Safe Area then black bar will show.

iOS 11 uiBarButtonitems shrunk in size

I have an app and it works fine on iOS 10 but on iOS 11 the UIBarButtonItems icons shrunk in size. (they are bar button custom item with an image).
I have tried to put them constraints but it didn't work. Any idea?
Thanks in advance]1
I found it!
XCode 9 has some bugs! In XCode 8 it works fine!. It wasn't iOS 11 bug, it's a XCode 9 bug...

How to set constraints in Xcode 8 in Objective C

I am new in iOS and I am facing problem regarding to set constraints in Xcode 8. I have set constraints in Xcode 6.2 now I update xcode 8 and my constraint are not working.
I have tried each thing which is on net but nothing help. I have also changed Opens in "Xcode 7.x" but not work. I am using custom tableview and it shows text as in the image.
Constraint screenshot:
Select the controller size same as Xcode 6.2 in the storyboard.

iPhone 5 storyboard still shows padding when running on iPhone 5

I have made a new app with storyboard, where the storyboard is currently just for iPhone 5. But the issue is, when I run this on iPhone 5 device/simulator, it shows padding at the top and bottom of the screen as if an iPhone 4 application is being run. Please see the screenshot I have attached. And help where did I go wrong.
EDIT : Actually its still not working. In iOS 8 its coming fullscreen but in iOS 7 for some reason the black padding is coming. PLease hellpppp.
EDIT - I got the issue.Apparently, in xcode 6, when Launchscreen.xib is given, it does not work for ios 7 and it works perfectly normal for ios8.
Previous answer - The issue was, in Xcode 6.0, the new project generates a LaunchScreen.xib file, but apparently you manually have to go to the General settings for the target and select the launch screen File options from the drop down. This solves the issues. :)

iOS 7 app doesn't fill the whole screen in Xcode 6 simulator

iOS 7 app doesn't fill the whole screen in Xcode 6 simulator. But when i set the app to target iOS 8, it works fine. Here are two screen captures:
This is for iOS 7
This is for iOS 8
Can someone help me?
You can try these solutions:
Try to create launch images(640*960 #2x.png & 640*1136 -568h#2x.png) and set them into project properties for "Launche images source".
Create .xib file with active autolayout and set this file as "launch screen file".
